Well after much thinking this week, i have finally decided the future of the car.
Although the RS4 is a nice grown up car i dont think i have grown up enough to settle for it, i still want something quick enough to catapult me to illegal speeds in a flash and embaress some exotic machniery.
So for now the leon is staying, in a couple of years time i may look to upgrade to an RS4 and will take a very jamjay approach if i sell the leon - 'if you wont look after it or abuse it, i wont sell it to you'
But back on with todays update, finally had some nice enough weather to wash the car and meet with barn for a couple of photos
I took a couple of photos of the wheels close up to try to show the variety and change of colour
I also got my mum to take some photos of them with a proper camera for those who asked and for the powdercoater so will put them up once i get them.
Also been in contact with someone who is selling lots of BTCC parts (cheers graham
