Ronin225's Candy rimmed Black LCR - Project 500-4WD, Cage installed and bigger turbo


Every day's a school day.
Nov 21, 2006
Sounds like a plan! If you want somewhere to sleep the night before you're welcome to stay at mine. Il live about 20 minute away. I'll get the BBQ on this time:happy:


Active Member
May 19, 2016
what a read taken me a couple of days on and off to read it all, so impressed with all that you've done and the fact that you've manage to document it for others to drool over!! I've got too many ideas now i don't know where to start!!!!
keep up the good work


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Been a while since I updated so heres a brief overview
Got the drivers bucket in and car was kind of useable although cage is still in primer

Also got a passenger one in for those whove been dying to go out in it for ages

In the process I ruined some semislicks

I limped it to inters this year and camped with some friends

Spent a very small amount of time cleaning it and the camera was quite flattering

Also got myself a carbon bonnet for it but not had time to fit and cut aerocatch holes yet

I then ruined another gearbox and had the diff really whining turning in one direction so decided to swap the gearbox on the floor outside my mums house the day before I went to the nurburgring

Had a 700 mile trip to ze germans best known road to be denied access while going through the barrier at the entry to the track due to my seats having 'ears'. To say I was unimpressed was an understatement as I watched many cars outside of their rules and some almost unroadworthy keep going round. Took it up in the office and im fine to run it in a trackday but not on the tourist days. Doubt ill go back as I was absolutely fuming. Also In the 30 degree heat the rad fans decided to occasionally not work. With all this combined I took out my frustration on the car and ruined another gearbox (wasn't brilliant when I put it in)

While in Germany my TSR mani, downpipe and tial 44mm external gate arrived at my mothers which I laid out on the table while she was trying to cook, etc as soon as I got back

I have since put another gearbox in and will be heading to Bedford for a trackday on the 16th to see how the cage has changed it and have some fun


Active Member
Sep 3, 2012
Going to be great fun. **** to hear about your misfortune at the 'ring though man, that sucks!
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Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Hi dolby, yes still have the car although it doesnt do much nowadays, mostly a driveway ornament
I have done a few slow burning upgrades over the last few years so need to update here
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