DaNnY_LaD's IHI'd Cupra ( End Of a Eara 08/11/2009)


Big Turbo Leon Cupra R
Jun 2, 2007
Tbhs I think them logs are a massive improvment compared to the logs i was getting with the old cooler on...

My old cooler (ths)
	Group A:	'002				Group B:	'020			
		RPM	Load	Inj. On Time	Mass Flow		Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization
	TIME					TIME				
MARKER	STAMP	 /min	%	 ms	 g/s	STAMP	 CF	 CF	 CF	 CF
	0.01	2320	9	1.23	4.19	0.38	0	0	0	0
	0.89	2440	57.9	6.97	28.75	1.29	7.5	4.5	6.8	6
	1.69	2600	63.2	6.56	32.61	2.09	6	3	4.5	4.5
	2.59	2800	69.2	7.38	38.5	3.01	6	3	3.8	4.5
	3.5	3040	85	9.43	53.06	4	6	3	1.5	4.5
	4.49	3400	114.3	14.35	81.06	4.89	6	3	0.8	3
	5.29	3800	136.8	18.45	103.94	5.81	5.3	6	3	5.3
	6.21	4280	157.1	21.73	130.83	6.61	5.3	6	6	7.5
	7.01	4680	157.1	22.55	140.28	7.39	7.5	6	6	9.8
	7.79	5040	151.1	22.14	145.03	8.19	7.5	10.5	9	9.8
	8.6	5320	145.9	21.73	150.11	8.99	7.5	10.5	9	9.8
	9.39	5640	138.3	20.5	150.72	9.79	7.5	10.5	9	12
	10.19	5840	136.1	20.09	152.22	10.59	7.5	10.5	9	12
	10.99	6080	132.3	19.68	153.92	11.39	7.5	10.5	9	12

New cooler and pipework and Ik22
	Group A:	'020				Group B:	'002			
		Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization		RPM	Load	Inj. On Time	Mass Flow
	TIME					TIME				
MARKER	STAMP	 CF	 CF	 CF	 CF	STAMP	 /min	%	 ms	 g/s
	0	0	0	0	0	0.4	3240	59.4	7.79	42.92
	0.89	2.3	3.8	6.8	5.3	1.29	3480	112.8	14.76	86.83
	1.69	1.5	3	6.8	3.8	2.09	3920	163.2	22.96	126.72
	2.49	0.8	2.3	6	3.8	2.89	4400	163.2	23.37	135.14
	3.29	3.8	5.3	6	3	3.69	4840	155.6	22.55	142.39
	4.09	3.8	5.3	4.5	3	4.59	5240	149.6	22.14	148.89
	4.99	3.8	5.3	3.8	6	5.5	5600	140.6	20.91	150.11
	5.9	3.8	5.3	3.8	6	6.3	5880	135.3	20.09	151.69
	6.7	3.8	5.3	3.8	6	7.1	6160	130.8	19.68	154.19
	7.5	3	4.5	3.8	6	7.9	6360	126.3	18.86	153.39
	8.3	3	4.5	3.8	6.8	8.7	6560	122.6	18.04	154.19
	9.12	3	6.8	3	6.8	9.5	6760	118.8	17.63	153
	9.92	3	6.8	3	6.8	10.41	6960	114.3	16.81	153.14

Nice one chris..Were are the 032 and 031 that i done?

wild willy

Full Member
Aug 4, 2003
The new cooler is doing the business for you and keeping the cf's on the acceptable side.
I would still try and keep them below 5's. reduce timing a shade.


Apr 9, 2006
The cooler has helped mate, thats clear, think if you knock the timing down a tough it will hopefully be spot on!

Hopefully your MAF reading will improve too
Nov 2, 2004
South Wales
How is it that clear that the cooler has helped?

Temps looks bout the same.

Its still laggy.

CF's are still high, the lower numbers could be down to new plugs.

You need wind the timing back. Logs of 114, 115 and 118 please. And dont waste your time with blocks 031 and 032.


Apr 9, 2006
There a lot better than they were at least there not as high as 12 anymore!
I agree the timing needs turning down and then re-logging but its an improvement from before


Apr 9, 2006
Looks better mate have to see if get any more cf's higher up. You not do a Maf reading?

	Group A:	'020				Group B:	'118			
		Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization		RPM	Temperature	Load	Absolute Pres.
	TIME					TIME				
MARKER	STAMP	 CF	 CF	 CF	 CF	STAMP	 /min	°C	%	 mbar
	0.01	0	0	0	0	0.38	2880	11	0	1020
	0.8	1.5	0	0	0	1.18	3040	11	19.2	1290
	1.58	0	0	0	0	2	3280	11	55.3	1680
	2.38	0	0	0	0	2.8	3680	10	93.7	2130
	3.2	0	0	0	0	3.58	4120	11	89.8	2420
	4	0	3	0	0	4.4	4560	12	86.3	2380
	4.9	0	3	0	0	5.3	5000	14	83.9	2290
	5.81	0	3	0	0	6.21	5400	15	87.8	2180
	6.61	0	3	0	0	7.01	5680	16	90.6	2110
	7.41	0	2.3	0	0	7.81	5960	18	94.1	2050
	8.21	0	2.3	0	0	8.61	6200	19	94.5	2020
	9.02	0	2.3	0	0	9.39	6440	20	91.8	2020
	9.82	0	3	0	0	10.22	6240	18	0	980
	10.7	0	0	0	0	11.2	4920	17	85.1	950
	11.6	0	0	0	0	12	4840	15	0	980
	12.4	0	0	0	0	12.8	4720	15	0	980
	13.2	0	0	0	0	13.6	4600	15	0	980
	14	0	0	0	0	14.4	4480	16	0	980
	14.8	0	0	0	0	15.28	4360	17	0	980

	Group A:	'114				Group B:	'115			
		Load	Load	Load	Load		RPM	Load	Absolute Pres.	Absolute Pres.
	TIME					TIME				
MARKER	STAMP	%	%	%	%	STAMP	 /min	%	 mbar	 mbar
	0.42	125.6	126.9	77.4	1.2	0.01	2600	72.2	1020	1240
	1.41	137.6	140.3	102.3	1.2	0.91	2880	84.2	1340	1430
	2.21	151.9	158.2	130.1	27.8	1.81	3200	115	1740	1700
	3.12	182.7	194	168.4	40.4	2.62	3600	152.6	2060	2070
	3.92	191.7	200	171.4	44.3	3.52	4120	172.2	2320	2380
	4.72	191.7	201.5	163.2	45.9	4.32	4600	168.4	2300	2350
	5.52	191.7	195.5	153.4	48.2	5.12	5000	157.1	2190	2260
	6.42	191.7	185.1	144.4	53.3	6.01	5360	148.9	2210	2140


Big Turbo Leon Cupra R
Jun 2, 2007
yup I seen 9 cf's on 2 cylinder a 6.4krpm..Just before i popped my 1st hose lol
cfs cf cf cf cf
9.02 0 2.3 0 0 @ 6.4krpm

Dnt know why it went up to 15cfs just after i popped the hose off...

theres was no way i was going to the limiter in these condition...
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Big Turbo Leon Cupra R
Jun 2, 2007
O and a pic as request for reuvers:

Just to Rocker cover to paint and fab up a bracket for the charge pipe..
Also fitted top dog T-bolt clamps i got 10 for £20 p&p of ebay and there just awesome...

Need a new air filter now and to adjust a few things then its done...O and washer bottle to fit when i can be arsed.

Edit: ive adjusted the charge pipe so it sits neatly and nicely in between the engine bay and struct brace...If anyone does desided to use my idea id reckomend uprated the jubliee clips and getting some Silicone pipes/hose as they jublie clips and coupler they supplied a **** quite frankly...

ive replaced mine with full Sfs hoses and it miles better...
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Apr 9, 2006
Looks good mate, i see the blue ducting came in useful then :D

Few bits of paint here and there and it will look awesome
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