Do someone contacted Phonestar about? It seems Skoda guys from UK forum did it and got it.
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MartiniB did it on the Briskoda forum which is British. He found the SK designator and posted
how to do it for Skoda owners, updated that twice now, BUT doesn’t work work for Seat / Cupra. It's a metafile steering command. Vag have always used them on their units but now they are software signed so you can't tinker with them. Some guys say you can but they clearly don't understand encryption. Programmers as well.
I did suggest editting those SKs to SEs. People tried, thought it wouldn't work. It's on the thread linked above. Basically why VAG took down POI import to stop programmers interfacing with the unit through the USB. Logo import was never encrypted in mib2 but on that same token why it was taken down out of the spec. The disappearance of is probably likely to be related to a contract that Vag had with a company to take down their server contract. It happened once before. Why firmware isn't being sold I guess by companies will be down to Vag wanting control of that through dealer networks.
In the meantime we have map updates offline, no issue with them. No radio logo import offline - no solution for Seat / Cupra. offline so no firmware by the back door via that site. Suspect something will turn up on that. The firmware is distributed by Vag systems so that's just a question.
If you want the Seat / Cupra radio logos via Phonostar then you have to hassle the customer support network to get VAG to commission Phonostar for the work to be done. British commercial stations are missing from the online one. Really no great surprise that a German Internet radio provider isn't on top of stations that don't broadcast in German. Vags failure in their contract with them, the quality of the logo product outside German speakers and not supporting Seat / Cupra. Good idea but not well executed.