
Updating the inbuilt Mib2 Satnav / Mib2 tricks and Mib1


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Just updated to latest maps. First time I've updated them since I got the car. Sat nav works fine so far, new roads in my area now included. Scanned my car with carista and car scanner pro app and getting a Navigation database not enabled error code. As I say, it seems to be working fine, just wondering how I get rid of this error code
View attachment 36677
Don't worry about it, nobody does. It's a side effect of the "workaround". They have been generated for five years now. A normal coding clear for errors doesn't touch them. It's suppose to be due to more than one navigation FeC getting created.

There are tool boxes that can fix it but then they are meddling with the firmware and the standard toolbox only works with specific firmware releases. To avoid it you need to amend the standard navigation FeC so it's a lifetime one. Pushed out into infinity. A Hex coded. Again to do that the firmware release has to be specific to what the tool can touch. There are public domain tools but not worth it.

Retrofitters sell their service to keep people happy who have a scanner and find the error but the vast majority don't even know. Suspect Exciter (Stephan) who devised the workaround knew it gave the error message but discounted it, so didn't mention it. It was subsequent that it became apparent that you found the error code and that double entry of the navigation FeC explained it. The workaround causes the unit to generate the navigation FeC for the release and you keep the old one. Least that's my understanding of what is going on. I wouldn't bother. Going down the mib2 standard toolbox route is likely to be tricky. On the matching firmware thread to mib2 there is no practical knowledge that I've seen of that toolbox so you are on your own.



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Oct 26, 2020
Don't worry about it, nobody does. It's a side effect of the "workaround". They have been generated for five years now. A normal coding clear for errors doesn't touch them. It's suppose to be due to more than one navigation FeC getting created.

There are tool boxes that can fix it but then they are meddling with the firmware and the standard toolbox only works with specific firmware releases. To avoid it you need to amend the standard navigation FeC so it's a lifetime one. Pushed out into infinity. A Hex coded. Again to do that the firmware release has to be specific to what the tool can touch. There are public domain tools but not worth it.

Retrofitters sell their service to keep people happy who have a scanner and find the error but the vast majority don't even know. Suspect Exciter (Stephan) who devised the workaround knew it gave the error message but discounted it, so didn't mention it. It was subsequent that it became apparent that you found the error code and that double entry of the navigation FeC explained it. The workaround causes the unit to generate the navigation FeC for the release and you keep the old one. Least that's my understanding of what is going on. I wouldn't bother. Going down the mib2 standard toolbox route is likely to be tricky. On the matching firmware thread to mib2 there is no practical knowledge that I've seen of that toolbox so you are on your own.

Cool, cheers for the info. As I said it seems to be working fine so I must've done it right lol. I'll just ignore it from now on. This is a great forum for help.

Thanks again.


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Dec 23, 2021
As Far as I know ( and I am sure that others much more knowledgeable than me will be along soon) you cant get rid of it. You can clear it but it will come back
It also wont cause any problems.


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That's why you can't clear it, since it will return until the duplicate navigation FeC's are taken out. Clearing the error doesn't remove the duplicate navigation FeCs. Similar to the high unit where you get an SVM when you change the maps.

Today Seat cars generate so many errors dealers don't look at the error report unless they are looking for an issue, doing some trouble shooting. The car gets returned with all the error they created in routine service. So you know they aren't clearing the errors these days. I always do an error check and clear before putting ours in for service, then checking after.

On a general one we thought it was SVM (serial version management) but that error isn't that so doing the SVM fix doesn't do it. The only way of clearing them is using a toolbox to tackle the excess navigation FeCs and that has it's own set of risks and as said I've not come across anybody on the board who is up to speed with standard Mib2 toolbox in this area - it comes up on the firmware thread linked above.

Like the high toolbox it only works with specific firmware releases so you may have to upgrade or downgrade your firmware before you could use it with the risks that entails. The toolbox goes in the green menu then you can run routines. Basically the mib2 toolbox for the standard and high uses a backdoor method to evade the SLA1 signature check so the program gets into the Mib2 unit. This then gives retrofitter tools as if you had the unit on a work bench connected to a PC via a USB but they have put those programs into the unit instead. Clever stuff.

With the tools you can then write your own FeCs, delete FeCs and clear errors. Conversation should be on that link. You tend to only do it once and need hand holding, How I got the Skoda high navigation FeC on my unit when VAG excluded Seat from the update on one serial release. The other one for the high unit is to do a total firmware update to 1447AIO (all in one) that gives you the complete set of FeCs enabling everything avoiding the toolbox, it calls the toolbox in the background. Mib2 highs can jump trains, mib2 standard unit can't and that's the rub for getting the mib2 standard toolbox in the unit. Those AIO firmware versions for the Mib2 high are available for other VAG brands. Developed by Telegram hobbyists. I find Audi folk on other boards looking for map updates after doing their own AIO type of update to the firmware. Basically the hobbyists took the final release of the mib2 high firmware, grafted on the mib2 toolbox across the brands. It will also update the Gracenotes album artwork library now, so they are offering updates beyond VAG.

Retrofitters will do this work for you but will entail a journey or posting the unit off to them. Here lays the rub that some aren't as good as others although the board sponsor one is good. This, they do on a workbench rather than with the toolboxes. It was here that we caught out a London / Midlands retrofitters scam of just installing short time navigation FeCs which were sold as navigation FeCs for life. Their scam was to sell you a firmware update plus a FeC update on an annual basis. All those £200 soon add up.

Basically you get free help from boards where hobbyists describe free tools. Youtubers publishing that stuff but not sorting out the errors they created. You see that on the comments. Then a range of retrofitters you pay for service.


Active Member
Oct 8, 2019
Just updated my maps 6p0 but still some postcodes in London it will not find and they are places built in 2010, I deleted all from sdcard just keeping the overall.nds file, put new maps on card and then put the file back over.


Old Git
Feb 1, 2006
Preston - UK
Just updated my maps 6p0 but still some postcodes in London it will not find and they are places built in 2010, I deleted all from sdcard just keeping the overall.nds file, put new maps on card and then put the file back over.
Might be a daft suggestion but have you tried a space in the post code ?

Some of my local post codes can't be found unless I add a space when entering the postcode

eg AB12 34CD


Active Member
Oct 8, 2019
Might be a daft suggestion but have you tried a space in the post code ?

Some of my local post codes can't be found unless I add a space when entering the postcode

eg AB12 34CD
Yeah tried all that but just won't find it, anyone else try this postcode SE16 5HD


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The Mib2 standard maps are TomTom cartography. The files are put together by a German company for VAG. The other check is the Android AmiGo app. Those are online TomTom maps.

You can contact TomTom but it may be the fault lays within the German company.


Old Git
Feb 1, 2006
Preston - UK
Yeah tried all that but just won't find it, anyone else try this postcode SE16 5HD
Just been out and tried it.
Yes it finds SE16 5HD and lets me start navigation.

Version info on mine is :
ECE 2018
SHIELD: SHIELD 2016-44 ( build 309 )


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RgB_FR won't be
Needs to check the AMIGo app which is the online app or and register on

Go into Mapshare which is the reporting tool and type the postcode in question in the box on the screen.


If it's in TomTom it will show up. If not find the road in question. If missing use the reporting tools on that website to show where the road is, tell them it's missing or doesn't have a postcode. Wait for the report to be accepted. After a month or so will appear in the tool and AmiGo and will appear on the Mib2 standard map download on the next release or release after.

If it's on TomTom but not in the Mib2 standards maps and it's been there for a while (say two years) then the processing issue will be with the people who make the Mib2 standard maps from the TomTom cartography.

Another check is to look for the the postcode in the postcode directory:

That is the gold standard if it isn't in there then it's not a recognised postcode.

This is where you have a postcode but you suspect the road isn't drawn or missing.



Tap "locate me" based on the geo position of the device. Based on the centroids of the postcode it will show you where the postcodes are on an OpenStreet map. You zoom in and look around. The postcode centroids are generated when the postcode is first registered for geo location purposes. x,y coordinate.

Giving you mapping development secrets now. You then compare with the OS planning maps that are commercial but often found on LA sites (aligned to the land registry maps). Those maps are not used by the map developers since it's costs them. That's the problem they don't validate against statuary data. Development plans and plans on estate agent sites for new developments give the developers plans and roads. These will work through into the OS planning maps. The house number clues are on those planning maps as well, so you can house number digital maps without even going there by cross checking the postcode directory and the planning maps. Here Maps take in the house numbers as well. TomTom doesn't. LA house number roads mark up on the maps the house numbers - where the house numbers come from and house names.

Those are the little secrets of finding missing data from the digital maps of TomTom, HereMaps, Google Maps etc. You then tell them it's missing or in Here Maps case draw it in. Google are weird at taking changes so I don't bother with them now. Then they can get huffy since they have no way of validating it till a car passes by. They do use digital GPS phone tracks which they have access to so in some instances they know something is going on there. I have had access to map developers data in the past and saw all of their tools. Another is they analyse each others data and that's how map faults get generated across the mapping systems. You get the bollard in the road one. The planning map shows the bollard so it's no through but gets drawn as a through road. Many housing estates they stop rat runs by only allowing one access road. You find that looking at sat maps they digitise on the developers roads that dont' turn into the actual estate roads. Building stores etc. Here again because they wont look at sales brochures of estates or official planning maps (the gold standard) they get it wrong.
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UK TMC Trafficmaster RDS Service Ceased in April 2023

For mib2 high and mib1 the quick fix is to change the Fee based identifier from 15 to 14 (nb start point may be differenton other than Seat or Skoda, 3 for VW). That's the code for the other UK based TMC FM provider ITIS/INRIX RDS.

I've been encouraging techie people on the Briskoda board in the solution. One guy found it by looking at the mib2 high map files which bunch the providers.

So the solution in Obdeleven 5f unit, Adaptions.


You do the long hold on / off reboot.

The cross now goes since you are picking up the other TMC provider:


Indeed back in business again:


The online solution had been found on the TT board so the mib2 high RDS one washed out of this. The codes if you have that. Online mib2 never got to Seat.

32783 is online traffic permitted + Trafficmaster RDS TMC

32782 is online traffic permitted + ITIS/INRIX RDS TMC

15 is NO online traffic, Trafficmaster RDS TMC

14 is NO online traffic, ITIS/INRIX RDS TMC

So 14 for Seat mib2 high (Seat Plus units), same code for Mib1. Here Maps accommodate the graphics on the maps... designed for it.👌

This swaps the TMC provider for the UK, all international TMC providers remain as set, except Finland and Hungary which are dropped. Thus the change is good for the UK and abroad, except Finland and Hungary.

Coding or Toolbox

The changes can be made with Obdeleven or VCDS as a coding solution. Obdeleven shown above or with the mib2 high toolbox. Two toolboxes / kits for the mib2 high (pass on terminology)

This one is suppose to allow you to change the TMC channel group if you don't have a coding device (Chillout is the author of this board):

The other toolbox for FeC editting is this:


There is a mib2 standard fix which I've asked to be documented. Downside you need to use pre TomTom maps.

I guess you would set this up with two cards. Use latest card if you want new maps but if carrying out a long drive put the other card in. Some of us don't like AA / CarPlay.


Whilst no Seat mib2 cars were sold with online traffic other Vag brands were. For those a different TMC group other than 32783 may have been set. Test with 32782

A mib1 solution also exits setting the TMC group to 14 also fixes those. Now reported on Seat units using the 2023 Mib1 maps. See overview resource, top left for link, you can now get a map boost as well to 2023 for mib1 free.

Mib2 standard fix is posted below.
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Oct 31, 2022
Hi Tell, Thanks for info. Could this update be done through other software like VCDS, for example?
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Hi Tell, Thanks for info. Could this update be done through other software like VCDS, for example?
The mib2 high one yes (the unit Seat call Seat Plus). Easy enough for someone familier with VCDS to find the Fee Based Traffic Information line. It's factory set at 15. Needs changing to 14 then a long reboot. I've had conversations with @Walone in the past since one retrofitter in the UK had set it up wrong. Out of the box it's blank or something. Walone has VCDS and was correcting it that way.

Edit. In an edit above the mib2 high toolbox can be used as an alternative. It goes into the "green menu". People familiar with that can do it that way.


Nov 1, 2003
The mib2 high one yes (the unit Seat call Seat Plus). Easy enough for someone familier with VCDS to find the Fee Based Traffic Information line. It's factory set at 15. Needs changing to 14 then a long reboot. I've had conversations with @Walone in the past since one retrofitter in the UK had set it up wrong. Out of the box it's blank or something. Walone has VCDS and was correcting it that way.

The standard unit I'm waiting to see the instructions but feels more tricky.
I have just done this change to 14 on my mib2 and sadly the tmc is still crossed out. Any ideas out there?


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I have just done this change to 14 on my mib2 and high you got their Jonial. I don't think so. UK TMC Traffic Master went off air in April in the UK with the broadcasting license not renewed, the other provider used by a range of other car manufacturers is still going strong. To get that on a mib2 high you do the simple coding I showed above, worked out by a guy on the Briskoda board where I was firing ideas at them. Mib2 high ownership is greater on Skodas than Seats.

As far as the mib2 standard is concerned (the map card based one) one of the Briskoda guys has it working but you must use the old dated maps before TomTom took the cartography over and the mib2 standard toolkit to mod the unit to work with the alternative TMC provider in the UK. They haven't published the details of the process yet since they are looking at ways of doing it without the toolkit.

The toolkit if it's like the mib2 high one will only work with specific firmware releases grafting itself onto the firmware. That's the first hiccup if you haven't got the firmware It works with. I have yet to come across experts on the mib2 standard toolkit (box whatever it's called) on the board here. That's the one that people use to mod the unit so you don't have to use a map card but any SD card to hold the maps. To give life long standard FeC so you don't need to use the workaround and correct the error of using the workaround. If happy with the workaround, using a map card and your FeCs and colour scheme of the infotainment unit / cockpit you probably don't have a need for the toolkit till now....
OoooooPs misread Tells information. Its an age thing !!!

Happens to all of us 🤔.

I'm not so sure whether I will attempt the mod on the Seat Arona with the standard mib2 if it's highly technical once published and risks messing up the firmware. The mib2 high one is a breeze and you are back in business with TMC alerts again for the UK. One set of manufactures use Traffic Master another set use the other. The mod swaps it over to that one.

Footnote to this one.

The original fix for the mib2 standard needed you to wash the fix through the mib2 standard toolbox as mentioned above, that was problematic getting that installed on units and needs some technical know-how. That was adapted by Pcbbc so you didn't by releasing the modules with the wash done already. That's what's covered below in the solution. Step 3.
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UK TMC Trafficmaster RDS Service Ceased in April 2023 - MIB2 Standard Only Fix (MIB2STD 2020 Maps with TMC Update for Amundsen/Discover Media/Technisat)

For mib2 standard there is a fix worked out by two posters on the Briskoda board (Bigade1 and PCBBC) based on what Australian's did to get their TMC working with VAG cars. This works across Mib2 standard units excluding Delphi. Delphi units were only fitted to VW and Audi, not Seat or Skoda.

To determine whether it's a Technisat (the one it works with) if it starts with MST2 and ends with T, MST2_EU_??_XX_XXXXT its a Technisat and the solution works. When TomTom took over the cartography above V12, the support for Inrix TMC which is the one to use after Trafficmaster was removed.

The solution for the Mib2 standard breaks into two.

a. If you have VCDS / Obdeleven Pro coding device and want TMC to work across as many European providers as possible plus the UK Inrix service then change the TMC fee based code to 1023 via coding and use the module in the zip files: DiscoverMedia2_EU_AS_1430_V12_TMC_Update.7z

b. If you don't have VCDS / Obdeleven Pro coding device and want TMC to work in the UK with Inrix service but aren't so bothered about all Europe TMC providers use the module: DiscoverMedia2_EU_AS_1430_V12_TMC_Update_V2.7z This option assumes the current TMC fee based setting is set to 15. Default.

In both instances, you need the V12 map:

Unmodifed V12 map download: DiscoverMedia2_EU_AS_1430_V12.7z

Nb. the map file is held on Mega due to the way Mega works if you don't pay for higher speed you just let it run over 24 hours or so, use Chrome for this. It restarts the download from where it got to.


1. Download both 7z files as applicable.

2. Unzip unmodified V12 maps to SD card. Instead of downloading, you can use your existing copy of V12 maps if you already have a copy.

3. Unzip the TMC Update to the same SD card, replacing any duplicate files.

4. This step is optional if on a. Configure FEE BASED TRAFFIC INFO is set to 1023 using VCDS/OBD11. If b. ignore the step.

Example in Obdeleven, 5f unit, Adaptations, search under TMC:

Change to 1023, save and reboot the unit:

You need the two zip files covered in the steps above. Maps for the year circa release 2020 plus the adapted modules that you overwrite in the area which make it work (step 3 above).

On a Seat you must do the workaround process on the SD card after step 3 above if your original maps were prior to release v12:

The workaround for that is the standard one:

  1. Download the latest standard MIB2 maps
  2. on the infotainment go to settings, safely remove, sd1 card
  3. remove sd1 card from glove box slot
  4. long press on the on / off to reboot it a couple of times
  5. insert sd card in to computer
  6. copy and paste all contents to a directory on your computer
  7. Format the SD card keep it as fat32 and leave format settings as default in file explorer (don't forget to push the card lock mechanism to off) (ditto in a MAC or delete all from the SD card)
  8. Copy the new downloaded map version to the SD card (after unzipping it)
  9. Replace /maps/EEC/EEC_WLD/OVERALL.NDS on the SD CARD with the one from the original SD card
  10. eject the sd card (on a MAC run CleanMyDrive on the SD card - then eject)
  11. Inserted the card into the card 1 slot in glove box whilst infotainment is off
  12. power on and go to navigation

Always back up the SD card before doing anything.

Example results with it working:


Lastly, if you want the best of both worlds but can't decide you can put the mod on one card and keep the original. Swap Vag card as you please. They must be Vag cards with CID unless the unit is modded... that mib2 standard toolbox that there is little Seat experience in it's use.
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Note, I've re-edited the above since PCBBC implemented a method where you didn't need Obdeleven Pro / VCDS to change the traffic TMC code, they did that within the module. If you do have Obdeleven Pro / VCDS and you are taking the car abroad and want the RR solution, then use option a. Obviously good for people visiting the UK who want TMC working on their cars. Option b. is good if you aren't travelling abroad from the UK and want TMC working again.
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