Problem with videos they do them for advertising YouTube income from the clicks so the more clicks the better to generate advertising income even though what is being promoted or advice given is wrong. The makers trawl websites and make video. They upset the not for profit hobbyists in having their work misrepresented for profit. It happens on Github not that I've recently put an original developer in touch with the for profit developer that misrepresented their work in a video produced since its stopped working.but I'm fine....I hope that the situation can be turned around. I didn't learn anywhere that I can't mix firmware versions, I went through half a dozen different videos and articles, nowhere is it mentioned that it can't be done, so it's problematic to fall into this situation. If it can be done at least through VCDS or a hard reset, at least find a way in which direction to go? Can I throw out the whole unit or I don't know in which direction?
If you trawl that link I gave you and wait for people to come back to you. A retrofitter would take it out of the unit and connect a usb / Ethernet up to it then use hack methods to get into it, if that failed there is the one where they open it up and short pins out. All to do with the boot loader or words to that effect. So it's hung at the minute.
Probably this one but I would not attempt it yourself:
This process that @East Yorkshire Retrofits would do if you lived local. Its what they have done / Associates of them to rescue people on that thread in the past. The hobbyists on that thread will have also done it establishing the technique. The golden rule for the mib2 standard is not to jump trains. You aren't suppose to do DIY firmware updates yourself although retrofitters will sell these with instructions which are fine if you follow the instructions. The software comes off VAG tools. Hobbyist sites are only as good as the instructions. That Seat thread is clear in saying don't load up the wrong train.... atleast of recent. In the past people tried to do things that should not be done.
Their goodies paid service:

02/03/04xx to 0516 With multicolour menu
Facelift vehicles are capable of changing the menu colours with the ambient lighting settings when on software train 05xx Prefacelift doesn't usually have this option, however we can now update any MIB2STD navigation (without virtual cockpit).

Think that might have been the one you wanted. Retrofitters can take the hassle out of things.
The original thread here was to publish the mib2 high navigation FeC look up table since an unscrupulous Polish retrofitter operating in the UK was short changing people out of firmware updates. Our friends here don't.