ScottHmk4 - 1.2 Cupra replica (Now Sold)


Active Member
Jan 23, 2010
Oh sorry, i am a bit dim :p Yeah i drive other cars at work as well but did'nt know this brought down the price of insurance. Dont think a barman has to drive company cars though....
Feb 28, 2008
i drove the bosses car a bit this year dumping empty bottles etc etc but dont now, but they dont know that. also it seems cheaper or me to insure myself as a student rather than bar staff . they see it that im dealing with drunks that could potenitally exit the pub and damaged my car that is parked up......can you get away with lying about occupation? or do they look into your personal life?

yeh ross i think im after a fabia now, quite keen. will go test drive one soon too be sure.


Active Member
It asked do you regularly drive other cars basically so once a year don't really count but who is gonna know I drive work cars quite alot thou. You can lie about what ever you want obviously but you are not one of them lads who doesn't tell their insurance about their mods as you stated above.
Your full time job is not bar staff you are a student yeh so not lying? But then if your car was hit and you had to tell them it was parked at work in the bars car park and you said your worked some where else then you may be stuffed. (People forget about the lie when they ring up in a panic wanting their car fixed most common one is people who are named drivers who in reality are the only car drivers)


Active Member
Literally I did the same quote both and without it and it made a difference so have always said yes since and the jobs I have had I have driven other cars so not even making it up! Do it from now on if you changed your job will save you. Can't see how being a mechanic made a difference to that as you were on your company insurance and not in your car so why would that bother the insurance company? Think they just charged you more for that profession.
Feb 28, 2008
mchanic profession is high insurance, my brothers is high and hes a mechanic. you would think because hes a mechanic it would be cheaper as the car is likely to be well looked after and he should good driving experience from road tests etc.

Also aimes yeh im a full time bar man just now on the hunt for a career, think i will be off to college next year though if i dont find something this year. bt in regards to your comment, if anything was said i guess you could say "i was out playing some pool with my mates and the car was parked at the bar when it happened as i wasnt out drinking"?


Active Member
Ah right well in a job not a mechanic then always tick yes box lol! Go to college whilst you are still allowed to live at home yes! Yeh not the same as people who drive as a named driver but drive it everyday more likely to crash at that age and have a prang on there way home in rush hour very easy to get caught out.

Be unlikely you had a prang at work and that they would look into it any more its usually stuff just slips put ie you work late hours then, and you drive home very late. Easy to ring up and say I was coming back from work and had an accident and you told them you worked in an office they may then look into it more and ask the address and ring up etc. But again VERY unlikely!
Feb 28, 2008
lets me honest, best to be as honest as possible becuase theres every chance they check up on you and whos wants to be paying ££££ for no cover?


Active Member
Sorry to make you paranoid I have had insurance ask me questions after a crash you see so I know what they really can be like! And when you are upset and angry after crash you don't think about what you are saying. But yes who want to be stuck with your and maybe another car to pay for and no one will ensure you or will; want a million pounds to do so, oh and points on license for no valid insurance not good!

I think the people on here who say oh my insurance do not know about my mods ah I will just go take things off it if I have a crash are idiot what it they are in hospital on so traumatised they forget and scrap yards don't just let you take parts off your car.

Sorry rant over I am off to edition38 now lol!
Can't see how being a mechanic made a difference to that as you were on your company insurance and not in your car so why would that bother the insurance company? Think they just charged you more for that profession.

its probally because they knew id do all the work to the car myself and maybe thought id cut corners it was a good few years ago now though,when i renew my insurance i shall see what difference it makes saying i drive other vehicles on company insurance.
Feb 28, 2008
Car now for sale on pistonheads, guess we'll see what happens. keep toying with the idea of selling after my holiday but why not just put it forsale just now and see what happens? so thats what ive done. might not sell but if you can appreciate the work gone into it, someone will be very pleased.

Alex 17

No Smoke No Poke
Aug 17, 2008
Bedale - North yorkshire
Car now for sale on pistonheads, guess we'll see what happens. keep toying with the idea of selling after my holiday but why not just put it forsale just now and see what happens? so thats what ive done. might not sell but if you can appreciate the work gone into it, someone will be very pleased.

Good luck mate , Prefer the looks of your car to mine if im honest lol!


No smoke, No poke
Nov 23, 2008
Beith, Scotland
Best be careful with the thread title, the mods might see it as an add :)

Oh and good luck with the sale, someones going to get a cracking motor :p


Active Member
Jan 23, 2010
Good luck trying to sell your car! Why would the bumpers needs a respray? they looked fine when i saw your car last, if its just light scratches, i would not bother mentioning this on the add cos any buyer looking to but a car this age should be expecting some imperfections in the paintwork anyhow
Feb 28, 2008
im worried about my price already had someone email me saying i will need to easily drop £1500 off it to get a sale :S, am i being too abitious at 4000?
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