Non Cupra's

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life at 180bhp good
Feb 12, 2008
lol yer i no i realised that before was gunna say something but thought u mite have read it alrea

next wednesday afternoon gunna go and find where it is tomorrow as ive been chasing an exhaust place for weeks now i went to find this stealth but they had moved and i didnt know where to till now
then i went 30 miles to anouhter one and they ahd gone and then i was getting one done for £130 and i thought i was quids in but the branch that i wanted to go to had gone lol

will take some pictures and will try put video up probs upload to youtube.

think i will go for oval or an angled up oval if you get what i mean. what have you done to your beeza


Ibiza TDI 130 Sport
Jan 26, 2008
Richmond, North Yorkshire
Look forward to seein pics n hearin exhaust on vid lol. My ibiza is standard (apart from site stickers n debadged ''chill'') Problem I have is Im with direct line so if I modded it I couldnt tell insurance. Policy doesn't end until next winter either.
I was basically forced to go with direct line as i had 1 year ncb through them as named driver, which didnt count for any1 else u see, so with other companies I had to say 0ncb, but with DL i could say 1ncb (always resulting in best quotes) so it meant whatever they quoted for ibiza was best I could get, so went with them..............if u get me lol.
once this policy ends theyll hopefully send me summit that says 2 years ncb which i can then use with all other companies (meaning Im no longer restricted to direct line!!!!)


life at 180bhp good
Feb 12, 2008
yer i went with them cuz they would accept my moped no claims bonus which was wikd cuz everyone was quoting me like 2 grand for my insurance but it was 1100 on direct line so now ive cancelled it and ive got two years ncb and only been driving 1 year 4 mnths which is good cuz got alloys waiting in the shed and got exhaust going on on wednesday so hopefully will really imporve the look been looking into lowering it but dunno whether i ahve the funds


life at 180bhp good
Feb 12, 2008
yer i will get a gap cut cuz hate it when people trying and like force them under the bumber just looks sh**


life at 180bhp good
Feb 12, 2008
yer cuz they added my bike no claims onto my one year no claims for car i wasnt sure about it but it says it so thats what ive told my neww insurance company and got another 250 off the price

I had a crash on my bike cuz some woman cut me up while overtaking her on a dual carriageway landed facing traffic coming up behind (NOT NICE) but anyway the insurance money paid for my beeza and my bike insurance got my car insurance cheaper so was best decision of my like getting a bike


life at 180bhp good
Feb 12, 2008
lol iof you get anything ive sed there (its late and ive been at work all nite)


cupra mk3
Jan 7, 2007
I f your going off the trip cpu in the car i have found they are not very accurate, i saw that 25mpg in my 1.6 was way easier on the wallet than 25mpg in the cupra....................... either that or it never worked properly! :lol:
I thought the cupra and the 1.6 would't be that much of a difference, but it easily doubled! :cry:


life at 180bhp good
Feb 12, 2008
i will eventually but havent got a photbucket account but will make one soon and sold the bike now sadly my mum wouldnt let me ride it again lol sad cuz they were the best days of my life

I...I mean gettin my ibiza was the best day of my life lol

and yer i couldnt move my neck and shoulder for two days cuz landed on my neck lol


i was thinking the same. bloody moving quick this thread. forgot all about it until earlier


Full Member
May 14, 2005
cheers for the replies fella's its got a/c ew alloys and a few other bitsIts a nice car for your first car I will get owen to put some pics up when its delivered tomorrow.


ha ha, i noticed. I saw the thread, had a quick browse then saw my engine bay and thought WTF, who's posted that. Then i looked at the name and realised an old thread had been bought back to life! :D

Took the kit off since (well the guys at garage did, tossers), gonna get it put back on when I can be arsed!
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