Near but you have to copy the old overall.nds file back to the sd card replacing the new one since the old one is linked to the card and unit, it won't work otherwise. The so called "workaround" is documented in the quote 1695. Its all over this thread since January 2017 when Exciter and Noteabem (name almost) devised it, Exciter did the work. You see it across many boards now.
I would add after removing the card from the unit, long press on the on / off to reboot it so you don't shock the unit by changing the software. This I think is how the SVM error (software version management flag, comes up if it deems you have tinkered with the software) is generated but if you don't read the cars errors, you wouldn't know you created one. Quite a few people who have done the workaround have this error. I did reboot and escaped it.
Thanks Tell
Downloading the new version now.