
Updating the inbuilt Mib2 Satnav / Mib2 tricks and Mib1


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Thanks for the prompt feedback Tell.
Sorry it is still complicated news.
I was so used to regularly updating my Renno online. New map yearly. Connected sim for instant traffic updates etc.
Heyho mine is a better car.

Regretably until Seat adopt the VW / Skoda approach of scrapping Mapcare you still have to do these workarounds if you want to do it yourself, one is the small presentation change to the files for the standard unit the other is the retrofit firmware update for the high (more surgical). Once, neither is not too difficult to do the updates, although some computer skills required in presentation of the files. Having the firmware changed to retrofit for the high isn't something you can do yourself thou.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2017
Can anyone tell me which version I have :doh:
Last time I checked I don't have an SD card plugged in...


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Feb 13, 2019
Ive got a 5f mib1 version my question is if i purchase a new sd card from seat they are on offer for €99 now in the Netherlands can i install it myself or does it need activation in the mib1 system by Seat stealer?
Feb 13, 2019
thx for the answer im on ece2018 version ill try it on vacation in Italy this year will see if its reseanoble update.


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Goto post 1676 - Polly one. If mib2 high I got mine turned into a retrofit then I can update them myself. Some risk and hassle but money well spent. The Ateca Cupra people will have this issue as being the only unit they can have in the dpec. The high (plus) is a better unit whilst the standard has programming bugs whether those bugs will get sorted out not sure.
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The mib2 high release and also mib1 high release for June 2019, Europe 177, has now appeared on the VW site, providing an alternative option for downloading. Select say Tiguan post 2017 model and Discovery Pro unit.

or you can pick it up from the direct link

Currently the Mib2 standard release for June has not appeared yet.

See post 1675 for more information.
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Feb 10, 2016
Near Heathrow
The mib2 high release and also mib1 high release for June 2019, Europe 177, has now appeared on the VW site, providing an alternative option for downloading. Select say Tiguan post 2017 model and Discovery Pro unit.

Currently the Mib2 standard release for June has not appeared yet.

See post 1675 for more information.
Tried to download it on Thursday evening, had to give up as it was so slow, tried again Friday morning and it downloaded very fast, about 50mins.


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Mib2 Standard Release June 2019 (Seat Standard Mib2, Skoda Amundsen MIB2, VW Discover Media Mib2) - Release 1310

It's just broken cover via the German Skoda board picking it up via the VW website as expected, credit Nixneues for finding it and Lesnovak of this board for the all European release which appeared on the 18th June.

The zoned release for Europe can be be picked up via the VW board or directly from the links.

Go in on a Golf model from 2017, Discover Media those files labelled "Updated: : 6/17/19" (or after if more). The ones before this date are the old maps of the November 2018 released or the all Europe one put together from the November 2018.

1310 Release as 17 / 18th June 2019 three zone releases and all Europe with direct links to the files

Bundle 1

Andorra, Belgium, Gibraltar, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom

Direct link:


Bundle 2

Albania*, Bosnia and Herzegovina*, Bulgaria*, Belarus*, Cyprus*, Denmark, Estonia*, Finland, Greece, Kazakhstan*, Kosovo*, Latvia, Lithuania, Northern Macedonia*, Moldova*, Montenegro*, Norway, Romania*, Russia*, Sweden, Serbia*, Ukraine*

* in parts

Direct link:


Bundle 3

Austria, Croatia*, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, Malta*, Poland*, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Vatican City

* in parts


All European Bundle

Albania*, Andorra, Austria, Belarus*, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina*, Bulgaria*, Croatia, Cyprus*, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia*, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Island, Italy, Kosovo*, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Macedonia (Former Republic of Yugoslavia)*, Moldova*, Monaco, Montenegro*, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania*, San Marino, Sweden, Switzerland, Serbia*, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Ukraine*, United Kingdom, Vatican City

* in parts


This leaves us to think whether they sorted out the bugs in the previous release:

  • dual trailer / non trailer speed overlap with the next turn screen
  • lack of motorway speed
  • direction arrows on the next turn screen on the main console on roundabout when going past the first exit (takes you to the first but doesn't indicate beyond till you get to the first)
Will look at those errors in this release.

I see they have not corrected the mistake they put in, in the last release of incrementing the release year six months ahead of what it should be, so this comes up as 2020 :)

Report any issues identified so we can learn.

These are indeed TomTom sourced maps that the VAG group use for the standard release. Report any road issues via the TomTom reporting tool which is easy enough:

All Mapcare and non Mapcare considerations apply.
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OK they have sorted out the trailer speed issue now in this standard release. All speed limits appear to be there except motorway speeds where they expect you no-doubt to know the speed limit least in the UK. Routes are still a bit odd taking more the direct route threw lanes where the high unit keeps you on more sensible roads.

Still idiosyncratic about not showing all of the roundabout directions till on it in the left panel if you are going round it. You probably get use to that. In the test dummy run it gave the motorway sign-age below when going round a round about.

Bundle 1 Update:

MK roundabout system speed correct - no trailer speed, but roundabouts still oddly shown:

Correct if straight on:

Going round:

But hang on that direction is from the M1 and we are not on it (interesting one):

Motorways have no speed limit:

Heading into a village fine:

& 30 MPH:

All produced from the advanced menu in demo mode... no fuel wasted :).


Re-tested with the All European map

No issues apart from those covered. The part number comes up as 5F as previously with the January 2019 released VW maps (November 2018 release). This may suggest that Seat doesn't plan to release the all European maps since it doesn't have a Seat part number. Either way Seat standard units happily run on this map release. It's only a presentation field.

Post 1601 I covered where this field comes from using Exciter's original post on the "workaround":

Those who want to give it a 6P part number feel free but it happily works without an edit. You can also give it the name of your current release and name etc but not required. In all instances of the workaround do copy the SD card off and it's a good idea to save the original Overall.NDS file in it's own directory since you will need this with each map update. Putting it in a mock directory indexing into it acts as a crib sheet:


C:\Users\xxxx\Satnav Files\Original File Fragment To Copy\EEC\EEC_WLD

xxxx user name

with it in there.

Also a good idea to reboot the unit in the process of updating it. Turn off, take the SD card out. Long press on the on / off button till it re - wakes. Then once you have the files on the SD card following the workaround, reckon it's less likely to generate the SVM error which doesn't effect the working of the unit but shows up on a scan.

If a PC use 7Zip to unzip the download and copy to the PC directory first. Other PC unzip programs may work for the standard including the built in Windows 10, high is much more fussy - Vag recommends 7Zip for standard and high.

If MAC the recommended VAG software to clear the rubbish from a MAC unzip of the download map file is the free utility CleanMyDrive 2 whilst for a PC 7zip. From the October 2019 VAG pdf notes:


If the map update is performed using the Apple® OS X operating system you may find that
Discover Media does not recognise the map material or displays it incorrectly. This is due to
a lack of compatibility between the “7 zip” program and the OS-X operating system. In
addition, the OS-X operating system has a tendency to create hidden additional files on
external data media. We therefore recommend that OS X users use the “Keka” unzipping
program. We also recommend using the “CleanMyDrive” program to remove any hidden files.

There are other MAC unzip tools that do the same job.
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For those who wonder if there's going to be the whole Europe for Mib2 Standard June 2019

It seems to work. I'll make more tests later.


I've edited the link in above so it's all in one place.

I tried the name guess yesterday and it didn't work so they must have put it up this morning. I know some people need this.

It's the 00 partition within NDS Products where the zones are loaded but I think the rest has to be computed so it's isnt DIY to assemble these we still need VAG group :). Apparently you can take another region and just take the equivalent to the 00 partition and put it there then your nav will work in Africa etc.

So anyhow you expect the bit size and contents within the region groups to be identical just all pieced together. The E directories. It's the PRODUCT.NDS which will be different if you did DIY on it for making your own Europe. That I reckon is the tricky bit.

OK it's officially arrived since it's on the web page with the date that tallies with the others:

  • Updated: : 6/17/19
  • File format: : 7-Zip
  • Coverage: :
    Albania*, Andorra, Austria, Belarus*, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina*, Bulgaria*, Croatia, Cyprus*, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia*, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Island, Italy, Kosovo*, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Macedonia (Former Republic of Yugoslavia)*, Moldova*, Monaco, Montenegro*, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania*, San Marino, Sweden, Switzerland, Serbia*, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Ukraine*, United Kingdom, Vatican City

    * in parts
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Active Member
Apr 27, 2016
Hi I have a 2018 cupra 300. Am I right in saying to update to the latest update above all I need to do is save the stuff on my sd card to my laptop download the new stuff above then just copy it over to my sd card then put it in my car and it will work? Thanks


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Near but you have to copy the old overall.nds file back to the sd card replacing the new one since the old one is linked to the card and unit, it won't work otherwise. The so called "workaround" is documented in the quote 1695. Its all over this thread since January 2017 when Exciter and Noteabem (name almost) devised it, Exciter did the work. You see it across many boards now.

I would add after removing the card from the unit, long press on the on / off to reboot it so you don't shock the unit by changing the software. This I think is how the SVM error (software version management flag, comes up if it deems you have tinkered with the software) is generated but if you don't read the cars errors, you wouldn't know you created one. Quite a few people who have done the workaround have this error. I did reboot and escaped it.
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