
Updating the inbuilt Mib2 Satnav / Mib2 tricks and Mib1


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Apr 27, 2016
Near but you have to copy the old overall.nds file back to the sd card replacing the new one since the old one is linked to the card and unit, it won't work otherwise. The so called "workaround" is documented in the quote 1695. Its all over this thread since January 2017 when Exciter and Noteabem (name almost) devised it, Exciter did the work. You see it across many boards now.

I would add after removing the card from the unit, long press on the on / off to reboot it so you don't shock the unit by changing the software. This I think is how the SVM error (software version management flag, comes up if it deems you have tinkered with the software) is generated but if you don't read the cars errors, you wouldn't know you created one. Quite a few people who have done the workaround have this error. I did reboot and escaped it.

Thanks Tell
Downloading the new version now. :)


Active Member
Oct 16, 2018
I cant download the new update.slow and always stop last time 12.9/13giga 20sec left...
5x times i tried .


Active Member
Oct 16, 2018
You have to wait for continental Europeans to go to bed ;). Wasn't bad in the afternoon but as word gets out, suspect the servers get busy.
I think you right.thanks for posting here the new update as you always do.
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May 6, 2017
I keep forgetting how annoying it is to update the maps, as I always have to recreate most of my Favourites. Never have understood it, as they all show the correct postcode.


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I put mine in as x,y coordinates in the main, those survive as destinations, they are held in the memory of the unit independent of the card and don't need refreshing. Dont like just the postcode, too wide an area for hiking spots to walks, entrances to car parks etc.

Can only think if they are held as post codes or street number, name etc it's not good at looking them up again. The end result after the address look up is the coordinates, if you jump that it doesn't need to look them up again :).

At one stage they changed from whether you needed a space between the outward and inward part of the postcode that caused squabbles on boards as some had the old maps others had new. Previously it wasn't significant, then you had to take the space out, then they relaxed it again. Might have a bearing or just after a map upgrade it's not good at indexing back using address fields.

This release doesn't accept a space between the outward and inward segment of the postcode at least in the An nAA entry, wants AnnAA - might be an issue where non matches occur after an update if the underlying lookup tables change in the unit on whether the space is significant. The unit acting as the validation tool at entry and storage but the lookup tables on the postcode changing, so stored doesn't match the lookup tables if they decide to change the format of them between releases.

As said coordinate entry saved as destinations, rock solid. I do this via Poinspector so they get saved as blobs on the map and then re save these as destinations. If you got a My19 Wi-Fi standard unit importing POIs is currently not available with the firmware, lesser My19 standard unit and the plus are fine. Like to see frequent destinations coming up on the map and populating two cars infotainment systems with speed camera warnings and destinations is a lot easier.

The Here Maps on the high only works to five characters so to get better accuracy you need the street number as well. They aren't always digitised, not all houses have numbers. Haven't checked how the standard works at the postcode level. Suspect it won't be designed any different since the postcodes are implemented as area zones as abroad requiring the street number and name to get the detail.

I could find some streets without street numbers and see how the two perform to see whether they supplement the information differently. I know Walone had some funny stuff from the high based on the postcode which I put down to duff postcode lookup table text in the system although it worked as expected.
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John Young

Active Member
Sep 15, 2018
Its been a while since I was here and I know there is LOTS of discussion on here but is there a guide somewhere on here were all the info about successful map updates is in one place ?

I used to be in a car forum years back and we had threads like this but once a solution was worked out it was then put into its own post so its nice and clear


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If it's Mib2 standard and high it's just above. We're onto the June 2019 release, post 1693 and 1675 respectively.... those that prefer the Seat release will play catch up later in the year, all the same release, bless them.

Next big news story November 2019 apart from guys that like to get it off the Seat site where it will be late as always :). We're on surgerý now.
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John Young

Active Member
Sep 15, 2018
If it's Mib2 standard and high it's just above. We're onto the June 2019 release, post 1693 and 1675 respectively.... those that prefer the Seat release will play catch up later in the year, all the same release, bless them.

Next big news story November 2019 apart from guys that like to get it off the Seat site where it will be late as always :). We're on surgerý now.

Thank you Tell I will have to get my head around this again.... I looked at it last year but thought I would leave it then but going on holiday soon in UK in car so need good maps


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Thank you Tell I will have to get my head around this again.... I looked at it last year but thought I would leave it then but going on holiday soon in UK in car so need good maps

It is straight forward if it's a mib2 standard, (the 6P type revealed by the advanced menu) with the "workaround" method. If mib1 standard or mib1/2 high you have to shell out in one way or another.

John Young

Active Member
Sep 15, 2018
It is straight forward if it's a mib2 standard, (the 6P type revealed by the advanced menu) with the "workaround" method. If mib1 standard or mib1/2 high you have to shell out in one way or another.

Here is my screen


  • seat.jpg
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Active Member
May 28, 2019
Here is my screen
@John Young I had some issues updating, but as normal it was the thing between the keyboard and chair at fault not following instructions .

First off I bought a second hand SD card of eBay for twenty odd quid, they will normally take offers. I them cloned my original card using AOMEI Backup software so I had a fall back up plan. Then downloaded the link that @Tell so kindly supplied. Unzipped with 7zip as instructed, copied the overall.nds file as described from ORIGINAL sd card. Switched audio system on, long press power until it restarts, inserted SD card and it just worked. Awesome support by the guys and gals here .

Edit: Don't forget to use slot 2 on the nav unit. I kept swapping mine around and got into a right mess.

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
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@John Young I had some issues updating, but as normal it was the thing between the keyboard and chair at fault not following instructions .

First off I bought a second hand SD card of eBay for twenty odd quid, they will normally take offers. I them cloned my original card using AOMEI Backup software so I had a fall back up plan. Then downloaded the link that @Tell so kindly supplied. Unzipped with 7zip as instructed, copied the overall.nds file as described from ORIGINAL sd card. Switched audio system on, long press power until it restarts, inserted SD card and it just worked. Awesome support by the guys and gals here .

Edit: Don't forget to use slot 2 on the nav unit. I kept swapping mine around and got into a right mess.

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

Buying a second card isn't required unless you think that at some stage in the future your existing SD card will become unwriteable or unreadable. The normal Vag method you just use the existing card, the work around has that file twiddle in it that's all. So you don't need to invest in a second card to do map updates.

You can always copy back your old release if you don't like the update. All historic updates are online so you can swap back to them and if you loose the critical overall.nds file that matches you physical original card you can also install from that.

ParadoxB as I recall I think you triggered a card update by using two cards which is why your new card worked but not the old. The unit went on to marry up the new CID on the new card with the unit. Least as I remember it. Thus I advise against using a second bought ebay card.

Windows back up can't back up and copy the CID - CID part of the card storage remains outside of the Windows operating system even with Windows utilities. You can buy "gold cards" where the CID can be written but you have to use a Mac or Unix operating system for that. Exciter did do that as an experiment. As I understand it each official card has a unique CID which is locked to the unit, not that each release of an official card series all have the same CID. The lock is via a CID. Anybody who has two Seats on the same release card can swap and test between cars, but I reckon the CID is unique to each card... might be proved wrong on this one thou. This one came up in a conversation where a person had a unit without the SD card.

Btw in an Arona don't push the card in the CD slot threw poor visibility - oops it happens. Use a torch to find the slot !. Bigger cars you can see what's going on in the glovebox. VAG unit removal tools, set of TORX security screwdrivers and Youtube video on opening up a MIB2 standard is your friend on that one if it happens :).
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Active Member
May 28, 2019
Agree with Tell, I just wanted the safety net. That software CLONES the original disk copying over all hidden system information, so no issues with it not recognising the drive. It is for Windows OS btw, don't ask me about for based products .

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk


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But not the CID thou which remains outside of Windows 10. I'm sitting with a gold card but gave up since I didn't want to put my machine on dual boot. I tried the Windows utilities but under investigation it was hoccum - the low level commands don't touch the CID. You might be able to do it with a Raspberry Pi... might try one day with a USB - SD card dongle but will probably fail on that... put that off since I have no real reason to do it. :).

Video of it being done

I am wondering whether those VAG ebay card have re-writeable CIDs. The Samsung Evo as per the video I bought off a Dutch guy as you do. They have stopped making those now so are in short supply and pricey.

It's all a pointless activity thou except it does give you a backup if the one in the car ever fails but you might as well shell out at the time when this happens to get it sorted out.

John Young

Active Member
Sep 15, 2018
@John Young I had some issues updating, but as normal it was the thing between the keyboard and chair at fault not following instructions .

First off I bought a second hand SD card of eBay for twenty odd quid, they will normally take offers. I them cloned my original card using AOMEI Backup software so I had a fall back up plan. Then downloaded the link that @Tell so kindly supplied. Unzipped with 7zip as instructed, copied the overall.nds file as described from ORIGINAL sd card. Switched audio system on, long press power until it restarts, inserted SD card and it just worked. Awesome support by the guys and gals here .

Edit: Don't forget to use slot 2 on the nav unit. I kept swapping mine around and got into a right mess.

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

Thank you - this would be a good 'how to' post but you need to put the link in for the software for lazy folks like me :wave:


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Thank you - this would be a good 'how to' post but you need to put the link in for the software for lazy folks like me :wave:

But it doesn't work. Trust me. There are a set of system back up tools for Windows OS but none of them touch the CID its out of range of the Windows operating system. I did post one up once but it didn't work further research showed you can't do it with Windows OS. That's why Exciter the guy behind the work around went to Ubunto / Unix but this was one of his explorations on how it all worked. Not critical for the task. It's on thread in 2017.
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