Best colour out there mate!! what else you got planned?? A cheeky little induction kit?
I know people say not point its only a 1.4 but it will just give it that bit extra.
Yeh i had a forge induction kit fitted however i took it off for its service and havent missed it atal so sold it. Think i going to leave the engine mods till the warranty is further down the line but may get it remapped or something to get a bit more juice out of it. But next on the list is:
- put the black wing mirror covers on tomorrow,
- i just put my new wheels on so will get a pic up tomorrow aswell,
- i know people hate them but get a bonnet bra as i love them,

- vinyl wrap the roof and bit of the spoiler black,
- finally get some coilies and drop it and inch or so
after that maybe colour a bit more of the interior but will see how it all goes