Ow not that mk5 Ibiza again.....

Deleted member 35176

Best colour out there mate!! what else you got planned?? A cheeky little induction kit?

I know people say not point its only a 1.4 but it will just give it that bit extra.


SFS Performance Hoses Rep
Jul 5, 2011
Best colour out there mate!! what else you got planned?? A cheeky little induction kit?

I know people say not point its only a 1.4 but it will just give it that bit extra.

Yeh i had a forge induction kit fitted however i took it off for its service and havent missed it atal so sold it. Think i going to leave the engine mods till the warranty is further down the line but may get it remapped or something to get a bit more juice out of it. But next on the list is:

- put the black wing mirror covers on tomorrow,
- i just put my new wheels on so will get a pic up tomorrow aswell,
- i know people hate them but get a bonnet bra as i love them, :whistle:
- vinyl wrap the roof and bit of the spoiler black,
- finally get some coilies and drop it and inch or so :)

after that maybe colour a bit more of the interior but will see how it all goes :D


SFS Performance Hoses Rep
Jul 5, 2011
new wheels and wing mirror covers

Well looked around at diffferent ways to get the wing mirror covers off and decided to go down the removing the glass route as it seemed the easiest way.

To start with i angled the mirrors as far in as possible so i could get my hand in behind the far side of the mirror. And basicly you just pull on that side and they pop off which gives you access to all the wing mirror clips which you can now just pop off aswell.


Literally just took me 10 mins do to both the covers and the originals are not damaged atal!! so happy days :funk:

And here is the finished result including my new wheels. will get some better pics when the weather clears up :)

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SFS Performance Hoses Rep
Jul 5, 2011
Haha, no worries!

Should look great with the vinyl and bonnet bra actually.

Yeh i will probably get alot of haters saying how horrible it looks with it on but we will see :p

Is the wind deflectors anygood mate ?

yeh i love them as i used to hate that any water or condensation left on the roof would seep into the car if i turned the corner with the window down. And in my opinion they look really smart so killed two birds with one stone :funk:


yeh i love them as i used to hate that any water or condensation left on the roof would seep into the car if i turned the corner with the window down. And in my opinion they look really smart so killed two birds with one stone :funk:

Cheers mate am very tempted to get them and tbh they do look really smart

Deleted member 35176

Looks sweet just needs lowering...whats with the flowers around the rear view mirror seen quite a few cars with these on???
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