At the risk of teaching more the knowledgeable people here
how to suck eggs - here's the notes I made from earlier posts with some slight revision for use in the future:
- Download the latest uk map -
- on the infotainment go to settings, safely remove, sd1 card
- remove sd1 card from glove box slot
- long press on the on / off to reboot it a couple of times
- insert sd card in to laptop
- copy and paste all contents to pc
- Format the SD card keep it as fat32 and leave format settings as default in file explorer (don't forget to push the card lock mechanism to off)
- Copy the new downloaded map version to the SD card
- Replace /maps/EEC/EEC_WLD/OVERALL.NDS on the SD CARD with the one from the original SD card
- edited the /maps/00/nds/dbinfo.txt so that PartNumber4 correctly has my own part number in it, that is I replaced PartNumber4 from PartNumber4="5F...." to PartNumber4="6P0919866AB"
- using windows file explorer, eject the sd card
- now i can safely remove the sd card from the laptop
- long press on the on / off to reboot it a couple of times
- Inserted the card into the card 1 slot in glove box whilst infotainment is off
- power on and go to navigation
10. Optional 
. You can preserve your existing part number and map year if you so wish purely for display purposes on the settings info screen. That is using
Notepad if you do to avoid any illegal word processing related text characters getting in if you use Word etc which the unit may stumble on.
People always like to use their own special sauce which can sometimes give it a funny taste. The ebay card swapping one is the worste since they like to preserve the original card but find somehow they find it's stopped working but the new one works fine after writing the new maps which destroys the object of preserving the old card. That one is a weird upgrade but pointless.
Exciter should be credited with the original special sauce

. It hasn't changed in 30 months only the map sources which are issued across Vag sites June and November. Your 1.
Ntfs issue suspect was related to using a Mac or Ubunto one suspects or the general idea that it's better than Fat32. Stick to Fat32 and don't mess with the sector size.
8. Should mention 7zip the VW preferred free PC software tool. Others can cause issues. You unzip to HD first, it's faster then copy to SD. You drag and drop out of the archive, right clicking on the zip file and picking 7 zip, open archive.
7 zip can be obtained from
The Mac VW solution to 8. are covered at the bottom of their PDF listed on their website although other ones mentioned on the thread work. That's in the
VW 2018 PDF "Discover Media Gen.2 (PQ) Map material update" which also mentions Fat32 as the only format for the SD card.
If the map update is performed using the Apple® OS X operating system you may find that
Discover Media does not recognise the map material or displays it incorrectly. This is due to
a lack of compatibility between the “7 zip” program and the OS-X operating system. In
addition, the OS-X operating system has a tendency to create hidden additional files on
external data media. We therefore recommend that OS X users use the “Keka” unzipping
program. We also recommend using the “CleanMyDrive” program to remove any hidden files."
There are other Mac solutions to CleanMyDrive and the unzipping program but that's what they recommend.
Recent post on a German Skoda board covers the process for MAC users but doesn't mention CleanMyDrive (probably not required in this instance):
1) Prevent automatic opening of packed files in Safari (Settings -> General -> check the box next to "Open secure" files after loading <<)
2) Download the map package from the Skoda Update Portal
3) delete data on original Skoda SD card (via Finder all files / folders in the trash and then empty this)
4) Unpack package via free program "Keka" directly to SD card (could take some time)
Then you obviously copy back the Overall.NDS file as per the instructions above.
& lastly on
Fat32 PC or MAC VW says
Preparing the SD-CDA card
• Push the switch on the SD-CDA card to “Unlock”. Now insert the SD-CDA card into your
computer should it not yet be in your computer due to file backup.
• Delete all files on the SD-CDA card or reformat your SD-CDA card.
It is imperative that the card is formatted as a FAT32 partition.
The standard process is contained in the PDF, the workaround interfaces with that process to get round the issue of non availability of Mapcare where that is an issue.
The exception in the download file links are the Skoda ones that can optionally call a down load manager Exe file if they are setup to call it which carries out the unzipping process direct to SD card. That's works on a PC - assume it is good for MAC use. If you have one of these links you can see the download manager being called other than that it's just a standard download file.