
Updating the inbuilt Mib2 Satnav / Mib2 tricks and Mib1


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Sadly my unit does end with 877 :(

Hopefully Seat will fix this with a firmware update.

I thought it might me from your description. Will be a bit of an issue for those people who change their cars and are use to user POIs and find they can't upload them. It's the only VAG brand with this issue so not something that is rolling out since Seat gets stuff last ;). I would have been upset if I'd bought the Tarraco since I would have had that issue plus the lower spec than what I have on my Ateca, as they have dropped the optional high spec stuff out - would have been a double wammy. Still if you are not use to goodies you don't miss them.

I was being asked about why POInspector wasn't working etc. The detailed answer rested on that Spanish thread where a similar guy to the Briskoda one was shipping out freebie Spanish speedcamera files using Poinspector to create them in and got down to the bottom of it via his Spanish user base of his freebies on Leons and Atecas.

I guess the solution will be when Seat release new firmware for the unit if Seat recognises it as an issue and fix the internal POI import. I reckon it's just poor testing rather than a deliberate action but hassle to upgrade the firmware in the unit if a fix became available. That will be MY20 but then you'd end up waiting for the firmware to appear in the user community. I guess that the Spanish thread is worth periodically looking at. All other My19 units are fine without wifi e.g. Arona unit etc and all units before.
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Jun 23, 2019
Hi everyone! My unit hardware version is 5QA035858A an my map version 6P091866M (ECE1 2017). This means that I have the MIB2 Standard? Just making sure that I have the right data so I can start reading properly and understanding how to perform the update.
I need to copy the new maps to my existing Seat SD card?
By the way, when updating the maps, is the software/firmware being updated as well?


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Hi everyone! My unit hardware version is 5QA035858A an my map version 6P091866M (ECE1 2017). This means that I have the MIB2 Standard? Just making sure that I have the right data so I can start reading properly and understanding how to perform the update.
I need to copy the new maps to my existing Seat SD card?
By the way, when updating the maps, is the software/firmware being updated as well?

That is indeed a mib2 standard. Only the map data part of the system is updated not the firmware in a mib2 map update.

If you had Mapcare on your system you could do what you said, but if you haven't you do the "workaround" which which is described a number of times on the thread by different people. If you don't do the workaround it won't work.

Post 1693 are the latest map files June 2019. Post 1695 covers more and follow the link to 1601 which covers more. If you read from1693 will do it. 1695 on adjusting the overall.nds file. If you don't the conversation with Stepday to get the file back is the fix.

The main thing is to copy off the original SD card since that is your back up and you need the file from this to work with, loose the overall.nds file and you have to down load the original copy that came on the card.
May 20, 2019
SCOT. I always say this one now since it's a like for like All Europe bundle. At minute no need to take the zones. It will give you the 5F part number but dont worry and use the workaround.

All European Bundle

Albania*, Andorra, Austria, Belarus*, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina*, Bulgaria*, Croatia, Cyprus*, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia*, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Island, Italy, Kosovo*, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Macedonia (Former Republic of Yugoslavia)*, Moldova*, Monaco, Montenegro*, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania*, San Marino, Sweden, Switzerland, Serbia*, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Ukraine*, United Kingdom, Vatican City

* in parts

Hi again Tell. Been away for a few days so just got round to trying this out. Downloaded the file and did the workaround as described, worked a treat. Thanks to you and the rest of the guys who worked on this.
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Jun 23, 2019
Thank you, Tell for your help. Updated the maps like you've indicated. For ease of reference for future users the steps I took were:
1. Backed up the original SD card on my laptop
2. Formatted the SD card (don't forget to push the card lock mechanism to off)
3. Copied the new downloaded map version to the SD card
4. Replaced /maps/EEC/EEC_WLD/OVERALL.NDS on the SD CARD with the one from the original SD card
5. edited the /maps/00/nds/dbinfo.txt so that one of the PartNumberX entries correctly has my own part number in it, that is I replaced PartNumber4 from PartNumber4="5F...." to PartNumber4="6P0919866M"
6. long press on the on / off to reboot it so you don't shock the unit by changing the software.
7. Inserted the card into the card 1 slot and all good

8. Deleted any errors with VCDS
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Thank you, Tell for your help. Updated the maps like you've indicated. For ease of reference for future users the steps I took were:
1. Backed up the original SD card on my laptop
2. Formatted the SD card (don't forget to push the card lock mechanism to off)
3. Copied the new downloaded map version to the SD card
4. Replaced /maps/EEC/EEC_WLD/OVERALL.NDS on the SD CARD with the one from the original SD card
5. edited the /maps/00/nds/dbinfo.txt so that one of the PartNumberX entries correctly has my own part number in it, that is I replaced PartNumber4 from PartNumber4="5F...." to PartNumber4="6P0919866M"
6. long press on the on / off to reboot it so you don't shock the unit by changing the software.
7. Inserted the card into the card 1 slot and all good

8. Deleted any errors with VCDS

Oh yes well documented.

It works without 5. Since it was the partner's car didn't bother with 5 :). 6. You can put in there or after the card is first removed. 0. in your notes. In that power to the unit period which is about 20 minutes after exiting the car, the unit is still live and will be running. That's where the SVM errors come from and any incorrect fumbling. I've never had them by getting a reboot in. Wasn't in the original instructions of the workaround but then the vast majority of people probably don't check for errors. The errors cant be removed by the traditional delete within VCDS tools. So best not to get them if you aren't interest in Boolean arithmetic or Hex to Dec convertors etc. They can be pesky even if you are using the correct method to remove them. Post 35 on the thread deals with the removal using Obdeleven, works for me on the high, waiting for positive reports on the standard on getting rid of SAM errors. They get nested so you have to keep going till they go with reboots and the computed clear code.

The unit will work with SVM errors so not the end of the world.


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SVM ?.

Have you tried the clear procedures of computing the clear code. Walone knows the VCDS one that one, is case sensitive on alpha characters, upper I seem to recall. Obdeleven is lower. I use the Audi screen tool to compute with the Hex to Dec, Audi tool, Dec to Hex. Don't attempt to do Boolean arithmetic, too old for that just use the methodology for that. Best to not get them and then you dont have the headache to get rid of them, but for others who dont check they are none the wiser.


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Jun 23, 2019
Sorry, what is SVM? Software Version Management? I have VCDS, not ODIS.
It seems that I had a failure in the unit, I think I restarted it while the car was idling, that's probably why I had lost rear speakers as well. Got really panicked and was trying to remember what coding I had done last evening. Anyway, the error is gone, have everything fully functional and then some. Only thing to do now is maybe update the firmware. Or should I stay put? :)


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No it's created by the infotainment unit with it deems you have tampered inappropriately with the software which can be firmware or the maps side. It's like tilting a pinball machine an alarm is set in the software which is shown by a VCDS scan. It can't be cleared by just pressing a button.

Traditionally you had to contact VAG and they would give the dealer the clear code. The methodology at some point was worked out by the community, the Boolean arithmetic which was used to compute the clear code. Then you have guys on boards telling you the technique showing their prowess at Boolean arithmetic, people getting it wrong etc or you can just use a screen to construct. I use an Audi formuns field filling box that does it for you. Explained in that link I gave you.

Post 35

It's a worked example of where the Obdeleven video hand waved the procedure but left missing stuff out, I showed a worked example which covers the missing stuff. Uses this as the core

The magic box the guy refers to as the "Super Special Calculator" ;). But for Obdeleven you need a Hex to Dec convertors and back again.

Basically each infotainment unit has a unique confirmation of installation change code dependent on the firmware installed. Mine changed when I had the firmware updated with retrofit software. When it blows an SVM error shown by a scan you take this unique static code to the firmware (and unit, I believe) and compute the clear code using the method... by hand as some do relying on their pure mathematics abilities or shove it in a box that does the donkey work for you. Dealer technicians aren't up to this so if you create one and don't clear it yourself you are stuck with it. They will however see it on their own scan when they service it.

Notice on the Ateca link I put it below opening up the developers menu. Good way to mess things up is that so on the high you need that as well. If playing with firmware incorrectly then you are likely to set the trip wire off. The history of the navigation thread shows SVM errors long before the workaround method. They can be difficult to fix and need to be recursively fixed in some instances but if you have computed the wrong clear code by a mistake in the methodology then repeating the procedure will not work.

Anyhow if you like the Boolean arithmetic method rather than the black box method Don, Dv52 is your man on this

Whether this method always fixes SVM errors introduced by the workaround is a bit of mute point since on another thread a person has not managed to clear one they got via the workaround. So positive as well as negative reports are welcome. It's best to stick to the procedure of the reboot after the map change before putting in the card so as to avoid an SVM error being created. It's not fatal if you get one but you are likely to be stuck with it since your dealer will leave it.

Back to your original question there is a firmware thread. You generally stay put unless you have a good reason to change such as a defect or enhanced menus. Any new car is going to have the latest in any case. I'd ask your question there.
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Jun 23, 2019
Thanks for all your patience and extensive explanations, Tell. I think I’m cured for the moment. Just going to enjoy my new car


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Jul 23, 2018
I would be grateful for some advice about updating my maps and which instructions to follow. Here's my current versions. Sorry about the flash from the camera.

I'd prefer a method that doesn't introduce any errors or changes the part number.

Can I go from 0915 to the latest or do i have to go through the intermediate steps ?


  • car.JPG
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Ambassador for Cumberland Sausage
Apr 20, 2014
Gods Country - West Cumbria
I would be grateful for some advice about updating my maps and which instructions to follow. Here's my current versions. Sorry about the flash from the camera.

I'd prefer a method that doesn't introduce any errors or changes the part number.

Can I go from 0915 to the latest or do i have to go through the intermediate steps ?

Follow post #1786 should do it as you want. (Albeit there may be errors which are not seen unless checked with OBDEleven etc- Dealer will not even bother about these)

And yes you can go from 0915 to the current maps in one update.

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Yes (5) was always optional in the 2017 instructions, some people like to adjust the part number to finesse it where the whole of Europe release doesn't have the 6P on it or where they like to follow to the optional original instructions to the letter. Correcting to 6P the whole of Europe release for a Seat just means that the standard Seat test for a mib1 or mib2 works. By looking at the year and the part code without the edit any future owner would still know which release and unit you have in the car. The fields in (5) are just for display they are not used for anything else.

See post 1693 for links to the current Mib2 Standard releases (June 2019), the "All European Release" is the one which doesnt have a 6P part number. EU in the filename means an all Europe release. EU1 / EU2 / EU3 are the zoned bundles within Europe and they will display 6P in a Seat unit. All map releases for VAG cars for Mib2 Standard are identical, it's the firmware which is different.

The reboot of the unit after removing the card from the unit (long hold on the on/off switch till it rewakes) will stop all processes in the unit so when you re-insert the card it wont get a jolt of the map change. They do apparently take longer to boot up first time round after a map change.... that's reported where Mapcare is used, thought it took longer myself but haven't timed it. Either way good practise to get that reboot prior to introducing a new map to aid the validation process if it reduces the possibility of an SVM error. Not had one myself using this method.
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Alor Blue 290 Cupra
Jan 21, 2019
Sorry to sound stupid; can you not just buy a newer version genuine SD card on eBay for example to update?


Ambassador for Cumberland Sausage
Apr 20, 2014
Gods Country - West Cumbria
Sorry to sound stupid; can you not just buy a newer version genuine SD card on eBay for example to update?

No. The card is linked to your car and only one card can be linked. If you already have a card installed, that is linked and therefore buying a new one of EBay will not work.
Just installing a newer card will not link it to the car, hence the workaround which I have personally done 5 or 6 times now with no issues.

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The ebay sellers like that. Without Mapcare the original card is tethered to the unit by the CID on the card and you need online ODIS to marry it up with a new card. You do get 6 months free Mapcare with a brand new Seat car these days which covers dealers giving you an old card. After that you are stuck.

Only Seat in the Vag group do this now Skoda and VW put in unlimited Mapcare but dont market it as such. On the continent in some countries and Eire mapcare is sold as a one off for 125 Euros or 600 Euros as a hit for those that are stupid enough not to buy it in the first place. Seat's game on this in the UK is just stupid, no other words for it. Seat Europe is just pretty stupid with the current policy. Suspect at some stage Seat will just fall inline and perhaps why Seat UK hasn't changed their stance.

On the cards, production is always lagged, so you get bang up-to-date maps downloaded than waiting for a card even if you went that route. As for Google don't start me off :). They have major issues in some locations where not paying for up to date sat images means they haven't got the details of other map providers aka Here Maps and Tom Tom, least they spend their money on satellite images.

Ps crossed post with Maypack but aired my frustration on Google Maps :). I don't bother to correct their maps these days if their image doesn't show the road layout correctly since I know they won't action it since they cant validate.
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Alor Blue 290 Cupra
Jan 21, 2019
No. The card is linked to your car and only one card can be linked. If you already have a card installed, that is linked and therefore buying a new one of EBay will not work.
Just installing a newer card will not link it to the car, hence the workaround which I have personally done 5 or 6 times now with no issues.

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Ah okay thanks for clarifying! I usually use my Apple maps through car play so isn’t an issue for me; was just wondering!


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Jul 23, 2018
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this thread.

Before I follow the steps just one question comes to mind.

Can I clone the sd card either using Windows or Linux before altering it?

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