
Updating the inbuilt Mib2 Satnav / Mib2 tricks and Mib1


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Thanks for the detailed replies I will have a bash at this tomorrow.

Stupid question but do I just use the SDCard that is provided by Seat or do I need to buy a new one ?

Also does this mean back up the orginal SDCard ?

Thanks again :)

Thanks again :) What we are trying to do is get you reset back to what you had before so you can move forward with the update working on the basis that the overall.nds file has got lost and you haven't got the right one now on the SD card. To put that right you take the 0915 Map directory and it's contents which is the correct one for the card based on what you have said.

Then you can save what ever you have on the SD card now but reckon it's corrupted.

No you must use the original file. Delete what's on it.

Use 7-Zip to extract and copy the contents of the 915 download unzipped onto the SD Card. Just drag and drop the map directory after unzipping onto the HD then onto SD card - faster as two stage and you have an unzipped copy.

You should have the Map directory as the top directory and the rest below on the SD card.

Forget the 0915_MP171-1284.xEUR1.md5sum.txt we don't need it.

You should now have a working system back again of the ECE1 2018 Maps if you put it in... clip the SD card. Now start again. That overall.nds is the all important file you lost and you must keep safe.


Active Member
Feb 23, 2019
What we are trying to do is get you reset back to what you had before so you can move forward with the update working on the basis that the overall.nds file has got lost and you haven't got the right one now on the SD card. To put that right you take the 0915 Map directory and it's contents which is the correct one for the card based on what you have said.

Then you can save what ever you have on the SD card now but reckon it's corrupted.

Did you confuse me for someone else ? I haven't done anything yet, only go the car today

What I'm going to do:

1) Downloaded 'DiscoverMedia2_EU_AS_1310_V11.7z' and used 7Zip to extract it.
2) Copy my original 'OVERALL.NDS' file off my ' Europa 1 V7' SDCard and keep it safe. (probably just back the whole card up tbh)
3) Format the SDcard
4) Copy the 'maps' folder from the downloaded 'DiscoverMedia2_EU_AS_1310_V11' onto my SDcard
5) Edit the 'maps/00/nds/dbinfo.txt' info to read "6P0919866AF" thus matching my current.
6) Copy my original 'OVERALL.NDS' into maps\EEC\EEC_WLD on the SDcard
7) Insert the SDcard into the unit and reboot

I'll re read everything tomorrow just to double check as its getting late now !
Hope this is right


Active Member
Feb 26, 2009
North Yorkshire
Did you confuse me for someone else ? I haven't done anything yet, only go the car today

What I'm going to do:

1) Downloaded 'DiscoverMedia2_EU_AS_1310_V11.7z' and used 7Zip to extract it.
2) Copy my original 'OVERALL.NDS' file off my ' Europa 1 V7' SDCard and keep it safe. (probably just back the whole card up tbh)
3) Format the SDcard
4) Copy the 'maps' folder from the downloaded 'DiscoverMedia2_EU_AS_1310_V11' onto my SDcard
5) Edit the 'maps/00/nds/dbinfo.txt' info to read "6P0919866AF" thus matching my current.
6) Copy my original 'OVERALL.NDS' into maps\EEC\EEC_WLD on the SDcard
7) Insert the SDcard into the unit and reboot

I'll re read everything tomorrow just to double check as its getting late now !
Hope this is right
The above plan is exactly right..........your backup at 2), backup the entire card and keep forever
Don't forget to unlock and re-lock the card


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Did you confuse me for someone else ? I haven't done anything yet, only go the car today

What I'm going to do:

1) Downloaded 'DiscoverMedia2_EU_AS_1310_V11.7z' and used 7Zip to extract it.
2) Copy my original 'OVERALL.NDS' file off my ' Europa 1 V7' SDCard and keep it safe. (probably just back the whole card up tbh)
3) Format the SDcard
4) Copy the 'maps' folder from the downloaded 'DiscoverMedia2_EU_AS_1310_V11' onto my SDcard
5) Edit the 'maps/00/nds/dbinfo.txt' info to read "6P0919866AF" thus matching my current.
6) Copy my original 'OVERALL.NDS' into maps\EEC\EEC_WLD on the SDcard
7) Insert the SDcard into the unit and reboot

I'll re read everything tomorrow just to double check as its getting late now !
Hope this is right

Oh yes my reply was to Stepday.... It was late... sorry....

You don't have to regenerate the original.ndf file since you have it, they don't it would seem.

5 is optional edit with Notepad but just finneses it with a Seat part number, didn't bother myself.

I would put a (0) in of rebooting the system after you take the navigation card out with the on / off long press. I reckon that is how people end up with the SVM error of shocking the unit into thinking the software has been messed with by putting the revised card without the unit being rebooted. I haven't had an SVM error, but you wouldnt know this if you don't run Obd diagnostics. Fiddly to clear and your dealer won't bother.

Refer Stepday to what I posted on getting theirs back.


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Apr 27, 2016
Unzipping. It comes as a zip file. If it's a PC you download the free 7zip, sit on the file in the file manager, right click 7-zip, open archive, drag and drop to a created directory on your HD for it.


Install it if using a PC.

Having taken a copy of the original card onto your HD in its own directory. Create a directory on the HD where the new Map data unzipped is to go. Delete what's on the SD card, drag and drop the new files from where you put them on your HD unzipped, with Map obviously in the same location on the SD (on the root). Now replace the new overall.nds file on the SD with the original.

It sits in the


directory, copy on top of that your original overall.nds

Lock the SD card and all done.

Let someone else tell you the Mac method but mentioned it above. Cleanmydrive etc.

I suspect MAC users are having issues with the extraneous stuff that MACs create as part of the unzip if you don't do the recommended procedure.

Matt - MAC or not.

Pc Tell.

Right all updated now. 20190622_112352.jpg

Thanks Tell and everyone for your help.
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Deleted member 98136

Thanks again :) What we are trying to do is get you reset back to what you had before so you can move forward with the update working on the basis that the overall.nds file has got lost and you haven't got the right one now on the SD card. To put that right you take the 0915 Map directory and it's contents which is the correct one for the card based on what you have said.

Then you can save what ever you have on the SD card now but reckon it's corrupted.

No you must use the original file. Delete what's on it.

Use 7-Zip to extract and copy the contents of the 915 download unzipped onto the SD Card. Just drag and drop the map directory after unzipping onto the HD then onto SD card - faster as two stage and you have an unzipped copy.

You should have the Map directory as the top directory and the rest below on the SD card.

Forget the 0915_MP171-1284.xEUR1.md5sum.txt we don't need it.

You should now have a working system back again of the ECE1 2018 Maps if you put it in... clip the SD card. Now start again. That overall.nds is the all important file you lost and you must keep safe.

Tell, I've finally got it to work

1/. Used the download 0915 file you recommended, put that onto my Seat sd card as instructed, worked fine, remembering to reset system first.

2/. Then formated same sd card and installed "Bundle 1" , changed OVERALL.NDS file for the one off the 0915 download and again reset system, which loaded up perfectly ! It still had my POI speed cameras remembered.

I think what had thrown me was moving the OVERALL.NDS file about, as it gets a new date stamp on the file which is the date its moved.

Can't thank you enough mate (and all the other helpful replies)

Thanks again
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Active Member
Feb 23, 2019
It still had my POI speed cameras remembered.

Ohhhh what is this I’m reading, can you add Speed Cameras is a POI to these systems ??

If so how

I did a search on google but the info I read wasn’t positive in the subject

I’ve got a unit which can provide a wi-fi hotspot so thought I can’t import POI’s based on what I read.
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Glad you got it back. That's twice now we have used the method to retrieve the original overall.nds file where its been mislayed. So I knew that would work, since the card is locked in use so that file is static but linked to the series release of the card, the unit, the card's CID. The user POIs are stored in the unit itself so they remain unchanged.


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Ohhhh what is this I’m reading, can you add Speed Cameras is a POI to these systems ??

If so how

I did a search on google but the info I read wasn’t positive in the subject

Well if it's not a my19 standard with WiFi you can construct them yourself from your favourite POI library. The Cupra site holds the official Poinspector instructions which the developer linked too.

Others use pre made speed camera POIs, but if you load your own you know the origin. I use Pocket GPS World ones, £17 Or so annual subscription you take out. Poinspector is 10 Euros or so one off.

I cover how to do it in the link. Maypack and others on here helped me with the standard workings of it since I originally had the high unit to hand.

It beeps as you arrive at a camera. VW withdrew their web based system which beeped. The online service that VW and Skoda have don't give you the audio warning. Radas' program does. Used worldwide now across Vag cars. It was developed by Radas pre mib1, then adapted for mib1 and 2, standard and high, his programming project. Once set up it runs smoothly.

There are also some Mac scripts I've seen mentioned but Poisnpector is a nice rounded program that works.


Ambassador for Cumberland Sausage
Apr 20, 2014
Gods Country - West Cumbria
Well if it's not a my19 standard with WiFi you can construct them yourself from your favourite POI library. The Cupra site holds the official Poinspector instructions which the developer linked too.

Others use pre made speed camera POIs, but if you load your own you know the origin. I use Pocket GPS World ones, £17 Or so annual subscription you take out. Poinspector is 10 Euros or so one off.

I cover how to do it in the link. Maypack and others on here helped me with the standard workings of it since I originally had the high unit to hand.

It beeps as you arrive at a camera. VW withdrew their web based system. The online service that VW and Skoda have don't give you the warning sound. Radas' program does. Used worldwide now. It was developed by Radas pre mib1, then adapted for mib1 and 2, standard and high. Once set up it runs smoothly.

There are also some Mac scripts I've seen mentioned but Poisnpector is a nice rounded program that works.

All @Tell says is right. I use it all the time to upload the newest camera database whenever I go somewhere outside my local area.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Active Member
Feb 23, 2019
Ok i’ll have a look cheers to you both.

I may be out of luck though, I do have a standard unit, but it has the wi-fi hotspot function (uses my phone signal and sets up a hotspot for passengers).

Is this the WiFi system that you can’t load POI’s with ?

Deleted member 98136

Ok i’ll have a look cheers to you both.

I may be out of luck though, I do have a standard unit, but it has the wi-fi hotspot function (uses my phone signal and sets up a hotspot for passengers).

Is this the WiFi system that you can’t load POI’s with ?
Have a read of this thread
Updated Speed Camera SD card files (July 2018) for Amundsen Sat Nav Unit
use google search.

First post tells you what to do and the file you need ( which worked on my standard unit ) is on page 5 of that thread from Welsh Boyo


Full Member
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Have a read of this thread
Updated Speed Camera SD card files (July 2018) for Amundsen Sat Nav Unit
use google search.

First post tells you what to do and the file you need ( which worked on my standard unit ) is on page 5 of that thread from Welsh Boyo

There the ones of unknown origin. If you want to know the origin you do it yourself. The PocketGPSWorld ones cover both fixed and mobile, updated weekly or so. Some of the freebie ones cover fixed cameras only since these have a reported database. The mobile ones warn you where you need to watch your speed since police mobile speed cameras have been reported by Pocket GPS World speed camera users.

Using Poinspector you can import any POIs so that's how I get my precise destinations in and populate two cars with them - avoids fiddling with the On Map menu so you keep your destination in sync. Use an old Skoda trick I was told, import as coordinate POI, select and save as a Destination. At that stage the unit looks like any GPS unit with favourites marked up and destination in the destination menu. For outdoor activities postcodes aren't going to get you to the start of the activity.

So using your own Poi import gives you total flexibility in importing any POIs own, free or paid.
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Active Member
Feb 26, 2009
North Yorkshire
Have a read of this thread
Updated Speed Camera SD card files (July 2018) for Amundsen Sat Nav Unit
use google search.

First post tells you what to do and the file you need ( which worked on my standard unit ) is on page 5 of that thread from Welsh Boyo
Don't be put off by the title, it gets updated every 3-4 months or so but as @Tell says origin unknown,here is the link
I think registration is required, I use it as I cover very few miles nowadays and am rural.


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Ok i’ll have a look cheers to you both.

I may be out of luck though, I do have a standard unit, but it has the wi-fi hotspot function (uses my phone signal and sets up a hotspot for passengers).

Is this the WiFi system that you can’t load POI’s with ?

You can identify whether you have an affected unit by this below. If so nobody is able to get beeps and squeaks out of them since Seat messed up the POI import in the firmware for the hardware, no POIs can be imported at all via SD or USB... suspect the solution is revised firmware. You can Id it from this below:

Note MY19 Seat Cars - Standard Navi - POI import not working

It's now become well documented via the Spanish Club Seat Ateca site that the standard navi unit MY19 with the build device part number finishing in 877 and 877A will not import user POIs whether generated by Poinspector, commercial or free Pois. The issues goes across to Leon units and nodoubt the Tarraco. The Mib2 High plus units are fine which we already know. The issue is not related to the software serial number of the units (0512 / 0514) but part number finishing in 877 and 877A.

The part number can be obtained by

● Press the Infotainment MENU button and
then select Setup .

● In the System settings menu, press the
System information function button.

The top line shows the device part number. If that finishes with 877 or 877A then the unit will not import users Poi's. Seat have acknowledged the issue.

More details on the Spanish thread

There are a few red herrings on the thread about the Navigation Plus unit which relate to VW changing the file header, Poinpector takes care of that but commercial or free ones may not so you do the directory copy trick. It's not related to the map provider either which recently changed to TomTom for the standard unit. The real issue is the fault that Seat rolled out into the standard MY19 units with the part number code covered above.

That's the situation as of May 2019.
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Don't be put off by the title, it gets updated every 3-4 months or so but as @Tell says origin unknown,here is the link
I think registration is required, I use it as I cover very few miles nowadays and am rural.

Analysed the Briskoda freebie:

The icon divide into four groups.

Opened with SQLite Expert the March 2019 release:

Short of cameras compared to the PocketGPSWorld:

10,629 Skoda freebie

15,719 PocketGPSWorld fixed
3,211 "" mobile

over 8,331 warnings of UK cameras missing in the freebie.... still you do save £18 a year. Cost Benefit Analysis in there of getting nicked v the £18 per year fee. You do get a weekly or so newsletter with the PocketGPSWorld. Really published database less than the mobile cameras v crowd sourced places where cameras have been seen to operate.

The police don't publish their mobile spots so that is one of the differences and some of the mobile spots seem to be entered into the PocketGPSWorld as fixed spots. That's basically it, hotspots for cameras are more in the paid service than the fixed point published database... well I reckon that's the difference.
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When unpacked the files are around 2.5GB, is that small?
The data was last updated 20/03/2019
Talking about those free Briskoda POIs 2.5gb would be miles too big. POI files are surprisingly small in mb size, just x,y coordinates and a name.

I found the March release on the thread in question, unzipped it and opened it up in Sqlite (poidata.db3 in mib2tsb, table pPoiAdressTable etc). So you see the database structure of the upload into the car. VAG on that have always used an open database although uploading is secured by hash files which you have to know how to generate. That's how that guy, Poinspector and the script people get them into the car. There is an Excel version about.

I had come across some talk about rip off PocketGPSWorld camera database on the net where somebody was publishing the database which wasn't theirs to publish. It isn't this one since it's missing nearly 8,000 speed cameras for the UK. The field contents are different with road names as identifiers rather than camera codes which is what PocketGPSWorld has. So I reckon they haven't been pseudo manufactured. The rip off ones would show the same name or fiddled with.

That brings us back to the difference in size between the two. The 8,000 missing cameras from he Briskoda chappies public domain sourced cameras compared with the crowd sourced PocketGPSWorld ones. Either PocketGPSWorld ones have better crowd sourcing (they use a years free membership as an inducement to supply valid camera locations) or the chappies public sourced stuff is lacking.

Well if it comes from police published speed locations it will be missing the 3,000 mobile speed location cameras that PocketGPSWorld has. The 5,000 balance which would appear to be fixed cameras I reckon is due to mis allocation in the PocketGPSWorld ones where they have mobile cameras reported and validated but entered into the fixed camera database. I found in Essex it would warble with imaginary fixed cameras (you can see the icon) which were spots where radar checks would be carried out, so clearly their database has misallocation. You can report stuff but I never did. Living in a completely different place now, warbles again at mobile camera locations as fixed. Another village where you often see mobile speed checks (they come out for the tourist traffic) the PocketGPSWorld one is well sprinkled with camera locations at the right spots. I would recommend loading up both the fixed and mobile camera database if using the PocketGPSWorld ones.

You pay your money or not and take your choice. Waze has speedcamera data in it but I guess that will suffer the same issues if crowd sourcing isn't good. Here Maps is also trying to build up a speed camera database.

Basically the PocketGPSWorld ones cover fixed and mobile reported camera positions but due to some database data entry issues they have a fair few mobile ones entered in as fixed when they are not. Basically the warbles can be viewed as as danger spots where speeding is an issue.
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Ambassador for Cumberland Sausage
Apr 20, 2014
Gods Country - West Cumbria
I use the warble for exactly that. Indicating to me there “may” be a camera located nearby and to watch my speed.

PocketGPSWorld subscription is worth it in my opinion for what I get out of it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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