SW update for MIB2 infotainment system?


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Since I use the "workaround" for the navigation map updates, never had a requirement for the rest since got all the rest are on the Arona except the performance screen if it's like Mib2 high. The patch presumable is you don't need the signed FeC whilst OBDEleven just shifts the signed stuff back wards and forwards. Like a back-up and restore. That's to say it's authorised with the signature. Again it's it's like the Mib2 high toolbox kit that just goes in as a TXT file as a rows of additional FeCs.

Better give you the Mib2 standard tool box. That's the project where there aren't too many Seat people on the board that talk about it. It's under Tools, SWAP codes are FeCs interchangeable name.

The mib2 high project for this is the Mr Bonk one (one I've used with good guidance from here) still sits in my green menu if required again

Mr Bonk firmware is deployed on the Mib2 high 1447AIO to do the FeC edits after updating everything else.

The downside of these Toolbox's / Toolkits you might need VCDS / Obdeleven coding. The high one is OK you'd have to read up on the mib2 standard tool box and as said I reckon it may be very specific to what firmware you are using. I did look once and it didn't at that time cover the train I was interested in. Also, I vaguely remember there might be on the bench stuff. Not straight forward where you need hand holding from someone who's used it. I could be thinking Delphi thou.

If you kill these units they won't boot up again will specific pins are shorted inside of them.... sometime put on a laptop to restore stuff. Whilst the Mib2 high one is OK. My reading on the Mib2 standard is more problematic. You'd have to have a good read up on the subject before doing anything.


Full Member
Mar 28, 2004
Since I use the "workaround" for the navigation map updates, never had a requirement for the rest since got all the rest are on the Arona except the performance screen if it's like Mib2 high. The patch presumable is you don't need the signed FeC whilst OBDEleven just shifts the signed stuff back wards and forwards. Like a back-up and restore. That's to say it's authorised with the signature. Again it's it's like the Mib2 high toolbox kit that just goes in as a TXT file as a rows of additional FeCs.

Better give you the Mib2 standard tool box. That's the project where there aren't too many Seat people on the board that talk about it. It's under Tools, SWAP codes are FeCs interchangeable name.

The mib2 high project for this is the Mr Bonk one (one I've used with good guidance from here) still sits in my green menu if required again

Mr Bonk firmware is deployed on the Mib2 high 1447AIO to do the FeC edits after updating everything else.

The downside of these Toolbox's / Toolkits you might need VCDS / Obdeleven coding. The high one is OK you'd have to read up on the mib2 standard tool box and as said I reckon it may be very specific to what firmware you are using. I did look once and it didn't at that time cover the train I was interested in. Also, I vaguely remember there might be on the bench stuff. Not straight forward where you need hand holding from someone who's used it. I could be thinking Delphi thou.

If you kill these units they won't boot up again will specific pins are shorted inside of them.... sometime put on a laptop to restore stuff. Whilst the Mib2 high one is OK. My reading on the Mib2 standard is more problematic. You'd have to have a good read up on the subject before doing anything.
it`s like joining a conversation mid flow very confusing many headaches trying to understand all this.
I have been investigating for a while but the people who develop these tools and hacks assume you are mid conversation when anything is discussed about them.

i have a bench setup with harness and gateway spare screen etc. actually recovering the technisat units is pretty easy as you mentioned with a uart adapter and some pins attached to the rx/tx pins, a pain having no ignition signal though.

i have a 02xx unit which was odis cp removed so no error but hacked very early in 2018 it`s much slower when attaching these carplay ai boxes you can buy now, i just tested one on the 04xx running 0480 and it is much much better.
it`s a right pain swapping it over though seat sound and losing some of the fec`s performance monitor etc. but i got the mib for nothing really so it`s a worthy upgrade.

i noticed you can buy odis pretty cheap now https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006225356855.html?spm=a2g0o.detail.0.0.726aoJiIoJiIdo&mp=1

so maybe i can do it that way instead of these hacks. i heard you can hack the vin number instead to make it think it`s a later car.


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They use to do this stuff on the bench before they worked out how to put the tools in the green menu. That hack was to use the POI import which wasn't locked down with an SHA1 signature. Basically was like London Underground you snuggled up behind someone and ran in behind them before the barrier closed. It was found anything following behind could get loaded into the unit, so the toolkits and all the AIO (all in one) firmware uses this technique. You won't find the bank of signatures in any of that software since it's unsigned. They recompute the meta file checks, they probably have a tool for that or do it by hand... tedious.

The mib2 standard toolkit may be fine for your task and if you know how to short the pins out you can dig yourself out of a hole. Failing all of that people who mess up their units in the UK can send them of too East Yorkshire Retrofit. They have an associate up there they use that does the technical programming stuff and has dug people out of a mess before on this thread. Basically that's where they have got them in a boot loop and corrupted that bit by trying to load the wrong train on.

Basically for the mib2 high those published FeC / Swap codes are it. They go into the unit on a txt file via the SD card, one after another. I'd expect the Mib2 standard one to be the same. The program for on the bench was WhattheFec that writes into the area the FeCs... as I understand it. May the mib2 standard toolkit doesn't do that task you still need Obedeleven after it's patched. That would be different to the mib2 high tool kit.

Interestingly, the mib2 high toolkit back up showed the previous retrofitters work date and times. Clever stuff. Where mib wiki here said their work was rubbish when he saw a copy of it.

Nb. the mib2 standard toolkit does say you need the green menu enabled which means you do need OBD coding that way so perhaps investing in OBDEleven might be worthwhile or do it on a bench.


Active Member
Mar 13, 2024
Have a 2016 Leon FR with the 6P0 infotainment system (MST2_EU_SE_ZR_P0253T), and I finally managed to get Full-Link unlocked via OBDeleven and MIB2 Toolbox, only to find its only got MirrorLink, NOT Android-Auto or Carplay... :mad:
Is this something that can be added with a firmware update?
I tried downloading from mibsolution.one, but either the site is seriously bugged or my connection is, but I couldn't download anything.
MIBHelper says that firmware v.0253 would work, but I can't seem to find a good download?
Any help guys?
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Have a 2016 Leon FR with the 6P0 infotainment system (MST2_EU_SE_ZR_P0253T), and I finally managed to get Full-Link unlocked via OBDeleven and MIB2 Toolbox, only to find its only got MirrorLink, NOT Android-Auto or Carplay... :mad:
Is this something that can be added with a firmware update?
I tried downloading from mibsolution.one, but either the site is seriously bugged or my connection is, but I couldn't download anything.
MIBHelper says that firmware v.0253 would work, but I can't seem to find a good download?
Any help guys?

Well you got 253T so you have it already. Mibhelper is like an AI system pulling files together with text only as good as the text. Pass on what exactly is in 253 when Android Auto / Carplay came along. Mibsolution is having a day off in any case so it seems. The T means it's a legitimate shipping one BTW.

As for trains which you haven't asked about if AA / Carplay isn't in the 2* train then you are a bit stuck since changing trains isn't something you should do. It's in the 5* train I know that.

This I reckon is where you press the menu button (long press) to review enabled and available FEC/Swap codes. If it's not in the list you are a bit stuck on the 2* train. Thats like the Vag goody shop that if you paid you could have these. That's the workaround to enabling what's on the list.

There are mods to get you off trains but frowned at since they can brick yoyr unit. East Yorkshire Retrofit offers a service but you'd have to check whether they have this path. The unit is opened up. So it could be those things came later than 2*... anyone.


Active Member
Mar 13, 2024

Well you got 253T so you have it already. Mibhelper is like an AI system pulling files together with text only as good as the text. Pass on what exactly is in 253 when Android Auto / Carplay came along. Mibsolution is having a day off in any case so it seems. The T means it's a legitimate shipping one BTW.

As for trains which you haven't asked about if AA / Carplay isn't in the 2* train then you are a bit stuck since changing trains isn't something you should do. It's in the 5* train I know that.

This I reckon is where you press the menu button (long press) to review enabled and available FEC/Swap codes. If it's not in the list you are a bit stuck on the 2* train. Thats like the Vag goody shop that if you paid you could have these. That's the workaround to enabling what's on the list.

There are mods to get you off trains but frowned at since they can brick yoyr unit. East Yorkshire Retrofit offers a service but you'd have to check whether they have this path. The unit is opened up. So it could be those things came later than 2*... anyone.
Doh! The unit firmware is actually P0245T, I cut and pasted the wrong code.
Hmm, might retry MIBsolution again later and see if I can get 0253 firmware.

Anyone else know if AndroidAuto came on 02XX series units at all?


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I think you are on the right track. The Seat and Skoda trains are similar so they did it in Skoda's 253 firmware. You need the Seat one.

That final one was to clear the SVM error. Just monitors whether the software has been messed with. If you get tired of waiting I'm sure East Yorkshire Retrofit's website will sell you the software.
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I get hazy about whether that's mib1 or mib2 on the USB.🤔 On the mib1 that's true.

I had all factory fitted on AA and Car Play but don't use it 🤣. Needs a Google on mib2 to verify, those coming from mib1 had to that fitted mib2 into the slot that's true. I reckon they were built with the USB handle it in mib2 standard but if not thats the next one. The Skoda guy doesn't mention it so it's only if you do the big leap. Reckon the hardware is in just controlled by software. It's like a TV built as 4k but sold cheap since it only gives you 1080p... cheaper to make 4k and cripple them... the Vag pricing to unlock them 😉. Not forgetting HDR10 and Dolby Vision... I joke I had to get up to speed on those when I changed TV from HD.

Little bit more digging this morning, reckon the USB will be fine for data... Skoda and Seat are similar:



Full Member
Mar 28, 2004
They use to do this stuff on the bench before they worked out how to put the tools in the green menu. That hack was to use the POI import which wasn't locked down with an SHA1 signature. Basically was like London Underground you snuggled up behind someone and ran in behind them before the barrier closed. It was found anything following behind could get loaded into the unit, so the toolkits and all the AIO (all in one) firmware uses this technique. You won't find the bank of signatures in any of that software since it's unsigned. They recompute the meta file checks, they probably have a tool for that or do it by hand... tedious.

The mib2 standard toolkit may be fine for your task and if you know how to short the pins out you can dig yourself out of a hole. Failing all of that people who mess up their units in the UK can send them of too East Yorkshire Retrofit. They have an associate up there they use that does the technical programming stuff and has dug people out of a mess before on this thread. Basically that's where they have got them in a boot loop and corrupted that bit by trying to load the wrong train on.

Basically for the mib2 high those published FeC / Swap codes are it. They go into the unit on a txt file via the SD card, one after another. I'd expect the Mib2 standard one to be the same. The program for on the bench was WhattheFec that writes into the area the FeCs... as I understand it. May the mib2 standard toolkit doesn't do that task you still need Obedeleven after it's patched. That would be different to the mib2 high tool kit.

Interestingly, the mib2 high toolkit back up showed the previous retrofitters work date and times. Clever stuff. Where mib wiki here said their work was rubbish when he saw a copy of it.

Nb. the mib2 standard toolkit does say you need the green menu enabled which means you do need OBD coding that way so perhaps investing in OBDEleven might be worthwhile or do it on a bench.
yep basically an exploit to inject code.

honestly recovering mib2 std technisat preh is so simple there is no need to send it away. if its really bad there are emmc images you can write to the emmc on the system board with a special sd card with wires you tap on the board, not fecked it up that much yet though.

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Active Member
Mar 13, 2024
Might be an MIB1 issue, as mine is now working fine after unlocking options in OBD11.
Still can't download a firmware update, but this is working for now, enough to get waze up on screen!
Thanks a lot for pointing me in the right direction Tell. 😁
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Mar 28, 2004


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