SW update for MIB2 infotainment system?

Dec 23, 2021


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Active Member
Mar 20, 2018
About my FEC's. Im write that I have one 07300028 NOT VALID but this is not true. It is REJECTED. Today Im see that there are 3 states: Valid, Not Valid, Rejected...
Neveljavno=Not Valid

Today Im install MIB tool, and by mistake patch FEC before Firmware patch. Can I somehow delete that Not valid and Rejected FEC's?
Tomorrow I will try update maps to 195 but I don't expect issues because it already show me progress that map 2022 is detected and not show error...
Thanks for all help.


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About my FEC's. Im write that I have one 07300028 NOT VALID but this is not true. It is REJECTED. Today Im see that there are 3 states: Valid, Not Valid, Rejected...
Neveljavno=Not Valid

Today Im install MIB tool, and by mistake patch FEC before Firmware patch. Can I somehow delete that Not valid and Rejected FEC's?
Tomorrow I will try update maps to 195 but I don't expect issues because it already show me progress that map 2022 is detected and not show error...
Thanks for all help.
This one could be one for the experts.... odd that you get it recorded twice. The ee one is the life long FeC so see where it goes thru, why you get double entries I pass on that. Before you didn't have any valid ones for the map you were loading up. Now you do, but still get the odd list.

Suspect your dealer messed something up... The experts will know. Whether it's workable as is to be proved.
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Mar 20, 2018
Im make mistake that Im do all this tired... Im install MIB and make backup in the morning. Then in the evening when I had some time check menu and select "Add new Fec's to FecContainer.fec" Then unit reboot and there has been new navi FEC's 073000ee and 0830008 but both NOT VALID then Im remember that in the morning didnt patch firmware and Im run patch "Flash patched image". And it add another new navi FEC's 073000ee and 0830008 with VALID state.
So now I have 073000ee and 0830008 with VALID state and 073000ee and 0830008 with NOT VALID state...
If remember right Im see on youtube one video how can FEC's be removed on patched unit... Need to check again...
Jan 2, 2021
İspanyol sitesinde var....

3) Mib2'de (6,5" ekran) bazı durumlarda Mirrorlink bağlantı seçeneği ekrandan kayboluyor.
Tamir etmek için:

OBDeleven ile:

Modül 5F
- Araç konfigürasyonu - Seçenekler
----- Mirror_link - (Fonksiyon kapalı_HMI kapalı)
İşlev On_HMI Açık olarak değiştirin
Değişmesine izin vermezseniz, 5F'de Oturumu değiştir'e gidip Mod geliştiricisine geçiyoruz.
Ekranda tekrar göründüğünde, yeni parametreleri okumak için Bilgi ve Eğlence Sistemini yeniden başlatın.

VAGCom ile
Modül 5F
Uyarlamalar menüsü
Araç Yapılandırması
Mirrorlink'i arayın ve değeri 0'dan 1'e değiştirin
Ekranda tekrar göründüğünde, yeni parametreleri okumak için Bilgi ve Eğlence Sistemini yeniden başlatın.
çok teşekkür ederim yazdıklarınızı tam olarak uyguladım menüler tekrar geldi ilginiz ve alakanız için minnettarım
Jan 5, 2022
Hi guys,

I need some support from the experts.

I used M.I.B and run the patch however I have missing FECs
After reboot install latest P195 maps.
System says the map is invalid

I also would like to install the latest software: FM2-H-N-EU-SE-MQB, FM2-H-ND-EU-SE-MQB

Any help is appreciated!




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just use the AIO Update to latest FW version.
And share the log from M.I.B.
Depends whether you want to stick with your current firmware or start afresh from scratch by wiping everything. Mib Tool as you know allows you to add FeCs. The two recent examples seem to be where retrofitters have had their fingers in the box so dud FeCs or duplicates appeared. @jpmedia sorted out the last one with duplicate FeCs which appeared after a retrofitter had done some work. The latest one from @Marc1702 I'm not sure whether it was their own doing or retrofitters again leaving a mess behind them.

@Rsjay PMed me another solution which I forwarded on to Marc

allways use latest mib.mibsolution.one.
run addfec again .if does not work its to backup all *.fec to sd card.
and then remove all *.fec in FEC folder and rebooting.
and for better understandig please send FEC backupfolder.....later i can create a script to run on m.i.b

We wait to hear how Marc gets it sorted but as you say you can always start from scratch. Intrigued how their problem FeC appeared whether it was always there or whether Mib Tools process put it there. My understanding is the restore from the backup will undo what mib tool has done although going forward has some merit :). You have Rsjays going forward solution.

You should always photograph what you had originally then install and run Mib Tool, then photograph it again. Before and after so you account for the FeCs.


Active Member
Oct 8, 2020
Well, M.I.B backup will always capture the situation on unit before patching. So, no discussion needed about the state before on unit. One just has to look in the backup.

Deleting invalid FECs is easy. Use the „clean SWDL“ function in M.I.B.

And again, if unit was previously handled by „expert“ run and share M.I.B backup. All information to check on any special treatment required are in there.

Safest solution normally is to run a full SWDL FW update to clean unit and patch fresh afterwards.
Or SWDL the AIO update.

Invalid FECs are often caused by using M.I.B functions in the wrong order.
E.g adding FECs before patching. Due to adjusted patch function and GUI design in GEM, this should happen less with latest 3.1.5 M.I.B.
On already patched units it could be, that MIBROOT was only patched for EL and therefore added FECs will fail.
But all this can be fixed and does not break the unit.
In most cases it is just a cosmetic issue.

Just get in contact here, all can be fixed

And as always, before patching get latest M.I.B
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Well, M.I.B backup will always capture the situation on unit before patching. So, no discussion needed about the state before on unit. One just has to look in the backup.

Deleting invalid FECs is easy. Use the „clean SWDL“ function in M.I.B.

And again, if unit was previously handled by „expert“ run and share M.I.B backup. All information to check on any special treatment required are in there.

Safest solution normally is to run a full SWDL FW update to clean unit and patch fresh afterwards.
Or SWDL the AIO update.

Invalid FECs are often caused by using M.I.B functions in the wrong order.
E.g adding FECs before patching. Due to adjusted patch function and GUI design in GEM, this should happen less with latest 3.1.5 M.I.B.
On already patched units it could be, that MIBROOT was only patched for EL and therefore added FECs will fail.
But all this can be fixed and does not break the unit.
In most cases it is just a cosmetic issue.

Just get in contact here, all can be fixed

And as always, before patching get latest M.I.B
Yes Dejan's was the interesting one since that got messed up via an "expert" on some retrofit work creating duplicate FeCs and Jpmedia sorted that out. Marc's I'm not sure where the invalid FeCs came from whether they were always there or not. Why it's a good idea to photograph before and after so the mind doesn't play tricks and you have an audit trail.

The delete option in Mib Tools to remove invalid FeCs is handy. In truth for the average user of Mib Tool who can use it you just use it, it does it's job then you never touch it again. The tool can be used on specific documented software mib2 high software releases as is, across the VAG brand, not just Seat as you know. Clever stuff.
Jan 5, 2022
Hi guys,

I updated the software, used MIB and patched the FEC and it seems to be working now. Thanks for your support. Much appreciated!!


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Jan 5, 2022
Hi guys,

I updated the software, used MIB and patched the FEC and it seems to be working now. Thanks for your support. Much appreciated!!
Sorry but it is not working. See attached pictures of all recent software version and (invalid) FEC. I have quite a few invalid FEC's


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