SW update for MIB2 infotainment system?


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One for @MIB-Wiki on Mib Tool and the high.

Is it true that if CP is on then after the patches in Mib Tool it remains on. But if I was to upgrade with 1447 my CP goes off.

I reckon I have CP on now with 1338 and I believe I was told this by you people. The guy used ODIS at the time of putting 1338 on it so it's registered and won't set alarm bells ringing in a dealer.... was reading the post on DEB where the guy got his firmware deleted by the dealer or something close to that.

This one

So the answer to that question gives assurance that others that follow this route and the download backup in mib tools that recognises the firmware with the ifs 2 patch they continue to keep CP. e.g.. stock firmware. I think my 1338 masquerades as stock firmware as far as dealers are concerned.

Btw the SVM worked a treat no issues with the patch, all running smoothly.


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Jun 21, 2021
VAGupdate states that you
can upgrade to 0346 without any hacking or modification.
Beyond 346 is not adviced because there is a risk

But according to you @MIB-Wiki @Rsjay that's not true ?

Little pain in the ass and I haven't even started the update yet lol.


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VAGupdate states that you
can upgrade to 0346 without any hacking or modification.
Beyond 346 is not adviced because there is a risk

But according to you @MIB-Wiki @Rsjay that's not true ?

Little pain in the ass and I haven't even started the update yet lol.
Probably they know a user doing DIY will screw it up so they can turn a profit on something they know the user won't mess up. They won't have bought those files themselves but picked them up from somewhere else. Basically as far as I can see they have all fallen off the back of a lorry in one form or other.

That Briskoda post I pointed to a guy said he'd done it eventually on a Seat. Think someone else as well. Similar software trains between the two brands it came up in conversation. A polish guy was providing the input on that which I assume was free. It's probably detailed on the DEB board but in German.

Possibly a good thread to look at (something for winter evenings)


The technical DIY solution to this one see further down.... that's been done on the board now with a guide written and translated... read down from:

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Jul 6, 2021
Good evening to all of you! First of all thanks to @Tell who is helping me out for the issue.

I own a MIB2 (Seat Leon) with dedicated hard drive (so no SD card for maps) and was looking into a way to update my 4 year old maps.

Looking around I discovered some things here and there and at the end I updated from MU0897-MHI2_ER_SEG11_P3315 to MHI_ER_SEG_11_P4709.
During the update I had an issue with "speech-tts-voices" with error code 143. At the end it was the only voice Non-Ok. I looked into the SD folder finding the specific folder and everything seemed fine to me.
Afterwards I patched the version to have again and ended this way with my version. I then picked the maps, put them in a SD and tried to updated but nothing, it stood there looking for metainfo for 40 minutes.

Now, here are my points.
  • Am I missing something during the maps update? Am I doing something wrong? FEC states 073000ee
  • Once the car started the navigation module takes up to 2 minutes to load, before it took like 10 seconds, anyone know the issue?
  • The speech-tts-voices is related to the navigation part so I don't get any vocal indication. How can I fix this?

Thanks for your help


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Oct 8, 2020

Where did you get your MU1447 FW Update?
Your version is missing some files, which should be fixed on the more recent download locations.
Get a proper version and run the Update again.

Patch again
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I did wonder whether in that German thread there are two links and he's taken an earlier one given the language missing file issue is suppose to be sorted. Would this slow down navigation booting ?. It is finding the maps and the iroot bit has gone thru. I've seen the FeCs.

The first link file of 73 byte should be to the latest release unless your team has that pointing to an early release. Talk of missing language files goes on in that thread. Then it's said it's fixed so assume that the link at the start of the thread is the correct one.


Also is file validation taken out of the map upload since that is taking for ever or is it the unit preoccupied with finding a missing file. I'm wondering whether it is stuck on the signature check of the map import if there was an issue with the presentation.

Those are the two issues presenting.... but other than that.... Jpmedia's dummy works a dream for me 😂 (thanks again)... feeling happy I didn't try the 1447 update route but took the dummy method to be used with mib tool. I see Rainer on that thread was offering that free service to people who didn't want to upgrade their firmware to get the benefits of mib tool. A lot to be said for that if the language issues are not sorted with the version of 1447 linked.

As mentioned retrofitters are installing 1447 in Seats now but not with non Seat FeCs at the minute in the UK, Spain yes. Seems to be an issue with the one on the DM site / file pointing to a non fixed release with missing components. The early posts got round this by copying across prior releases of language files and this was suppose to be in that link now.

We wait with intrepidation.
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Jul 6, 2021

Where did you get your MU1447 FW Update?
Your version is missing some files, which should be fixed on the more recent download locations.
Get a proper version and run the Update again.

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I took the 1447 from the digital website on the first post. Now I tried to download version 1409 to substitute the speech folder, tried to update but stil error 143


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@jpmedia and @Chillout personally I'm not convinced that the 1447 in that link is complete which is why the German thread reads as it is. Any assistance to @Angelixx. Others on the German thread have gone quite. Another post of @MIB-Wiki also shows identical file to 1447. So there doesn't appear to be one different.

I've suggested opting for 1409 and give that a try unless you people know how to get round the 143 error.


Active Member
Jan 23, 2020
Good evening to all of you! First of all thanks to @Tell who is helping me out for the issue.

I own a MIB2 (Seat Leon) with dedicated hard drive (so no SD card for maps) and was looking into a way to update my 4 year old maps.

Looking around I discovered some things here and there and at the end I updated from MU0897-MHI2_ER_SEG11_P3315 to MHI_ER_SEG_11_P4709.
During the update I had an issue with "speech-tts-voices" with error code 143. At the end it was the only voice Non-Ok. I looked into the SD folder finding the specific folder and everything seemed fine to me.
Afterwards I patched the version to have again and ended this way with my version. I then picked the maps, put them in a SD and tried to updated but nothing, it stood there looking for metainfo for 40 minutes.

Now, here are my points.
  • Am I missing something during the maps update? Am I doing something wrong? FEC states 073000ee
  • Once the car started the navigation module takes up to 2 minutes to load, before it took like 10 seconds, anyone know the issue?
  • The speech-tts-voices is related to the navigation part so I don't get any vocal indication. How can I fix this?

Thanks for your help

You can take the speech_tts_voices from 1409, and then you're done.
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You can take the speech_tts_voices from 1409, and then you're done.
He did that yesterday but wasn't done unfortunately. Still had the same error code.

Reckon it's a complete install with SWDL of 1447. Then the top up with the language files from 1409 which are missing. Then probably clean svm. Then the mib tool back up. Then the patch from within. Then hopefully that error would have gone away and then clean svm again.

Failing no other ideas or solutions install 1409. Useful mib wiki post further up with 1409.

We wait with intrepidation.
Jul 6, 2021
I took again the folder from 1409, deleted the one present in my SD 1447 and pasted the one from 1409.
I tried then to apply the update but nothing still error. The car discovers that the only change to do is on the speech part but then an error appear again and cannot istall it. Some screen of what he sees

On the other side I confirm the slow boot, once started it take up to 2 minutes to load the navigation or the full link. To boot the service mode it takes like 5 minutes.

Now, can I update/revert to another version?


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Jan 23, 2020
Do a full swdl with the correct firmware, that has the speech as well. I've done this many times, without any issue.

To do a full swdl,go into the developer menu, go to swdl, set a checkmark at the custom swdl, and then you can select all elements when you do swdl.
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Jul 6, 2021
Currently in the process but Got MMX2 error code 3
Cannot click abort or retry
Behind it seems running but kinda stuck at OK 5
Suggestion what to do now?
Jul 6, 2021
I coudn't find the edit button. In the end something seemed corrupted, ended in the Emergency recovery mode and fortunately I was able to get the FW runnig.
I will get again the firware and try again hoping the best
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Jul 6, 2021

I was finally able to update the FW!

Formatted the card with SD formatter, copied MU1447, looked into the speech-tts-voices and found the TR_male language missing. Copied it from MU1409.
Updated everything by SWDL, patched the version. Everything seems fine, tomorrow I'll test the navigation tts. Also the startup doesn't take long now, just the time needed. Now I'll copy the maps and try to update it


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I was finally able to update the FW!

Formatted the card with SD formatter, copied MU1447, looked into the speech-tts-voices and found the TR_male language missing. Copied it from MU1409.
Updated everything by SWDL, patched the version. Everything seems fine, tomorrow I'll test the navigation tts. Also the startup doesn't take long now, just the time needed. Now I'll copy the maps and try to update it
That's good news. Got there in the end. 192 maps from June 2021 are the latest so the Skoda lifetime FeC will work it's wonders.

See if I can edit in the need to pick up the missing files within the post word count. I couldn't see how it was fixed given that it was a signed release. It would have meant the M.I.B. people had two releases and got mixed up on the post. Initial text said pick up missing files then said you didn't need to... answer is you need to.


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OK I have re-editted the post which explained the 1447 update and the need to top up the missing files from 1409. Suspect people passing thru 1409 to 1447 via SWDL were OK but if you jump directly to it then that is where the issue exists that you need to dip back into 1409 via SWDL manual update to pick up the missing. The ambiguity of the DEB post reports on missing / not missing etc. I suspect then if you do the Mib Tool patch with the missing language files missing this then creates the issue reported by @Angelixx - errors and slow response.

How to get the Skoda lifelong maps FeCs for the 192 release and any other map releases where Seat gets missed off plus the Seat FeCs boost to lifelong:

>> Updating FeCs / Software <<

That covers if you already have stock firmware installed and just want the map FeCs updated or whether you want to go for a full firmware update onroute to the FeC update.

We got there in the end. :footysup:
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Active Member
Feb 23, 2019
Anyone got any links to the latest software updates ?

I see software 0516 (MST2_EU_SE_ZR_P0516T)
is in the wild now, there was a Mega folder posted on here a while ago but dont know how long it takes to be updated if at all.
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