There you go @Walone he needs your back up to have a look at.THis error is related to a technisat conversion? meanin install 05xx software on 02 xx 03xx 04xx hW revision units?
If Technisat can be NAV CID CFG file, or conversion .if patched over sd update with right prepared files and later rerun fw update error gone away...
Ah I guess the NAVI update will also cost me money, since I probably don't have MapCare anymore.Hi everyone,
Just got my first seat, a leon FR ST from 2016. Full connect (so that's mib2 I think ?) . Brilliant car!
I found out that my navigation is version 0915 and can be updated to 1710 by using a SD card. File can be downloaded on the Seat website.
Second thing I found out is that my system firmware version is 0245 , while I see people here updating it to 330 and even higher from there.
Some questions: are there any things I miss out on with this 0245 version?
Or what are the benefits of updating?
And I see these updates need to be bought, so that means I need to pay for a 330 update and then pay a 360 from there ?
Hope someone here can help me!
As far as the map update is concerned there is a resource on how to do it with your existing card which doesn't cost you anything... although you say you will use AA.Ah I guess the NAVI update will also cost me money, since I probably don't have MapCare anymore.
Won't be doing that, because i'd rather use Google Maps from my phone with Android Connect.
Any tips on the firmware update to 330 / 360?
Thx for the tip! If it's free of charge, I'll give it a go with my existing card. I have a Europe V2 card now, while v13 is the latest 2021 version.As far as the map update is concerned there is a resource on how to do it with your existing card which doesn't cost you anything... although you say you will use AA.
GPS and satnav - Updating the inbuilt Mib2 Satnav / Mib2 tricks and Mib1
This resource is applicable to all Seat navigation systems plus other Vag brands which are MIB2 / 2.5. It is built from the knowledge base on the Leon forum from a long running thread which has the advantage of tracking the twists and turns
Will let someone else answer your other question.
There is the June 2021 release. 1730 but sometimes different sub zones get numbered differently. I've indexed all of them if you follow thru the links. Take a copy of your card before you start since you need one file from that.Thx for the tip! If it's free of charge, I'll give it a go with my existing card. I have a Europe V2 card now, while v13 is the latest 2021 version.
Hope someone else can help me with the firmware related questions.
On your other issue, if you were UK based for £50 one of the boards sponsors could do it:Thx for the tip! If it's free of charge, I'll give it a go with my existing card. I have a Europe V2 card now, while v13 is the latest 2021 version.
Hope someone else can help me with the firmware related questions.
On your other issue, if you were UK based for £50 one of the boards sponsors could do it:
02/03/04xx to 0516
If your Seat MIB2 unit is currently on software version 02xx, you're missing out on the tile menu found on newer units! Luckily, with this service we can upgrade the unit safely to 05xx, adding the tile menu and general bug fixes/stability improvements This product is a postal service
Failing that you got to read back posts on here to determine the migration route. The issue has been in the past finding some of the software. That's housed on the M.I.B. platform that @MIB-Wiki posts from time to time [ user:guest pass:guest]. I'm sure the German DEB board has much detail as well in German. The Spanish thread linked to on the thread covers a certain amount, starting off point, then DEB for reading unless you get specific guidance here if you want it as a DIY task.
515 is the last release of the firmware. No doubt I will be told if I'm wrong. It will go something like x > y > z > 515 I guess what that will be in the history of the thread for sure any anything special you need to do.
I wouldn't jump to 515 directly. I'd wait till someone more knowledgeable on your hardware comes along. You have a mid 2 standard from your map code. Certainly if the map works with the workaround is a standard.Thanks.
I also found a website named VAGupdate. They sell the firmware update for 80 dollars. I've send them an e-mail with all info and according to them, the latest version of my MIB2 std unit is 0346, while my current being 0245. Could give it a go for the 80 bucks, but if I can do it with the mibsolution website that would be better ofcourse. After I went through the websites you shared and also the spanish thread, I still have some questions.
- On the mibsolution site , I see a file named "MST2_EU_SE_ZR_P0515T" , My current is "MST2_EU_SE_ZR_P0245T" ,
Not sure about the version I need and why VAGupdate comes up with a different version. So the 0346 version the can offer me for 80 bucks is outdated?
- What's the complete and correct path to follow when coming from 0245 and going to the latest version? My gut feeling would say that I just take the 515 version, put it on a FAT32 SD card and run the update. But I;m a bit anctious of screwing things up. When going back in this thread, I see people going from 0245 to 330 to 346 and so on.
- Also I see from the spanish forum that I need an ODB to erase faults at the end of the update. Any tips on which one you guys use? I see many different kinds.
- And is the XOR calculater thing also relevant for MIB2? I;ve found the thread of @niallain so I hope I'll manage to fix it if I get this error.
when installing 0515 you have to patch swdownload earlier and then use a modified metainfo2.txt with correct cpu logging tab. on hw24 its 18 on seat unit.In the mean time, VAGupdate guy is telling me this:
"515 version can be installed only if your device has navigation function (2 sd card option) but it is not official update. People do it as custom update. We do not recommend it because old hardwares are not compatible and designed for 515 version. It is like installing windows 10 to an old laptop."
when installing 0515 you have to patch swdownload earlier and then use a modified metainfo2.txt with correct cpu logging tab. on hw24 its 18 on seat unit.
for proper update then must activate develeper mode and enter in service menu and also run a full swdl update and select all. escluding swdownload update.on 2. update do only swdownload update.
0515 is faster on hw 24 as any older for hw 24 compiled fw.
0346 is a bugged old and not stable running fw.then is better to update any newer fw than 0245 , 0252 and 0253 are stabler..
vagupdate and also jusuf sell fw and this fw is a rar or zip archive without all files .will end in a brick!!!
Thanks. All clear. I also dont feel really comfortable with this advanced procedure haha. Only if someone who did it can share their experience with me.Yes, intended by VAG is only updating within the same versions: 2XX, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx
So, the highest number within a main Version range is the latest/newest one.
Yes, upgrading is possible also to higher numbers - but this has to be commented on by an MST2 expert, which I‘m not.
It is defiantly more risky and one really has to understand what he is doing.
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