SW update for MIB2 infotainment system?


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Jan 23, 2020
Working towards it... more of a cloudy day tomorrow so good for sitting in the car on it ;).

It was Chillout's bragging on Drive and Jose on the Spanish board that alerted me to the 192 solution. Jose says MIB Tools wasn't used. Used a retro-fitter. Taking the DIY route but @jpmedia has offered technical help, like saying no you can install MIB Tools on the existing firmware since GEM is compatible (we have both checked, GEM version 4.1+) so one can take a backup before moving onto 1447. I've distilled the translated German experiences on those DEB forum posts into the notes above. We will find out if the original retro-fitter left a trap.

Will improve the notes when one gets it working and put that in it's own thread and as a resource on the Seat board.

Me bragging? That doesn't sound familiar... everything I post about online is always 100% proven to work, 100% free of charge, and not to brag about "look what I can do"... :confused:

But either way...
If you have a unit that was retroffited and patched by someone else, there's indeed a risk to it. Not everyone knows what they are doing, and a lot of retrofitters are just copying other people's patches and use commands they don't exactly know what they do. Which is quite dangerous, I've seen units having been patched with a patch for a completely different IFS/Mibroot version.. not a very clever thing to do o_O
And then there's the big-business retrofitters/patchers, that are afraid other people steal their work, so they add features to their units that prevent one or more of the following:
- upgraded with new firmware
- connected to with a DLINK to gain debug access
- dump stuff from console to SD/USB

And then there's the fact that you will lose your Component Protection/FEC patch when you update to a higher version.

So, If you want to update, you need to keep this all in mind.
And then the update process is as follows:
- Install 1447 firmware (Currently, there are no pre-patched firmwares! So you can't just stop after performing this step, unless you just want to stay with the original FECs and the unit wasn't retrofitted and came with your car)
- If needed, reset the skin selection by OBD11/VCP/VCDS. It can happen that a unit goes into bootloop, depending on what firmware version you are upgrading from.
- Use M.I.B. (More Incredible Bash) to patch the unit, so Component Protection and FECs signature are no longer an issue.
- Use M.I.B. to enable the FECs that you need.
- Install navigation update.

That's it, all you need.


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Bragging lost in translation.... still it raised you up 😂.

I'm being advised to stick with my current firmware 1338 with the patch by @jpmedia rather than jump to 1447. I'm happy with 1338 just doesn't run with 190 and I would like the lifetime FeCs on the Seat front + Skoda. I think the advise comes due to it being already retrofitted adjusted and your mibroot alarms bells you got me worried about (e.g.. disturbed sleep). I'm assuming that what I am given will slot in and leave the Mibroot question unaffected since its outside of the domain it's in. Will that be apparent from the backup I've supplied ?.

On the positive side Mib Tool installed OK, backed up and invited to upload since it wasn't in the database.

Obviously there are a few of us on here with retrofitters previous works of art. Should these be run through the backup process and uploaded if there is no record on the Mib Tool app. Flagging up to @jpmedia when that happens so they can be looked at and he can get back.

Am I correct in that the best approach for previous retrofit units is to stick with the firmware but go for the patch or is it not as simple as that (Nasty Mibroot issue) e.g. each one needs to be inspected by the team. Whilst anyone with untouched firmware can go direct to 1447, notes attached above that I'm still editing. The M.I.B. patch applied to liberate the untouched boxes to get the Skoda and Seat navigation FeCs. The second phase.
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Oct 8, 2020
So your GEM is fully working with M.I.B ?

Adding the new Fec will be easy in this case

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Active Member
Jan 23, 2020
Bragging lost in translation.... still it raised you up 😂.

I'm being advised to stick with my current firmware 1338 with the patch by @jpmedia rather than jump to 1447. I'm happy with 1338 just doesn't run with 190 and I would like the lifetime FeCs on the Seat front + Skoda. I think the advise comes due to it being already retrofitted adjusted and your mibroot alarms bells you got me worried about (e.g.. disturbed sleep). I'm assuming that what I am given will slot in and leave the Mibroot question unaffected since its outside of the domain it's in. Will that be apparent from the backup I've supplied ?.

On the positive side Mib Tool installed OK, backed up and invited to upload since it wasn't in the database.

Obviously there are a few of us on here with retrofitters previous works of art. Should these be run through the backup process and uploaded if there is no record on the Mib Tool app. Flagging up to @jpmedia when that happens so they can be looked at and he can get back.

Am I correct in that the best approach for previous retrofit units is to stick with the firmware but go for the patch or is it not as simple as that (Nasty Mibroot issue) e.g. each one needs to be inspected by the team. Whilst anyone with untouched firmware can go direct to 1447, notes attached above that I'm still editing. The M.I.B. patch applied to liberate the untouched boxes to get the Skoda and Seat navigation FeCs. The second phase.

The best approach with these units is to fully go back to factory spec. If it was my unit I would try a full swdl with 1447 and see if it goes well.
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Ok yes fully working and I've uploaded to Mibsolutions as directed since a copy didn't exist and @jpmedia is going to do his or her or non what's it on it.

So far looking good.

Put some key screens for peoples info from Mib Tools. Did it with the engine running.
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The best approach with these units is to fully go back to factory spec. If it was my unit I would try a full swdl with 1447 and see if it goes well.
Suppose with the backup offered by MIB Tools I can flick in and out of that by going back to the original full back up as is or will that have unpicked the retrofitters artwork when I run the the full SWDL. Think I will see what @jpmedia produces, give that a go. Assuming that each full back up using Mib Tools can re-install where it's comes from try out alternatives ?.


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Oct 8, 2020
A M.I.B Backup is not easily applied back to a unit. It aids more to understand issues and have all the „tools“ to fix an issue.

I really do not understand, what you are so afraid of .

M.I.B is used by a great number of users over the last months. And has a big support community. It is also fully transparent in what it does - just check the scripts.
Just check DEB and the telegram group and you will notice, that there is a small number of users with issues. Most, like 90% are self made, 99% could be fixed with community support.

All this is not valid for the expert solutions!
As we can see with your situation and uncertainty

As M.I.B is running in GEM on your unit, there are now multiple routes for you to easily get the additional SKODA map FEC enabled. It also tells us, that your unit does not have an APG style protection.

Where can I find a copy of your units backup?
Which GEM version does your unit run?
Have you already checked the current coding for the skin?

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"Where can I find a copy of your units backup?"

a question that @jpmedia is also asking. I uploaded it as the software told me to do.


It's sitting there.

"Which GEM version does your unit run?"

See photo above. GEM 4.12st

"Have you already checked the current coding for the skin?"

Only if Im changine to 1447 then I'd change that... in my notes above. So didn't since I was being kindly offered
a fix for 1338 so left it.


Now I'm being told by Chillout and JPMedia to go for the big 1447 update.

One point is now cleared up the dreaded Mibroot file is in stage 2 which means any update must overwrite that which must be good ?.

"I really do not understand, what you are so afraid of
." - yes well I've had four nights away from home in hotels whilst retro-fitters do their work (1 a flooded basement so couldnt meet up, could I drive to Birmigham from London), 2 nights, next in Doncaster. Messed up TSR + 2 nights. I would quite like navigation to work until the end of July. 4 nights away from home on this.

The retrofitters business model was to sell lifetime Mapcare that was set at one year, then try to sell a firmware update when it stopped working. Cunning or not, that's why I produced the navigation FeC table lookup from our observations. Three point alignment between my and Walones behaviour of our units and an Audi Russian posting. The best was when it crumbled in one September when the navigation FeC ran out producing strange messages on the screen. Chief retrofitter returned to Poland 😂.

Hopefully you will both find that file I can get a fix for 1338. May be take the plunge on 1447 later.
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Active Member
Oct 8, 2020


Your FecContainer.fec does not have a valid signature at all.
Has your unit ever seen an proper CP removal?
If it had, your original FecContainer with valid signature seems to be lost.

There is no original ExceptionList.txt in your FEC folder as well.
Not a big deal, but why remove it?

Have not checked your patched MIBRoot in detail, however ifs-root-stage 2 shows wrong CRC checksum in image.
This was an issue of an old version of IFSTOOL (used to unpack and repack the images with changed MIBROOT).

Also looks like ifs-root-stage 2 has not changed between 1376, your 1338 and 1447 - CRC is still same.

You can just run the addfec command from M.I.B to add SKODA map fec and restore original ExceptionList.txt to your unit.
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Oct 8, 2020
Do this 1st on your current FW!

You can just run the addfec command from M.I.B to add SKODA map fec and restore original ExceptionList.txt to your unit.


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Do this 1st on your current FW!

You can just run the addfec command from M.I.B to add SKODA map fec and restore original ExceptionList.txt to your unit.
Not the Mibroot issue ?. Am I correct in thinking a problematic Mibroot the retrofitter has put in just gets overwritten with 1447. Not messed anything up so I can't update the firmware myself (his previous statement to me before he undertook the work). The impression I got from @jpmedia is it's independent its just written in. This is where I am thinking just bite the bullet with the 1447 update since Chillout, Jpmedia advice that's the best route and you did at one stage.... unless the previous retrofitter left a trap.

We know Mib Tool runs fine. That was my worry since it wasn't made clear on the instructions it would run on any Gem above 4.1. Think most are these days but easy enough to read off the screen.

If Jpmedia gives me a simple file for my current release I will load that... with clear instructions. He wants the Advanced backup I have yet to run.

Failing all that I will bite the bullet and load up 1447 if we are confident that the previous retrofitter hasnt left anything in place to mess that process up.


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Oct 8, 2020
Currently, you are only really missing the SKODA map Fec. This can be easily done by M.I.B.

AddFec and done

Why so complicated…

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Do I need What the FeC for that. My router software objected to the linked website for that. I tried to download but Trend software went into action, so didn't bother.

Is that just a case of editing it in, saving etc. I might be able to manage that. Option 5 of MIB tool I guess is the import once you have it and work it into that directory but that's written for a patched import.

Ok I can see where you edit the list but will it not import the map files because the Seat part number 4 is missing so it needs your clever additional processing in those modules you have released. So don't reckon it's as easy as you say unless that import option in itself frees up the software for looking for part number 4.

Mind you I'll wait for @jpmedia kind assistance since he's waiting for my advanced back up this afternoon. Don't want to mess him about. Plug and play is what I want :). Don't want to trigger the TSR issue again as the old retrofitter did. Why I'm careful.


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Oct 8, 2020
No, M.I.B is doing that for you!

No need for any extra software or long explanations

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Oct 8, 2020
This more and more - looks to me - like an attempt to confuse others and try to promote some payed service.

I do not know what you read, but seemingly not the instruction which are provided with M.I.B or the links towards DEB and the many and detailed attempts to help you in this thread!

You constantly ignore any advice.

I already provided an analysis of your units state above.
No idea what pictures and an advanced M.I.B backup can add to this!

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This more and more - looks to me - like an attempt to confuse others and try to promote some payed service.

I do not know what you read, but seemingly not the instruction which are provided with M.I.B or the links towards DEB and the many and detailed attempts to help you in this thread!

You constantly ignore any advice.

I already provided an analysis of your units state above.
No idea what pictures and an advanced M.I.B backup can add to this!

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Getting advice from three sources. They all agreed at one point then diverged. So I'm going down the Jpmedia route who is one of your team I believe.

No not pushing commercial services although the board is sponsored by a retrofitter but they currently regard the mib2 high market as too small but have an associate retrofitter if required... the translation from German to English of DEB is difficult going at times and that a retrofitter has been in it doesnt help.

I would now go for 1447 but you all seem to be saying I don't need to which looks more complicated.

I take it Chillout thinks I should do what mib wiki says the simple edit and not wait for jpmedia.
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