Working towards it... more of a cloudy day tomorrow so good for sitting in the car on it.
It was Chillout's bragging on Drive and Jose on the Spanish board that alerted me to the 192 solution. Jose says MIB Tools wasn't used. Used a retro-fitter. Taking the DIY route but @jpmedia has offered technical help, like saying no you can install MIB Tools on the existing firmware since GEM is compatible (we have both checked, GEM version 4.1+) so one can take a backup before moving onto 1447. I've distilled the translated German experiences on those DEB forum posts into the notes above. We will find out if the original retro-fitter left a trap.
Will improve the notes when one gets it working and put that in it's own thread and as a resource on the Seat board.
Me bragging? That doesn't sound familiar... everything I post about online is always 100% proven to work, 100% free of charge, and not to brag about "look what I can do"...
But either way...
If you have a unit that was retroffited and patched by someone else, there's indeed a risk to it. Not everyone knows what they are doing, and a lot of retrofitters are just copying other people's patches and use commands they don't exactly know what they do. Which is quite dangerous, I've seen units having been patched with a patch for a completely different IFS/Mibroot version.. not a very clever thing to do
And then there's the big-business retrofitters/patchers, that are afraid other people steal their work, so they add features to their units that prevent one or more of the following:
- upgraded with new firmware
- connected to with a DLINK to gain debug access
- dump stuff from console to SD/USB
And then there's the fact that you will lose your Component Protection/FEC patch when you update to a higher version.
So, If you want to update, you need to keep this all in mind.
And then the update process is as follows:
- Install 1447 firmware (Currently, there are no pre-patched firmwares! So you can't just stop after performing this step, unless you just want to stay with the original FECs and the unit wasn't retrofitted and came with your car)
- If needed, reset the skin selection by OBD11/VCP/VCDS. It can happen that a unit goes into bootloop, depending on what firmware version you are upgrading from.
- Use M.I.B. (More Incredible Bash) to patch the unit, so Component Protection and FECs signature are no longer an issue.
- Use M.I.B. to enable the FECs that you need.
- Install navigation update.
That's it, all you need.