Back from my holiday now and time to get cracking and sort out these problems
So first of all the battery was dead so after a phonecall to Barn we sorted out a replacement OE sized battery, then the fun started.
The original battery has been changed at some point and a slightly less tall one used so it didnt fit correctly in the box i made.
I attempted to modify the top of the battery but in the process managed to nick one of the cells so if turned upside down it will leak and it still didnt fit, much swearing and shouting followed but after a few calls Barn managed to sort out an S5 the same size as my original.
I'm going to remelt the damaged area on the oversize battery to stop it leaking but my gas soldering iron ran out of gas so a job to do at work
Anyway its all fitted and turns the car over with ease now
I'm going to replace the bolts holding it down with some about 5mm shorter so they dont protrude as far
Next up is to try and get the car on a ramp in the week to look at the coolant leak and find out which wheel bearing is dying