Ronin225's Candy rimmed Black LCR - Project 500-4WD, Cage installed and bigger turbo


Active Member
Jun 24, 2006
North of London
So how much you pay then lol...
I want to get one, and if it's quality then I don't mind paying the money.
Car looks good, bloody money pits though.

Sent from my iPhone when I should be working....


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Bit of a note to self post as if i just write it down i'll loose the paper i've written on
So the 'to fix list'
1. Battery nearly dead - 7 years old so not bad
2. Cracked block breather elbow
3. Colossal coolant loss (Empty in a week) - suspect leaking waterpump getting worse, needs looking into
4. EML light due to cat fault (need to log lambda's)
5. ESP/TCS light on (cant be assed to scan it)
6. Air con leaking on fitting at end of rad (new o ring and tighten up should sort it)
7. FMIC needs to be finished off
8. All doors not opening on double press of the button just lots of beeps, resulting in me being stood in a car park shouting at it
9. Rear brakes nearly shot
10. DMF rattling getting ever worse (just waiting for a big clunk and bits everywhere)
11. Exhaust vibrating on something when sat at idle, needs adjustment
12. Brembos need refurbing - In HP silver
13. Drivers seat locking mechanism held together by extravagant lattice of cable ties
14. intermittent failure of drivers side brake light

Have to see if i can be bothered to fix any of these in the next few weeks/months or just get shot of it


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
I'm going to ask barn to get me one from his work as the battery has to be dimensionally pretty **** on as i only left 2mm clearance when i fabricated the box
Just limping it through until i go on holiday in a few weeks


It's all about stealth!
Aug 4, 2010
Stop moaning you big fanny, man up and fix the bloody thing. Half of that list is an afternoon of all 3 of us at Phills and it'll be done.

Come on, just get it done and enjoy it again :)


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Cheers for the offer mike, hopefully it should last the 2 and a half weeks until i go away.
I just didnt want to put a new battery in the car to leave it for 8-9 days
If it does die i'll give you a bell
Barn, you big gay bear, its not only the time but the money and parts needed
Oct 21, 2006
I really hope you see this project through Ronin. I imagine that it'd be such a good car if finished, with the 4 wheel drive and a nice strong engine. A holiday did me the world of good. When would you be planning on taking it off the road and start the heavy mods/ overhaul? If it were me, I'd probably have the mentality of doing everything once off the road, and would find it difficult to motivate myself in the interim with the trivial things. But it'd all be worth it.

Have a good holiday.... :)
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Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Cheers guys, looking forward to having a break
The plan is to have a temporary map put on the car as soon as the front mount is finished being piped in
I can then enjoy it while i get the bits for building a strong head with uprated valvetrain.
Car will then come off the road for 1-2 weeks whilst the engine is rebuilt
Then i can start looking into the rear end conversion and rebuild of the diff etc whilst running the engine in


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Just been out to get some petrol and quite sure now i have a wheel bearing gone
Think i might see if i can take this to a garage to see if getting it up on the ramps and try and see the source of the some of the problems,.
Have a look at the wheel bearing, coolant leak and check exhaust joints are ok and what its vibrating on
ESP fault has now sorted itself out on the plus side
Also started organising a track day for fellow SCNer's so need these issues sorted before that
For those interested


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Back from my holiday now and time to get cracking and sort out these problems
So first of all the battery was dead so after a phonecall to Barn we sorted out a replacement OE sized battery, then the fun started.
The original battery has been changed at some point and a slightly less tall one used so it didnt fit correctly in the box i made.
I attempted to modify the top of the battery but in the process managed to nick one of the cells so if turned upside down it will leak and it still didnt fit, much swearing and shouting followed but after a few calls Barn managed to sort out an S5 the same size as my original.
I'm going to remelt the damaged area on the oversize battery to stop it leaking but my gas soldering iron ran out of gas so a job to do at work
Anyway its all fitted and turns the car over with ease now

I'm going to replace the bolts holding it down with some about 5mm shorter so they dont protrude as far
Next up is to try and get the car on a ramp in the week to look at the coolant leak and find out which wheel bearing is dying


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Popped in to see a friend who has just opened his own garage and was luckily enough to be able to quickly get the car up on the ramps
So found out the rear drivers side wheel bearing is the culprit of the noise, also the heatshield rattling on the exhaust was located but didnt have one of the circular washers styled retainers so will dig one out to sort it
Looked into my coolant leak a little more and saw this

Without removing the undertray and looking from the top im almost 100% sure its all coming from the waterpump, so being as i have an upcoming trackday i'm going to get the belt and pump changed even though it was only done 15k ago
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