Ronin225's Candy rimmed Black LCR - Project 500-4WD, Cage installed and bigger turbo


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
I'll be doing a 5k mini service tomorrow so might whack one on the front and see how they fit.
I know the tyres are 235 and 17" but the rim lip is 18.5", graham has some pics with a tape in his RR
Prawn raised the point that some tracks only allow you to run full slicks if you're caged due to the increased risk of rolling as you wont break traction or slide


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Been doing some more prepwork this afternoon on the rear end hardware for the conversion
Started off by dragging the rear subframe out (which was f'ing heavy) to get it stripped.
I removed the tie bars from the rear subframe as its getting more common for these to start breaking now the cars are getting older
Being as the rear end will never be as accurately located due to it being swapped in and not fabricated in fixturing etc the 2 sets of tie bars will give me much more castor and camber adjustment once fitted

My leon being one of the later ones will have driveshafts and hubs that suit the hex fitment but this older S3 has the nut style so i thiought will swap the driveshafts out for some newer ones that are hex fitment so the car is the same throughout, will also get some new hubs too when the time comes
I then removed the ARB which was totally shot and be replaced with an uprated one to balance the 25mm front one i have
Then the driveshafts were taken off and i looked into the actual subframe bushings (the 4 on top) as i think 034 do solid ones which will match the solid front subframe bushings i have on the front
I will remove and service the diff and repaint the subframe but for now as a unit it saves space

I then got the trailing arms out to remove the shot dampers and look into them a bit
I noticed that the S3 uses a banjo style fitting to attach to the brake caliper due to its different pipe routing even though its the same caliper

I also noticed the plastic clip on trunking that sits on the arm to hold the brake lines, the wiring for ABS sensor.
The handbrake is also fed through a void in the arm.

Whilst removing the tie bar off the trailing arm i could feel something tickling my arm as i picked the arm up to reposition it i noticed i had a spider the size of a small car making its way up my arm, after some manly noises i knocked it off
During the rest of my time working on these bits this spider that i shall can franz kept coming back over in a never ending attempt to assault me
I managed to fight franz off long enough to get what i wanted done and clear up
So i piled these bits into the shed and thought to myself i really need to sort out and sell some bits from this S3 as the shed was looking a tad full

I was going to put the fuel tank in the shed too but thought that was definitely a recipe for disaster as it still is at least 1/4 full.

Anyway the leon is having a mini 5k service tomorrow/monday as long as the weather is ok


Active Member
Oct 14, 2010
County Durham
The wheels look nice in gold mate copycat :D :p ;), good work on the back end of the s3. As for the different style of fixings on the driveshafts i wouldn't worry. The actual driveshafts are the same.... Or are you cursed with the same levels of OCD as me where knowing there different will burn away in the back of your mind !!!


Keep up the good work mate. Did you ever cut up the s3 shell ?
Oct 21, 2006
Restoring those kind of bits is something I really quite like doing. It'll be nice to know that everything is absolutely tip top when it's fitted to the car.

The contents of your shed looks a bit intense, but i'm sure it's a case of organised chaos... I'm really looking forward to seeing this build continue. Yourself and Graham are doing what I've always dreamt of doing but thought impossible, so keep going mate. Out of interest, do you have a time frame in mind? engine wise, 4wd wise, back on road wise?

James :)


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Graham, the CV joints on the driveshafts have seen better days and the one required belting with a hammer to get it straight
I think it will be easier to get some from a newer one that is being broken and like you said it would annoy me anyway
Just need an EFR 8374 and the copying would be complete:lol:
James, unfortunately the shed is just chaos not really organised just piles and piles of engine bits
Time wise i'm not sure really as originally i was going to build bottom end and run with stroker then do all head work later and drop it on but thinking now i'd like to rebuild the large port head at the sametime.
I'd like to think the engine will be done and in by the end of the year and i can look towards cracking on with the haldex bits
The shell is complete as i'm using it still as storage for some bits i cant fit in the shed but as soon as its empty i will be attacking it with a drill


Every day's a school day.
Nov 21, 2006
Just read through all your RR and I'm glad you're carrying on with your project. I know what it's like when you start adding up the money you've spent and the work to do on a project and think why. With the work you've done and the plans you have you'll have one hell of a car. Just imagine when it's done and you come across someone driving an RS4. It'll be worth it.
Love you're wheels, when are you going stage 2?


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Cheers mate, hopefully when done it'll be a full on RS4 destroyer

Today it wasnt raining so it was time to get on the 5k service, so took it out to get oil warm and then dropped it out.
Obviously it was black (which is good as the oil keeps the crap in suspension) but didnt look over baked or feeling like it had degraded.
So after a quick filter change, i do love my chain remover, i topped it back up with some fresh Castrol edge
I was planning on changing the plugs but i wanted to get my roccker cover powdercoated at the same time as changing these.
Anyway after Tom (ultimateauto) got me the plugs and filter so cheap i thought i'll do them anyway and just redo them when the rocker cover gets done.
I thought it would be a good idea to fit the TFSI coils and adapters i've had sat around for a few months now
Before anyone says how pointless this mod is, myself and Phill have both had these from Issam awhile ago and he did us a really good deal on them
I followed his advice and used the BKR7E and gapped them to 0.040" this is a degree colder than standard but being as im nearly ready to get mapped i thought i may as well
If anyone else with a LCR comes to fit them cylinder 1 &2 are a pain to get in around the charge pipe bracket
So after all was done it looked like this


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Treated the leon to detailing session yesterday, so big thanks to barn and tom from ultimateauto for getting it all shiny and clean.
I dont have any pics of the process as i was at work when it was being done but i'm sure barn can post some up out of the multitude he took


It's all about stealth!
Aug 4, 2010
I didn't get many of it being done I'm afraid but got some hen it was done.

It was first given a jetwash, then snowfoam, another jetwash then a wash followed by another jetwash and dry. Tom then worked the worst panels with the DA to get deep scratches and marks out, followed by another wash and finally a polish, wax and some sort of sealer (sorry I don't know what)

Tom working the bonnet.

Then onto the wings.


Then done the rear quarter (this is the before and after shot)

The end result. (I've got some more on the camera I'll post soon)



Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Cheers guys, credit goes to barn and tom for how well it came up
Tom, my car is driven daily and not a driveway ornament:p hence the need for silly coloured wheels and showing its battle scars


Jun 6, 2010
That paint against the candy looks awesome mate, the detail has helped the wheel colour!!


It's all about stealth!
Aug 4, 2010
Here's just a couple more pics I took throughout the day :)

The abomination that was the cupraR logo.


The exhaust.


The wheels.



And finally shining in the sun.

Hope you like um.
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