rashcupra's 349bhp mk4 cupra

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Jan 7, 2008
Larkhall, Glasgow
I certainly won't. Mucho respecto for what you're doing. It's good to be different. Most people don't dare to be...


The only person id ever say who would have the balls & money to do it would have been yourself rash lol.
Yeah the styling which is done right now is all you really need tbh, keeping it subtle and sleeper like


Just call me Rash-MIX
Oct 5, 2007
Dirty South East London
this whole talk about 4x4 in an ibiza is just typical of rash...always going that extra 150bhp to be forward and different! i hope this 4x4 business works out for you mate!! :D will be the worlds first! wow...lol you hear that mate...worlds first!


Active Member
Nov 30, 2007
Rash, the car looks awesome mate with the 18's on and perfect stance! Best get the C-Spanners out and drop the front of mine a bit now the TT rims are on and get some pics posted.


Jan 7, 2008
Larkhall, Glasgow
Maybe you should widen the arches abit like the Cupra TDI in this vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSr10gXjUVI&feature=related (this vid watched in high quality shows the best view of the widened arches)
Slightly longer vid here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHwSDEG0uMs&feature=related

(And for those interested onboard view here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVkBjvjIuE4)

Yeah widening the arches a little would look well good, not too much though or looks over the top.
Widen arches + spacers ;) you know you want to rash lol


Oct 15, 2006
you can see in them ideos where he has widened the rear arches the bumper doesnt fit anymore so hes put some PONY grills in the gap hes created not my cuppa tea but when i come to fit the new rear suspension and 4x4 conversion its exstremly likely that the wheels will sit diffrently so i will have to fit the 4x4 before i go cutting arches up ;) but i agree slightly wider arches would look better if i could get the bumper to sit properly aswell!

had a call from jabba today theyve said that everything is going to plan and its nice to actually get given a time it will be ready and they stick to it ITS GREAT! had the downpipe modifyed further new turbo gaskets new EGT sensor and new MAP sensor going to be rolling roaded with the jbs map and then remapped by jabba and rolling roaded again so will be interesting to see what happens pick the car up this saturday :funk:


Active Member
Mar 6, 2007
Lisburn, Northern Ireland
you can see in them ideos where he has widened the rear arches the bumper doesnt fit anymore so hes put some PONY grills in the gap hes created not my cuppa tea but when i come to fit the new rear suspension and 4x4 conversion its exstremly likely that the wheels will sit diffrently so i will have to fit the 4x4 before i go cutting arches up ;) but i agree slightly wider arches would look better if i could get the bumper to sit properly aswell!

had a call from jabba today theyve said that everything is going to plan and its nice to actually get given a time it will be ready and they stick to it ITS GREAT! had the downpipe modifyed further new turbo gaskets new EGT sensor and new MAP sensor going to be rolling roaded with the jbs map and then remapped by jabba and rolling roaded again so will be interesting to see what happens pick the car up this saturday :funk:

Yeah noticed the back arches were... well not quite finished.

The look/stance from the front however is great.

Glad to hear things with Jabba are going well, hopefully when they've finished you can get to enjoy your car instead of it needing to go back into the shop shortly after being worked on.


Oct 15, 2006
modifyed coilovers to get it that low :D cage not yet but maybe when 4x4'd id imagine it will be stripped and maybe caged not sure HOW far im going to go just gonna take it as it comes ;)
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