That's going to be old in anycase. They key is when you see the SE in the descriptor of the file covered in the post here:
I know it was impossible for MIB3 platform to update the logos, but I have seen on VW forums they started doing this officially again here. Have anyone tried downloading and installing them from ? I've put in my part number and it recognized it and found...
Seat / Cupra have done the dirty by not getting Phonostar to support the sub brand. It was in and then got dropped. You can't edit that in, signed files.
There was a time when Seat did the dirty in mib2 navigation by not supporting mapcare although we have workarounds. You get mapcare now on mib3 for free but not updateable radio logos if you don't keep the connect services contract. Even then if Phonostar don't have an up todate database of logos, unlike mib2, you can't import them in any other way. It's all locked down with encryption using SLA signatures. Afraid you have to deal with gaps in the logos. Phonostar is a German Internet radio provider, Vag ride off the back of their databases to provide the radio logo via connect services but not via the logo import since that SE descriptor is currently missing.