Project Cordy - My old 16v reborn

J@mes ;-)
Jun 14, 2004
looking good pete! :yes:

im sure u will sort out the problems soon enough, i know its hassel but thats modifying/life!


Active Member
Jun 12, 2001
Berkshire, UK
driveforward said:
Liking the look without the spoiler mate, you sticking with the MK2 bumper at the rear when you change the bootlid - if so, what's the plan for the numberplate?

Yeah I think it looks great with the smooth boot. I'm looking for a Mk3 boot but I'm 99% convinced I'm keeping the Mk2 rear. Mainly because I think it looks good with the lights running across, but we'll see.

jenk said:
very nice mate ;)

One word for you though..........Lower :p

:lol: no it's not going lower, its got to be drivable, as it'll get some stick when I'm driving it now and again ;)
Feb 20, 2005
Telford ay it...
Icecavern said:
:lol: no it's not going lower, its got to be drivable, as it'll get some stick when I'm driving it now and again ;)

Ask andy how mines sitting at the back, its perfectly fine ;)

The balancing weight catches from time to time tho :whistle:


Active Member
Jun 12, 2001
Berkshire, UK
It's not going any lower trust me. I'll be lucky not to have clearance issues with it that low.

Remember these are 7.5" wide wheels with an offset that pushes them out further than normal as they're off a TT.


Active Member
Jun 12, 2001
Berkshire, UK
Since the audio system is going to need a lot of power it needs some special batteries :D

So I've got two Odyssey PC1700 batteries to go in the car. Now these batteries weigh 27Kg EACH!!! so they're going to need a pretty substantial mount.

Started to cut out the metal work needed today. I've used 35mmx20mm steal box section for it so it'll be nice and solid.

Once the base metal was cut out it looks like this...


As a quick trial I tried the two main supports in the boot and put the two batteries in rough position



So now I need to borrow a welder to weld the frame together and then make the box to go round the batteries and something to hold them solid. The battery tray will be sealed to prevent any fumes from entering the cabin of the car if the batteries leak.

I've also got to figure out how the battery tray is going to be mounted in the car. It will either be welded into the boot or bolted through the floor. Not decided which yet.


There's no F in Quality..
Looking good Pete. Those batteries are damn big !!!

I'd suggest that it'd be more secure to weld the frame to the car rather than just bolting it through the boot floor..... the boot floor's only a few mm thick and would probably 'rip' quite easy if excess force was applied to the batteries....

You could always do both, bolt and weld.....


Veedubya 'velle
Jun 12, 2003
That's some fancy rear strut brace Mr Pete.

Personally, I'd bolt it in. You might think that you'll never need to take it out, but more than likely you will...

You can always beef up the boot floor with a bit of plate.
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