Non Cupra's

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Mar 16, 2007
Hmmm i love them . ... im goin for the BorbetA tho at the end of the month on PayDay lol

7.5x16s sooo not to wide but nice and with a stretched tyre. Mite be taking my tinted windows off aswell for anyone who want to swap for standard windows maybe


Mark Graham
Jun 9, 2007
Banbridge, Northern Ireland
i just installed the xcarlink ipod thing.

pretty impressive piece of kit.

but has made me realise that better speakers are a priority.

so handy being able to control the ipod with the head unit and the sound quality is fantastic
lol went to Halfords today after work, and they actually do have a decent selection of wheels on display. Infact even the display prices look good too. £625 for 16" OZ SuperTurismo GT's

So i went to the till and asked if they were the same price for white WRC ones, and the guy said is there not a booklet there with the prices? But there wasn't only a label on the shelf saying they had up to 20% off.

So he thenwent to a computer, Typed OZ Super Turismo WRC into the computer several times, and after about 10 mins came up with a price of over £800 for 16" in silver lol. When the shelf says silver ones are only £625.

So he said if I left my mobile number he would contact me with a price for them in white.

Now heres where I was impressed. He did ring me back, but I was driving, but he was nice enough to text me the price he found. Which was £843.96!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I'll not be purchasing them from Halfords.

I also asked for a borchure for their range of wheels and they didnt have any!!!

I reckon he was searching google or something!!! Given the lenght of time it took for him to find a price.

To be fair, he did try to be helpful, and it was nice of him to text me a price. Just a pity its a pretty ridiculous one.

If they advertise the wheels as being £625, they MUST sell them at that price, you can say to them look you have them at this price sell me them, or you can report them and get them done BIG STYLE.

The joys of working at somerfield. Was told this story the other day, a container of meat was wrongly labeled, and the store was fined £5,000...


Jun 10, 2007
Milton Keynes
I put a full cupra interior in mine aswell nearly a year ago. Although mine were from crashed cupra so the runners were quite bent meaning i had to hammer them back into position! Changed the car completely for me from there it!


Jun 10, 2007
Milton Keynes
Well I wasn't about to let them go to the scrappy when thats all I needed to do! lol. Only cost me £100!! Ex member on here actually, was racing a civic typeR and hit a wall head on... silly boy.


Jun 10, 2007
Milton Keynes
Well obviously the front ones did, but yeah it is surprising the seats didn't do off! I had his skirts off him aswell, they were slightly out of shape so either the shock passed through them making them looked a bit curved, or he stored then upright. When I got them I had to heat and push back into shape! Another bodge-job! ;)


Jun 10, 2007
Milton Keynes
oooooh yes! £30 in the correct colour aswell. Only thing I am a bit gutted about was i didn't get his solenoid smoothed boot! It was a bit chavved out cos i would've had the rear bumper and exhaust but looked like they belong to an airplane!

Adam R

Diesel ISN'T a Dirty word
Mar 5, 2007
lee in the solent
oooooh yes! £30 in the correct colour aswell. Only thing I am a bit gutted about was i didn't get his solenoid smoothed boot! It was a bit chavved out cos i would've had the rear bumper and exhaust but looked like they belong to an airplane!

i kinda like the S on the boot anyway. breaks it up a bit


Jun 10, 2007
Milton Keynes
Im kinda split. I love the 'S' and the way it swivels but its that little detail of it missing that makes it stand out more? At least I would've had the choice as he only wanted about £50 for it!! I hate Heinz sight!!
Mar 16, 2007
I just got cupra interior from a cupra member off here i love it aswell changed it completly really sets the car off and its in the mint conditon.

"Riko" Could you chuck a piccy up of ur engine bay with the green airfilter on please? thanks
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