Non Cupra's

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Adam R

Diesel ISN'T a Dirty word
Mar 5, 2007
lee in the solent
well thats £615 +£25 + optional extra upgrade on tyres £35 = £675

or for an extra couple of quid you can get the light weight versions...

and then again, for that money you can get nicer ones.. keep looking around and you will find a bargin somewhere

there is some one selling cupra (starfish) wheels on the forum for £70 without tyres in good nick


Mark Graham
Jun 9, 2007
Banbridge, Northern Ireland
Yeh £70 pretty cheap for them wheels, though he says collection only, plus i think multispoke wheels suit the Ibiza better.

I think I'm just too fussy for my own good.

Gonna keep my eyes peeled in the for sale section for some super t's and persuade any sellers that northern ireland is not a million miles away lol.

and if they're all kerbed ill get the refurbed and done in anthracite.


Mar 27, 2007
yeh, they actually sell some decent wheels as well if you ask to view their catalogues, a really nice range of replica alloys. Audi etc


Mar 27, 2007
Always ignore the website and what u see in store and actually ask someone that looks like theyve got half a brain, and you might be pleasently surprised of what they can get in

Adam R

Diesel ISN'T a Dirty word
Mar 5, 2007
lee in the solent
Always ignore the website and what u see in store and actually ask someone that looks like theyve got half a brain, and you might be pleasently surprised of what they can get in

isnt that asking for the impossible???asking some one with half a brain in hallfords..:lol:

the manager of my local store could not even supply me with the right part for my car.. infact it ended up being for a saxo :rolleyes:


Caught The Mod Bug Again!
May 31, 2007
North East
What does everyone think to doing DIY alloy refurb???

My wheels are flaking big time and corrosion too, but can't afford to get the alloys done professionally, and don't really want to splash out on new alloys yet either, but it's really buggin me now how crap they're looking!

Saw this....
and doesn't look too difficult, but i dunno :confused: just got a feeling i'd **** it up big style doing it myself!


Mar 24, 2008
Me and a couple of mates refurbished some Porsche alloys the other week, we just covered them in Nitromors, sanded them for ages, and then primered, sprayed and lacquered. Sounds simple but it took us 3 days between 3 of us. They did come up really well in the end though.
JUst takes alot of effort, there's nothign too technical about it. At the end of the day if you **** it up then you can get them done professionally.
Good luck!

Adam R

Diesel ISN'T a Dirty word
Mar 5, 2007
lee in the solent
if you have the time and spare wheels for a couple of days then do it. i need to find some cheap (non steelies) for mine while i refurb my cupra wheels.

i put my steelie on the front of my car yesterday and my car decided it would happily sit on its sump.... i guess if i have a puncture im fooked. LOL


Mark Graham
Jun 9, 2007
Banbridge, Northern Ireland
lol went to Halfords today after work, and they actually do have a decent selection of wheels on display. Infact even the display prices look good too. £625 for 16" OZ SuperTurismo GT's

So i went to the till and asked if they were the same price for white WRC ones, and the guy said is there not a booklet there with the prices? But there wasn't only a label on the shelf saying they had up to 20% off.

So he thenwent to a computer, Typed OZ Super Turismo WRC into the computer several times, and after about 10 mins came up with a price of over £800 for 16" in silver lol. When the shelf says silver ones are only £625.

So he said if I left my mobile number he would contact me with a price for them in white.

Now heres where I was impressed. He did ring me back, but I was driving, but he was nice enough to text me the price he found. Which was £843.96!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I'll not be purchasing them from Halfords.

I also asked for a borchure for their range of wheels and they didnt have any!!!

I reckon he was searching google or something!!! Given the lenght of time it took for him to find a price.

To be fair, he did try to be helpful, and it was nice of him to text me a price. Just a pity its a pretty ridiculous one.


Mar 27, 2007
he sounds pretty useless to me. They should have catalogues of different wheels not on display, including kei racing and other more expensive wheels, and a range of replicas which are surprisingly cheap usually.

Also all halfords shud have a retail contact for every supplier, so he shouldve just phoned a contact at OZ and sorted it that way.

In saying all that i rang up a halfords earlier whilst at work to get the oil type for the old mans car, i knew vaguely what it was but just wanted prices. It took the guy 10 minutes to keep coming back and forth until he had the right types. Something that should take 10 seconds...disapointed to say the least.


Mark Graham
Jun 9, 2007
Banbridge, Northern Ireland
I think they have a major staff training problem.

Fair enough, they're in a pretty specialised market and you cant expect someone to know everything about cars, but I'd have imagined they train specific people to specific departments.

Like someone who knows about wheels and audio. Someone who knows about engine parts, someone who knows about paint and stuff.

From what I can see all their staff just float about from area to area aimlessly.

Lol I work in a supermarket, with different departments and the staff of each department dont change about unless one areas really short staffed. I can't imagine the deli staff having a go at the checkouts lol.


Mar 27, 2007

See in my day :lol:....we had 2 or 3 people trained on each department, that also had an interest in what they were doing. And then a specialist per department that was like a walking encylopedia for bikes, parts, or entertainment and wheels etc.

Its good that ive worked there though because any store i go in i can tell them what to do for me if their clueless and get good results lol.
Mar 16, 2007
Hey markmeus cheers for mentioning that madmotors ive found the borbetAs i want for £650 with tyres and delivery. thats a bargin considering your looking at a 2nd set for £500 with tyres. Just emailed them making sure thats the price for mine if soo role on pay day =)
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