Interesting LCR facts....


Aug 26, 2005
You cant left foot break an LCR, i have tried this, and it just wont work, my boost guage shows NOOOO BOOOOST....:( Not that you really need to do it thou..pokey enough when you put ya food down...


Mar 18, 2002
Visit site
Apparantely LCRs are hand built?? Seen this quoted in various places but dont know whether to believe it.

If you have factory fit Sat Nav and have the correct disk you should have dynamic navigation that routes around jams...

It has a full size alloy spare!

Matt Cupra R

Full Member
Jan 13, 2006
If you have factory fit Sat Nav and have the correct disk you should have dynamic navigation that routes around jams...

It does if you see the jam and push the button. There is an upgrade that will automatically do it as well, but that is not supplied by Seat.


Veedubya 'velle
Jun 12, 2003
Oo, Ooo I've got another one:

The Aura stereo has a couple of presets for things like the fader - so if you press fader then "1" you'll get one preset (R3 for example), fader then "2" will give you another preset (R12 for example).

Can't quite remember how you set them though :think: It's in the manual. I think you might press and hold "1" when you're adjusting it?!??


Veedubya 'velle
Jun 12, 2003
Apparently they blow up if you change down into 2nd at 100mph :whistle:

Also, the ECU logs an error code that lets the dealer know you've over-revved it and have invalidated the warranty.

Edit: Not me, I hasten to add...

"The temperature thing" is the frost warning.
Last edited:


Tucking the rear middle seatbelt catch down the crack between seat and seatback is essential unless you like a constant clacking coming from the back of the car. [:@]

Good one... that will be the bl00dy irritating noise I have been trying to find! Thanks.


torque ain't cheap
Nov 1, 2004
the burbs...
Remember to turn off the security code on the radio if you are going to disconnect the battery.The radio will not work without the security code. If the radio is stuck on the code, each time you enter the code incorrectly, it will force you to wait an increasing amount of time between entry attempts which I assure you will drive you up the wall.


Jan 29, 2005
Conti ---- Interesting LCR & FR even Facts !!

In the TDI if you Brim fill the tank ie using the VENTING technique, its poss to get 170m on the trip before the fuel gauge even thinks of moving !
Iam sure i read somewhere that the LCR's were built in Portugal & not the main factory in spain ???
Tyre Advice... if anyone else thats got a TDI FR original version of course, has them Poor wearing Bridgstones on, when looking for replacements. I cannot rec enuff DUNLOP SP SPORT 9000's. lookin to last nearly twice as long for the same money. grip just the same if not better...

One thing that does annoy me is the black plastic on the lower part of dash & door cards is very easily scratched.... arrgg :cry:

Other than that i think you all have most other features covered...

Thats all folks !! :funk:


Active Member
Nov 12, 2006
Yes but thats irrelevant as you are none the wiser when you dont have them on! In other cars the telltale sign is you dont have dash illumination which is 100% obvious! Because dash illumination is automatic, it is not so obvious that you dont have your lights on! The dash illumination misleads you into thinking that they are on, your not really paying attention for the little green light to tell you they are on.!

Im glad im not the only 1 that has done it then, lol:D

Also, it doesn't tell you if it's just your side lights or mainbeam that you have on. My last car (a Clio) had three lights on the dash, one for side lights, one for main beam and one for full beam (blue of course). So at a glance I knew whether I actually had my main beams on or not. With the LC I have to check the position of the knob, which isn't too great a design as it's behind my hand/arm when I'm driving.



Active Member
Nov 12, 2006
I don't know about on the LCR but on the LC the air con fan has a mind of it's own even on manual setting. If you set it to low it always goes full blast no matter where you had it set on any of the temp settings and if you try getting in the car in this weather and setting it to something like 18 or 19 with just one or two bars on the fan setting the car will start increasing the fan speed as you drive along all by itself and then as the car warms up inside, (remember it's cold outside so 18/19 is warm), it will drop back down to whatever you set it too. So it seems the "manual" setting isn't truely manual but semi-automatic.

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