techie said:Quite often the fan control unit that sits under the n/s chassis leg under the battery gets water either in the control unit or in the connectors, creates all sorts of problems with the fans.
dontnoanything said:Seat Technical Know The Problem The Slow Speed Of The Cooling Fans Burn Out Thats Why Fans Come On And Of On Fast Speed When Aircon On So Do Not Use Aircon Or Fuse On Battery Will Blow In The End Due To High Current Of Fans Coming On In Fast Speed All The Time. This Fault Is Quite Well Known To Most Seat Dealers
Ruddmeister said:Phew appears it's a generic-ish VAG part and that a local VW dealer can get one for tomorrow.![]()
andy_tech said:Sounds like it is the same fan as used on the VW Golf MK4, it is common for the slow speed to fail - there is some good information here :
uk-mkivs forum (old page cached)- fan failure info
uk-mkivs forum (current page) - fan failure
Ruddmeister said:Well TSR said it was the control box and replaced it, but got on the motorway last night 'Beep, Beep, Beep' look down and the temp is creeping towards 120.
I can limp around at 55-65mph and it stays on 90deg, I have limped home and will take it back Monday.
I suspect it's the fan itself......
Ruddmeister said:Yep mine is fine sat still at idle / in traffic and any speed below 65mph, after that the temps rise very quickly......
20vtB0b said:I was doing a constant 85/90 and didn't have any temperature problems, have you had your water pump replaced ?
Ruddmeister said:Nope, will be giving Neal at TSR some stick on Monday........hope it's not the water pump even driving 15mins down the road with a dodgy water pump has me scared now
Yumann said:Just out of curiosity you guys that are having problems.
Would you say that you always have your aircon on? No matter what
20vtB0b said:I try and only use it when it is really needed (to help keep my mpg up) but my wife does seem to use it more than me.
Yumann said:I don't put my aircon on unless its a hot day.
I know some people use it even in the winter to help take the moisure out the air.
Would you say your one if these people Bob?