8bit's Mk1 Leon Cupra R. Scarlett - as in Johansson...


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
I thought you had one, Richard? Aye t0m, hopefully :)

In other news, Scarlett passed her MOT today - just ;) Both front tyres are on the limit in places (which I already knew), offside rear has a nail in it. All were advisories, also got advisories for a broken exhaust hanger, driver's seatbelt is slow to retract (which I also knew) and I think he said one of the inner CV boot clips was slightly loose, but not enough to leak grease.

Going to order 4x new Vredestein Ultrac Sessantas soon and suppose I'd better look into getting the exhaust hanger sorted. Anyone know how hard it might be to change an "inner CV joint boot clip"? And what might cause the seatbelt to be slow to retract?


Aug 11, 2010
Newcastle upon Tyne
I've got the Badger 5 V1 TIP, I actually nearly ordered the V2 after seeing yours this morning. But I resisted and ordered a new air filter instead :( Good news on the MOT.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Aha right :) Yeah it seems like a nice bit of kit altho i test fitted the hose to the adaptor last night it's *really* tight, going to be a struggle to fit that to the adaptor once it's on the turbo.

Yeah was happy with the MOT pass, bit of a pain that there are so many advisories but at least half of them are tyres and they're getting changed very soon anyway :)


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Right, managed to get the other upper boost hose and the B5 TIP fitted yesterday so the bay now looks like this (excuse the dirt, must wash the car sometime this year!)


I had to take about 15 - 20mm off each end of the boost hose (the IC to throttle body one) to get it to fit right as beforehand it was causing one of the bends to compress. It's still a bit compressed, not as bad as before but I didn't fancy trimming any more off as it was a bit hard to get it all the way on to the throttle body. Had to use a jubilee on the throttle body end too as the Mikalor-style things I was using wouldn't fit round there. I wonder if the Forge version fits any better.

The B5 TIP was a bit of a ball-ache to get fitted TBH. I dry-fitted the billet adaptor then almost couldn't get it back off to put in the silicone sealant and threadlock. Once I got the main TIP on I found that rotating it into the right sort of place caused the adaptor to rotate as well, even though I'd done up the grub screw, maybe the silicone sealant hadn't cured by then. When fitting the DV, N75 and other attachments I had to use a little engine oil on the things to get them into the hoses as they were so tight.

On the upside I managed to ditch the alloy joiner and silicone tube I had to use with the old THS TIP to get the filter in the right place. Only had a quick drive last night to try it out but the induction noise has changed a bit from the old TIP, I can feel better throttle response in the mid-range. The car seems somehow smoother from when the turbo spins up right up to the redline too, so thus far I'm happy with the result, even though I had a nightmare fitting it.

So, on the rollers on Saturday and some new tyres very soon...


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Cheers mate, altho at this rate it might need sorting on Saturday rather than on the rollers.

Had this afternoon off so decided to go wash the car. Before I did I went to check that the new hoses and TIP were still nice and secure having driven the car a couple of times since fitting them. Turns out the billet adaptor on the TIP is not secure on the front of the turbo.

It seems to be able to rotate (altho not much as the main silicone bit won't rotate much) and also tilt forwards and backwards. When I'd just fitted the adaptor onto the turbo and then the hose to the adaptor the MAF end of the hose seemed to be pointing down towards the nearside engine mount, so once I'd got the ancillary stuff into the hose I had to pull the hose upwards quite a bit to get the MAF in and through the heatshield.

So the net result is that right now the adaptor feels like it's coming away from the turbo a bit at the bottom. Not sure if I used enough silicone sealant, I thought it just needed a light smear. Not even sure if that stuff is meant to hold it securely or not. Was a bit concerned that there's only one grub screw in this one.

Anyway, looks like I'll need to try and get the damn thing off and refit it. Half wishing I'd just gone for the SFS one at the moment.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Yeah, the V2 one, RS6.

Cheers Rich (Richard?), yeah I had seen that, looks like I may not have used enough sealant. I also wondered if I was meant to let it "set" or "cure" or something before carrying on to fit the other bits and pieces.

It's going to be a PITA to remove as well, I tried to get my allen key in to tighten the grub screw a bit more when it was rotating and had to give up on that at the time. May need to try and get under the car next time.


Forever Alive
Mar 17, 2008
Bickley, Bromley
Nightmare indeed. I have the V1 TIP and I too only used a little bit of sealant, nothing major. I take it you screwed in the small grub screws yeah? Mine was a bit of a pig to fit to be honest, the jubilee which connects the first hose to this adaptor kept popping off whenever I tried to fasten it. Managed it in the end but a lot of swearing went into it for sure!


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Cheers Derek, TBH I find most modding stuff a bit of a PITA, never goes as smoothly as I think it will!

@RDS, yeah I think I'll try and get it removed on Friday after work and refit the adaptor with more sealant, then just cover the intake and leave it to set overnight before attaching the main TIP and other stuff.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Nightmare indeed. I have the V1 TIP and I too only used a little bit of sealant, nothing major. I take it you screwed in the small grub screws yeah? Mine was a bit of a pig to fit to be honest, the jubilee which connects the first hose to this adaptor kept popping off whenever I tried to fasten it. Managed it in the end but a lot of swearing went into it for sure!

Yeah the grub screw (as in singular, the newer TIPs only have one nowadays which possibly isn't helping) was in and I did it up tight with a bit of threadlock but the adaptor still rotated around the turbo inlet.

Didn't find it too bad to get the bottom jubilee on but it was an utter bitch to get the main hose onto the adaptor. I used a smear of engine oil to lube up the N75 and the breather hoses which helped a little bit. The MAF was an total mission to fit too.

I'd better get an awesome result with this thing on the rollers or with VAGCOM. The car made 219.83g/s on VAGCOM with the old THS TIP, which looks like 274.79bhp so I hope the new TIP is worth the hassle :)


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
UPDATE - so just happened to find myself at a rolling road day today...



284.6bhp on Revo Stage 1, gotta love it :)

Logged the car while it was on the rollers, first log is run 1 and second is run 2 (altho they're near as dammit identical on the graphs):

Saturday	18	February	2012	11:22:51:62534	VCDS Version: Release 11.11.2	Data version: 20120126				
1ML 906 032 A		1.8l R4/5VT         0001								
	Group A:	002				Group B:	020			
		Engine Speed	Engine Load	Injection Timing	Mass Air Flow		Timing Retardation	Timing Retardation	Timing Retardation	Timing Retardation
	TIME	(G28)			Sensor (G70)	TIME	Cylinder 1	Cylinder 2	Cylinder 3	Cylinder 4
Marker	STAMP	 /min	 %	 ms	 g/s	STAMP	°KW	°KW	°KW	°KW
	0.27	1600	47.4	4.42	13.47	0.56	0	0	0	0
	0.87	1600	48.1	4.76	13.83	1.17	0	0	0	0
	1.48	1600	49.6	4.76	15.31	1.77	0	0	0	0
	2.08	1640	54.1	5.1	16.39	2.37	0	0	0	0
	2.69	1600	54.1	5.1	15.86	2.98	0	0	0	0
	3.28	1560	69.2	7.14	23.86	3.59	0	0	0	0
	3.89	1640	86.5	8.5	29.47	4.18	0	0	0	0
	4.5	1640	91.7	8.84	32.11	4.78	0	0	0	0
	5.09	1600	96.2	9.18	32.25	5.39	0	0	0	0
	5.69	1560	97	9.18	30.14	6	0	0	0	0
	6.3	1520	96.2	9.18	27.94	6.59	0	0	0	0
	6.91	1520	97	9.52	29.03	7.21	0	0	0	0
	7.5	1840	100	9.52	37.53	7.81	0	0	0	0
	8.12	2200	113.5	11.22	52.17	8.42	0	0	0	0
	8.72	2680	148.1	15.64	89.28	9.01	0	0	0	0
	9.32	3400	191.7	25.16	154.86	9.63	1.5	0	0	0
	9.93	4200	191.7	24.14	161.94	10.23	1.5	0	0	0
	10.53	4840	191.7	23.46	182	10.83	1.5	0	0	0
	11.14	5520	191.7	22.78	198.64	11.43	1.5	0	0	0
	11.75	6080	174.4	20.06	207.22	12.04	1.5	0	0	0
	12.34	6400	172.2	23.46	212.94	12.66	0	0	0	0
	12.95	5280	14.3	2.04	11.22	13.25	0	0	0	0
	13.56	4320	12.8	0	9.06	13.85	0	0	0	0
	14.15	3400	12.8	0	8.28	14.45	0	0	0	0
	14.75	3200	44.4	4.42	29.19	15.06	0	0	0	0

Saturday	18	February	2012	11:23:48:62534	VCDS Version: Release 11.11.2	Data version: 20120126				
1ML 906 032 A		1.8l R4/5VT         0001								
	Group A:	114				Group B:	115			
		Engine Load	Engine Load	Engine Load	Boost Pressure		Engine Speed	Engine Load	Boost Pressure	Boost Pressure
	TIME	(specified)	(spec. corrected)	(actual Value)	Control (N75)	TIME	(G28)		(specified)	(actual)
Marker	STAMP	 %	 %	 %	 %	STAMP	 /min	 %	 mbar	 mbar
	0.3	113.5	111.9	22.6	0	0.02	1360	19.5	980	980
	2.12	118.8	117.9	41.4	0	1.82	1440	40.6	980	980
	2.71	121.8	120.9	41.4	0	2.42	1520	41.4	980	990
	3.32	121.1	119.4	50.4	0	3.01	1560	42.9	980	1000
	3.92	120.3	119.4	64.7	0	3.62	1480	58.6	980	1010
	4.53	121.1	119.4	68.4	0	4.23	1520	66.9	990	1050
	5.13	118.8	117.9	72.9	0	4.83	1520	69.9	1060	1080
	5.73	121.1	119.4	88	100	5.43	1480	82.7	1390	1090
	6.33	121.8	120.9	91.7	100	6.04	1520	89.5	1560	1150
	6.95	121.8	120.9	94.7	100	6.63	1560	94	1570	1190
	7.55	127.1	125.4	97	100	7.25	1560	95.5	1570	1220
	8.15	139.1	137.3	103.8	100	7.86	1840	99.2	1670	1280
	8.76	165.4	164.2	127.1	100	8.47	2200	113.5	1820	1410
	9.35	185.7	185.1	181.2	82.7	9.06	2680	146.6	2090	1740
	9.98	187.2	186.6	191.7	78	9.65	3360	191.7	2230	2540
	10.56	187.2	186.6	191.7	79.2	10.27	4160	191.7	2250	2450
	11.17	190.2	189.6	191.7	82.4	10.87	4840	191.7	2260	2310
	11.77	191.7	191	184.2	82	11.47	5520	191.7	2230	2250
	12.38	191.7	191	175.2	85.1	12.07	6080	175.9	2200	2190
	12.98	191.7	191	39.8	0	12.69	6560	166.9	2190	2180
	13.59	190.2	189.6	14.3	0	13.28	5800	12.8	980	1410
	14.18	187.2	186.6	12	0	13.89	4760	12	980	1100
	14.79	187.2	186.6	12.8	0	14.49	3800	12.8	980	1040
	15.39	187.2	186.6	17.3	0	15.09	3320	33.8	980	990
	15.99	187.2	186.6	15	0	15.69	3600	14.3	980	1040
	16.6	187.2	186.6	36.1	0	16.3	3120	15	980	1010

Happy to get some good news on a RR day for a change, the last two I've been at have been a bit disappointing. I reckon there's scope for a little bit more as one of my upper boost hoses is still a bit kinked and I can probably push on the timing a touch so watch this space :)

Big thanks to Yohan87 for the logs, owe you a few beers now mate ;)


SEAT owner no more...
Feb 2, 2006
Kincardineshire, scotland
Great results! That's a fair whack for just stage 1!

It's taken you/Scarlett long enough tho ehh! Haha

Did you get your tyres fitted?
Last edited:


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Cheers guys, yeah am pretty chuffed with that, can't believe that's just stage 1 but it is, even Matty at Wallace was impressed.

Aye dav did take a while but got it here in the end ;) I did get the tyres fitted aye, already feel much grippier than the old ones and they're not even properly scrubbed in yet.

Cheers drka, nice picture ;)
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