8bit's Mk1 Leon Cupra R. Scarlett - as in Johansson...


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Cheers, yeah I was surprised. On the rollers in Feb so will see what that shows, expect it to be a little lower tho as dyno results usually are lower than VAGCOM ones.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
OK done some more graphs to see if I can work out the cause of the hesitation at about 3200rpm. Here's the torque and bhp graph again, showing noticeable dips at about 3500, 4200 and 6000:


Small dips can be seen in the actual boost curve at around the same points as below:


Also graphed out CFs and did a total of CFs across all cylinders:


Again there are spikes in the total CFs at about the same RPM values as the dips in the other two graphs. I know the CFs on individual cylinders aren't terribly high but I'm wondering if the combinations of a little CF on all cylinders are causing the hesitation. Think I'll knock the timing back to 2 (as it was when the map was done) and get some more logs done.

Other noticeable thing from the graphs are just how much over request boost the turbo is spiking to - 1.4bar!!


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Cool, will do.

Today I'm trying to organise getting MOT done (the easy bit) and also as the car has now done just over 60,000 miles I'm trying to work out if I need a service or not. Problem is the service guide is a bit vague about what is normally done at 60k miles and this is made a bit harder to work out as some of the obvious stuff has been done so I'm not convinced the car is actually due much work. I guess it would be good to have the book stamped but then I don't see any point in paying for an oil and filter change when they were last done about 1800 miles ago, or cambelt, tensioner and water pump when they were done less than 2 years and 20,000 miles ago. Fuel filter, brake fluid and gearbox oil were changed 1 year ago too.

About the only things I can see left to do are spark plugs and pollen filter which I can easily enough do myself. The car is now over six years old and over 60k, is it really a big deal not to have a service stamp about 60k in the book for resale value now?


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Nothing bit, just taxed it for another 6 months. Also have insurance and MOT due this month so will do 12 months in summer once this one runs out.

Insurance quotes are coming back about 300 quid cheaper this time, which is a boost :) Possibly to do with moving to a nicer neighbourhood since last time, plus I'm not commuting with the car now (walk to work) which also means annual mileage has dropped to about 5k, and the Mrs. accident is now past 3 years ago so I'm happy with that.

Tomorrow's task - change spark plugs and pollen filter...


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Been busy again so time for a small update :)

Bought a couple of things recently:


Some nice red upper boost hoses from Creations Motorsport and some fresh NGK Iridium spark plugs, to try and improve my timing pull so I can advance it a little with the Revo SPS thing.

Fitted the plugs last weekend, complete doddle. I'd never changed plugs before so was stressing about it a bit as screwing up could possibly have meant a ruined cylinder head but some advice and moral support from csd_19 helped a lot (cheers dude!) :) Hopefully will get it logged soon and see how it's running now. Still feel a weird hesitation about 3500rpm on WOT, just shortly after it's come on full boost. If the CFs look better now I'll undo the N249 bypass again and see if that helps, never been convinced that it made any real positive difference on my car.

Old plugs didn't look too bad I thought, a bit blackened but not terrible. They were about 10,000 miles old but had been through a dying turbo and a fair bit of lean running:


Was hoping to get the boost hoses fitted today but it's pissing rain and freezing cold here so will leave it for now.

I also bought a v2 Badger5 TIP last week so all being well that'll get fitted next weekend, looking forward to that :) Going on the rolling road at Wallace Performance in Aberdeen on the 18th so will see what's what then.

In less interesting news I taxed the car for another 6 months and have to sort insurance and MOT out next week. On the plus side insurance quotes looking a lot cheaper than last year. Checked tyres (amongst other things) prior to MOT and found the Vredestein Ultrac Sessantas on the front showing about 2mm. Hopefully that's as bad as they get and I get through MOT but reckon I'll be shopping for new tyres soon...
Last edited:


LCR 225
Apr 29, 2007
Nice purchases mate :)

Those spark plugs are great and will really help performance wise! Upper boost pipes look good and will do the same job as Forge/Samco etc!

B5 tip will give you some gains for sure. Good stuff buddy.


Forever Alive
Mar 17, 2008
Bickley, Bromley
Yeah the plugs seem pretty ok but good that you have changed them. Nice purchase with the TIP, should definitely see some good gains with that. Looking forward to your results at the rolling road :)


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Nice purchases mate :)

Those spark plugs are great and will really help performance wise! Upper boost pipes look good and will do the same job as Forge/Samco etc!

B5 tip will give you some gains for sure. Good stuff buddy.

Cheers Tom, yeah I already have the charge pipe to N75 and charge pipe to DV hoses from Creations and they're good quality stuff, very robust hose material. These boost ones seem every bit as good.

Plugs seem good too, car idles and revs nice and smooth, just that strange hesitation at about 3500rpm to work out. Hopefully some logging and a bit of time with the SPS switch will solve it.

Looking forward to fitting the B5 TIP too :)

Yeah the plugs seem pretty ok but good that you have changed them. Nice purchase with the TIP, should definitely see some good gains with that. Looking forward to your results at the rolling road :)

I guess the colder plugs will put a little less strain on the coilpacks and if it means I can push timing on a touch too it'll be worth it :)

As for the rollers, well right now if VAGCOM is to be believed then I'm sitting at about 270bhp and 296lb/ft on the THS TIP. Keen to see what the new TIP does and verify results on the rollers :)

Decided today that once I've paid the credit card bill for the other half's engagement ring I'll order a full set of four fresh Vredestein Ultrac Sessantas - was really impressed with the ones I've had on the front for the past couple of years so will go with them again.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Good good, looking forward to it. TBH at the moment tho with the temps around freezing and the roads covered in salt, mud, frost etc I just keep spinning up the front wheels, sometimes even in 4th. Of course 2mm of tread may not be helping that :)


LCR 225
Apr 29, 2007
How old are your coilpacks mate? Hesitation could be that. MAF, throttle body - done a reset or need cleaning? Faulty N75? REVO sps settings may cure it though.

So many things it could be with these cars.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
MAF was changed just before Christmas bud, coilpacks were around the same time I think, certainly only a few weeks ago in any case. N75 duty cycles look ok, see second log here. Going to clean and re-adapt the throttle body when I do the upper boost hoses.

I did see some CFs at around 3.5krpm (not a lot on any one cylinder but a fair bit in total) so was hoping that the blip was caused by me pushing timing on too far for the old spark plugs to cope with but maybe not, might just have to pull it back a bit.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
So set about changing the boost hoses this morning, had a 50% success rate. Managed to get the charge pipe to SMIC one on with a bit of cursing and a couple of skinned knuckles but couldn't get the SMIC to throttle body one on. Well, I could, but it turns out it's a little too long at one end or the other as when it was pushed into place the bend where it goes upwards from the MAF sensor tube ended up getting deformed a bit. Think I'll need to trim it an inch or two at the throttle body end so the bend isn't under stress. What's good for cutting reinforced silicone hoses, folks?

Come to think of it, the other one was a little too long as well but I got around that by just pushing the charge pipe end further up the charge pipe.

Didn't bother taking any pics as I had limited time and ran out fighting with the second hose so will get one next weekend, hopefully on Saturday I'll get the B5 TIP and the second boost hose fitted successfully :)


Aug 11, 2010
Newcastle upon Tyne
Good to see you at least got a start on it mate. to cut hoses like that I usually tighten a dubilee clip around the point where I want to cut for a guide and then use a sharp stanley blade.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Aha, good tip, cheers mate :) Yeah I was hoping to do the gear linkage reset trick and clean and re-adapt the throttle body while I was at it all but no luck. Think I'm mostly free this Saturday so as long as the weather holds I'll hopefully get all the jobs done.
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