
  1. What Flip key

    I am looking at getting a flip key for my ibiza cupra mk 4. What one works or are they all the same how easy is it to code the new key???
  2. Remote key, slightly different to the usual...

    Howdo guys n gals, I know there are about a million very good threads on here (and a really decent guide too) on how to program thr RCL keys in. However I'm a little unclear on a couple of things as I've managed to buy a V5 toledo (170) with only one key, and the one key it has is not a RCL...
  3. how do i recode my remote key????

    i know this has been asked loads but ive searched and cant find the answer, wot is the combination of buttons to recode a remote key for a 1.4 ibiza mk3????
  4. Can I use a flip key for my 1999

    Due to my very unrespondent remote key fob. What remote key fobs are compatible for '99 Seat Ibiza GTI. Been looking on ebay and not sure what model would work and be programable to my car. Any help or links lads?
  5. Key button locking

    Hi all, Sorry to raise this one again as I've read tonnes about it, but I am still none the wiser. Resetting the key. The car has been played with as someone has fitted a push button for the starter. I think this might have something to do with why I can't get the doors to lock with the...
  6. CupraElliott

    Key wont re-code

    I am following the guide for the Mk3's but I cant get the key to re-code? I am sure I am doing it right because the LED is flashing 5 times, only thing that is missing is the doors dont try and lock or unlock. Also the CL doesn't work off the door controls even? I have no blown fuses, none...
  7. Help please key or is it central locking?

    Hi we have just got our cupra r back today after a minor disaster last week when the water pump seized solid stripping the cambelt and bending two valves, anyway upon getting it back today something weird has occured and I wondered of anyone has any ideas, basically we can unlock the front...
  8. Re-pairing remote key?

    Hi, Does anyone know if it is possible to repair a key? I have just had the feature enable via vagcom to enable the windows to go up and down when you hold down the lock/unlock buttons via the remote. The feature now works if I physically lock/unlock the car via the doors lock but the guy...
  9. Lost Key Fob

    Hi guys, I wasn't sure where to post this thread. I've read some other key fob threads on the forum, so just wanna ask some questions. ok so i've lost my Key Fob :-( from my 2008 Seat Leon it'll cost me about £160 to get a new one from the dealer SO can I buy a Seat key fob off...
  10. Lost Key Fob

  11. suj

    Coil pack AGAIN? surely not? (maybe immobiliser? please help find key diagram)?

    ok so my car won't start, i changed the coil pack in mid jan/feb, and now it feels like it's f'd up again, that's 5 months since i changed it, is this right? it basically won't start, and then when it does it chokes out and dies, then several attempts again it will fire then choke out, it did...
  12. spenny2004

    Is the key covered under warranty

    Hi, Does anyone know if the car key is covered under the warranty. I was fiddling with mine in my pocket and it turns out the silver bit on the top has snapped so i cant keep it with the rest of keys as it falls off!!! My car is still under warrant as it is only a 57 plate?
  13. remote key fob

    right this is a new one on me, just wondering if anyone else has come across this... as mentioned in my newbie intoductions earlier i have just bought a 2001 cupra last week, very good price etc the only downside is it has no remote central locking key only two standard keys. no-one is really...
  14. Problem with one key with immobiliser

    Morning all! This morning my missus tried to use her key on our car and it started then stop, so I figured it was an issue with the immobiliser/key. The other key works fine and all the probs I found using the search seemed a little different from this. Has anyone else had this issue and...
  15. Battery in key fob :oS

    Hi all, Just looking for some advice really. At present I am having to change the battery in my remote key fob roughly once a month and it is beginning to annoy me as with 2 children 3 and under, it's basically a pain when we are trying to get in. Is there something wrong with my fob/system...
  16. car_guy143

    v5 oil filter tool and sump plug key

    Hi. I'm wanting to change the oil on my 1999 Toledo V5 150. I need the oil filter cup wrench but don't know which one i need. Can anyone tell me what size to get please? Also, does anyone know the sump plug key size and shape please? Thanks. Rik.
  17. seantdi

    key in ignition warning

    hey guys can anyone tell me if the warning buzzer that comes on when you leave the key turnned on in the ignition be turned off. its really annoying when you get out of the car with the engine running to open the gate etc. wouldnt be so bad if it just came on whenthe engine was off or something...
  18. slim20vt

    How the hell do you take the key blade out of a lcr remote new remote turned up today for my 04 plate cupra R i orderd a new key blade and had it cut today.. now all i have to do is fit it to the remote!!!!:cry: how do you get the key blade out of end of the remote ( 2 button ):( looks like there is some pin holding blade in place...
  19. slim20vt

    Key fob issue,lcr

    Hi people,need some help,im going to buy another remote for my lcr from ebay new one.............. only problem is it dosent come with the key blade. i know i can get a new blade too........... thats no prob BUT.......... will any( local key )cutter be able to cut the flat blade of...
  20. Part number for a 2001 flip key

    As above can someone who has a 2001 Leon tell me the part number to their flip key? I seen this but does really make too much sense. I think i need either a 'A' or 'N' Thanks
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