
  1. mfish

    Key problems

    Hi I was wondering if anyone could help. I've already searched and tried most options on this but help wold be appreciated. I have a 2003 Leon Cuora TDI and was looking to get a flip key working so I can do delock mod. I bought a new flip key off of ebay which the seller said would work on...
  2. rickisgrate

    Getting a spare key

    Ive only got the 1 key for my cupra and i dont have the barcode thingy, the previous owner said he would send it but he never did, is it possible to get another key made from my dealer, im the registered keeper of the car and ive got photo i.d, is it just a cas of going to the parts dept. with...
  3. dainott2105

    Last letter on key code question??

    Hi folks, sorry to bring this issue up again. I had no probs finding and programming a flip key for my leon, but my missus has just bought a vw beetle and only has one key and want to get another The code on her key is HLO 1JO 959 753 P which is the same as the Leon except the last letter...
  4. Key Battery Replacement Help Please

    Hi, I have a non flip style key and need to get into it to replace the battery. Unfortunately the links people have posted in previos threads aren't working for me. Could someone please outline how I get in to the battery? Thanks. Colin
  5. Spare Key & Immobiliser

    Hi, I've just found my spare key for my car after it was safely stored after I got the car (4 years ago :hide: ) and went to use it and it didnt deactivate the immobiliser. I'm guessing this is because a long time ago the clocks were changed under warranty because the speedo was sticking...
  6. 1981whips

    nead key help

    my key was working fine this morning untill they was launch acroos the room and the chip came out ive put the chip back in but my imobilser light still flashing and want start and now my bats dying think the light may ave been left on but not sure. has any one got a pic of the chip inside the...
  7. C11PRA DC

    Lost my Key!!!

    Lost my Key!!! Flip key advice please Hi all, I've managed to loose the key to my Ibiza (mk2) in between were I parked and the house (50m). I'am seriously worried that someone has found it, knows which car its for and is waiting for the right moment to nick it!!!! Am I right in...
  8. F2 Ed

    Remote Central Locking - Key Coding

    I have tried this... sit in car - doors closed 1 ignition on to red lights on dash 2 turn off immediately and pull key out 3 hold 1 of the buttons down (dont matter which) 4 PRESS the other 3 times ( with a SLIGHT pause) 1 . 2 . 3 5 watch led on key (should flash) and doors usually...
  9. Big_daddy

    Re-sync key with 1 key

    My fobs not working so have to re-sync it to the car, but the problem is, the manual states, you need two keys! is there an alternative solution? :think:
  10. Key advice

    I went to see a 2003/53 Leon 130SETDi earlier today, the price was right but i was put off by 1 thing. It only had 1 key, this was a black key with 'S' on both sides. The key only unlocked the drivers door which set the alarm off, but the alarm went off when i turned the ignition. Is this...
  11. lcr ignition key wiggle

    just bought a leon 225 lcr ..when i go to start it its dead but give the key a wiggle and it starts ..are these bad for ignition switch wear ..anyone came across this..:wtf:
  12. key fob battery

    can anyone tell me if i need to reprogram my key fob if i replace the battery. local part shop said i'd need to take it to a dealer. is the guy in the shop full of cr@p?
  13. Key Started Playing up!!!!!

    Hi ive being having trouble with the key i parked it at work the other day came out and it wouldnt unlock on the buton on the key so i had to put the key in the lock, however it will lock with the button again and again, ive tried to take it appart to see if its a dodgey battery or something but...
  14. Is it possible to code a remote key with no original?

    I only have my original key, no spare - and the remote central locking stopped working ages ago (tried new batteries, etc - no good) What is the best way to get a new key working with remote locking? All the ways i have seen on here are with working original remote keys...
  15. How muck should i be paying to get key cut and coded?

    Hi, Ive just bought a flip key off ebay and was wondering how much i should be looking at paying to key the blade cut and the transponder coded? Also if anyone could recommend someone around the Notts area that would be good! Cheers
  16. G2232

    Lost locking nut key

    Right i know im stupid but i have managed to miss place the locking nut key Does anyone knowwhat i can do that does not envolve drilling it out
  17. elBurro

    Remote key part id for an 03 Arosa TDi

    I need the remote key part num-num-number for an 03 Arosa TDi? Main dealer is too much money and I'm bored of opening the door 'by hand'... I'd appreciate anyone posting a picture of their key (doesn't have to be too detailed since I see some bloke on ebay says he can cut a copy from a...
  18. Need a new key thob

    How much ??? :shrug:
  19. jacko18

    key remote problem

    :shrug::shrug: had a new battry put in my key fob because it ran out. still doesnt work??? does the key need to be reprogrammed? :blink: the seat garage said that i need a new transponder but it was working fine till a few weeks ago then they chaged the battry and nothing! [:@]...
  20. james walker

    locking wheel nut key

    done a search, but no info is the locking wheel nut key in the spare wheel well and what does it look like, its new boots time and all i can find is a plastic looking nut remover with a screwdriver type fixing on the other end? is that it? surely not a plastic thingy ta guys
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