
  1. blackturbo

    New remote key

    I did a search but didnt find anything directly relating to what I was after, basically the key ring part of my key has snapped so I cant actually put my car key on a key ring making it a pain to keep hold of two sets of keys, so im looking at getting a new key and kleeping the current one as a...
  2. have to get new key fob! what price??

    i have just bought a Mk 1 seat leon cupra and the key fob just died on me. i changed the battery but could not get it to sync with my car! took it to seat garage and they say i need a new key fob, the price they gave me was £40 for new fob and another £30 to program it. is this about right? just...
  3. volvic

    Transponder reprogramming!

    I've managed to muller the transponder in the spare key trying to get it out. The flip key i purchased has a transponder inside, but it most probably has been programmed to a vw car. I know it can be reprogrammed, but I cant seem to find a place, or if anyone has Vag-com and knows how to do...
  4. Programming a new remote part of the key and Seat dealers

    Hi all, I have searched a lot on this forum about what I am going to ask but I am still a bit confused. I need a new remote part of a key as mine cannot hold the code and works only intermittently. It is not a flip key but the other type. I understand that if you buy a new complete key...
  5. Ibiza key fob failure

    Hi, I am having problems with my key fob. The central locking part of the key fob has stoped working. I have changed the battery, but this has not worked. So I am thinking its packed up !!. Has anybody any idea how much a replacement key body would cost. Just the main body and not the key part...
  6. Central Locking and Key Problem Seat Ibiza 2001

    I have trawled through the achives and cannot find a problem like this, 6 months ago my key fob stopped working, I changed the battery, tried to re-code it, it didn't work I wasn't that bothered as I could still use the key manually,Yesterday I tried to get into my car, not only did the central...
  7. yet another lost key :(

    Hello, I just managed to lose my master key  to my Ibiza 1.4 (2007 make), I have gone through the post on the forum and parts of my manual as per the manual I should have had key with remote control one key without remote control key tab with the key number I never got the key...
  8. Remote key trouble

    I have been having some problems with the remote locking/unlocking of my 52 Leon Cupra. The battery run out on the key fob (right before I had to go for a meeting as well - typical!) and now I can't seem to get it working consistently. I have replaced the battery and made sure all the...
  9. jacko18

    key fob not working

    Been told my transponder has gone as the key flashes but the car doesnt respond?i have tried resetting it by holding the key fob button but still no joy. i have to keep locking the car with the key but the central locking does still work. where is the transponder so i can change it and where...
  10. Jace

    Fr Key Badge - Fitted

    Following on from an earlier deleted post, I finally got hold of a badge from the seller via ebay Standard Key as you know it Now uprated to FR spec [B)] EBAY SELLER LINK HERE ...
  11. What Battery For Std Key Remote ?

    Hi, I have searched and found conflicting info. What battery no. should I have ? I have a CR2016 (which seems very thin) fitted. Others seem to have a CR2032 Thanks
  12. Help,my key fobs not working!

    Afew months ago after locking my car with the key fob then going back 30mins later to re open it the key fob wouldnt unlock the car,ever since ive had to manually lock it which is a pain.I tried changing to batteries,the re syncing it but it wouldnt work,the key fob button just flashes red when...
  13. bobthecod

    flip key problems!

    bassicly i bought a skoda 3 button flip key of ebay this week and it turned up today got blade cut n fitted and programed it and chaged imobaliser thing and everything works fine but the boot release button doesn't :S if anyone knows how i can fix this please help because most peoples on here...
  14. Spring in flip key

    Im having problems with the button and spring in my flip key ive seen on here berfore a guide on how to take to key apart but cant find it. i have taken my key apart but not the key seems to flip the other way so if flips down quick instead of flipping out to start the car. does any one no...
  15. mhill

    Flip Key

    Do the my08 Ibiza's come with flip keys as standard?
  16. Need some help with my key fob

    As the title suggests I am having a bit of difficulty with my keyfob, I've done the search and I have done what other people have tried and still I have problems. The remote just does not work, I can still unlock and lock the car by putting the key in the door. So far I have checked all the...
  17. Central Locking Key

    ive done a search and only found how to take the key apart but on my flip key when the key is closed you press the button to flip the key out then to close it you jusy push the key down. on my dads vauxhall and my mates VWs and BMWs you have to push the button to close it. is the spring nakered...
  18. Programming Flip Key To Car

    Hey, I have got a new flip key for my car, i have sucessfully swapped the transponder over and the key works fine in the locks and ignition. The problem i am having is programming the key for remote central locking. My original key was 433mhz and the new one is 433mhz. I have looked through...
  19. Key Program

    Hi, I wonder if someone could tell me how to re-program my key. The spare key works fine but after the battery going flat in my main key it no longer works. Thanks (I mean to lock and unlock the car - it still works to start the car)
  20. m.r.davies

    Key fob locks, but doesn't unlock - Replace battery?

    CaR wouldn't unlock this morning kept pressing the unlock button but no joy ...the range on the fob has been getting progressivly worse so i thought the battery was on its way however, the bloody thing will lock via the fob !?!? how strange has anyone else experienced this...