
  1. new key fob problem... help ive been real stupid!

    the battery in my rcl key fob recently packed in, so being a simple task and armed with the knowledge that anything in the world can be fixed with a hammer, a 10mm spanner and a can of strongbow i set about replacing the battery. needless to say i made a hash of it and broke the chip clean...
  2. MomoMK2

    seat key programming/immobiliser question...

    hi guys, wondering if anyone can help with some advice... ive just had to buy a replacement remote for my alarm cus the keyring bit was worn and snapped so i was worried about losing it (and not having a spare already). i followed the instructions provided and programmed the remote and it...
  3. RE: Key fob

    Hi, I reciently bough a Seat Leon S 1.4 (2000 Reg) unfortunately the key fob that has the unlock and lock button on it didn't work. I managed to replace both the batteries in it and now a red light has come on and seems to stay on. I managed to get it to unlock my car but it would not lock it...
  4. cus

    car key has lost its coding..

    my mate tried testing my key on his seat ibiza mk3, as hes having problems using the button to open his doors. he put my key in his ignition, pressed and held the lock button, and tapped the open button 3 times.. apparently this is supposed to code the key to the car (what he said!) well it...
  5. Vin-R

    VAGCOM key fob issue LCR pls help...

    hi guys, hope you can help me, as you all know, one press on the fob opens the driver door only. two presses on the fob opens all doors inc boot. dont know if you guys have had this but 9 times out of ten when i double click still only drivers door opens, then after a few presses...
  6. Vin-R

    LEON KEY FOB issue

    hey guys, quick question, on the leon key fob as we all know, you press the unlock button once and the drivers door opens, and if you press twice quickly, all doors open. but its quite annoying for me as 9 times out of 10 ill press twice and still only one door unlocks, then after a few presses...
  7. Remote key fob not working

    Hi I have a leon cupra 1m, 2001,Y,bought off finance company 3 months ago, was finance reposession, so only got one key and the remote buttons on fob where nackered (look like some one run over it) anyway, bought another remote section from motors in motion at worksop,and placed on key, new...
  8. richellis

    Flip key question!

    Hi, done a search and am I right in thinkin that as my leon's key is a hella 433mhz, any VW flip key with 433mhz can be coded to my car for the locking and ignition?????? and has anyone done it????
  9. lcrb

    Broken locking wheelnut key!

    got new tyres today, went to take my wheels off and all were solid. eventually got them loose apart from locking wheel nut and the key sheared in half?? do i have to order e new keynut from seat specific to my car or can i use someone elses who also has a lcr?
  10. SNOWZ

    key recoding`

    my mum has got a mk4 golf gttdi and her key has lost its code for the central locking and immobilizer, can it be re programmed using vagcom or do i have to go to the stealers??
  11. karls cupra

    major key problem help.

    i went to start my car tonight an got a light on the bottom right of dash its a picture of a car and a key with this flashing i can not start my car it starts then cuts out straight away i need some major help any one plz ...
  12. birds town

    Problem getting new key coded

    Hi all Has anyone else had problems getting a new key coded? Was in with my local stealer today having a new turbo fitted and asked them to code a new flip key I'd got off e-bay to the immobiliser - after much faffing about, they say they can't get the key to take a code. Anyway, since I...
  13. Key fob mystery?

    When i start my car with the spare key it doesnt want to ignite the engine , justs turns it over? I have changed the battery with no effect? The large square fob works fine. Do i need to reprogram the fob? If so how? Thanks
  14. andreww

    My Pioneer Headunit looses it settings every time I take the key out..

    Hi All, I have just got around to fitting my old Pioneer DEH-5500, the ISO adapter it comes with plugs directly in and all appears to work ok. However as soon as I remove the key from the ignition the radio looses all power and forgets it's settings. I have had this radio in my last 2 cars...
  15. rsmith

    Removed Key, please help

    Hello, I was foolishly messing around with VWTOOL and changed the amount of keys programed to my car to 1,(still not sure how) now the other spare key will not work to start the car, it unlocks it but thats all. when i try to change the value back to 2 it does not keep it stored! Can...
  16. Flip Key

    Was thinking yesterday, is it possible to turn our key into a flip key like the Mk4's? I would assume it is. If so, has anyone ever done it?
  17. MACKERZ217

    Alarm - only had spare key...

    Hi everyone, My brother recently bought a leon fr mk1, part of the deal was a timing belt change, the garage is coming to collect it on wedensday, my idiot brother took the main key to work he's a hgv driver in england! so i have the spare, everytime i go near the car...
  18. Leon flip key??

    I have searched the topic before you say anything, just wanted to see if anyone could clarify a few things, on the earlier leon models 2000 - 2002does anyone know frequency of keys i should be looking at getting. thanks guys
  19. dainott2105

    MK2 Flip Key

    Hi all, wondering if anyone can help me out as im looking for the key code for the a flip key for the missus mk2 leon fr. She decided the other day that it would be good to loose it and now stuck using the rubbish spare one, but i dont wanna pay silly money for a new flip key and was wondering...
  20. need spare key..

    i need a spare key for d car...(waranty is up etc) wants somethin like 80 quid or more... where can i get a key cut...and programmed...or can i programe it?!?!:( tried a local locksmith...he tried it in his machine but no luck and sent me 2 d dealer... 80-100 quid is robbery...:ban:
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