
  1. Locking wheel nut key lost

    Hi guys, cant find my locking wheel nut key! Last owner show'd me the key in the boot when i brought the car, went to get it out today to clean the back of the wheels and its the wrong key! Anyone in the area of essex any good at getting them off. I'm willing to pay! please help!
  2. SeanyK

    Flip key flip question & locking

    Hey folks :) I have a flip key now on my Cupra and it works fine just had two questions for all you other flip key owners ; 1) When the key is flipped out should you be able to push it back in without pressing the button? I mean if you push it fairly hard. 2) When taking the key out...
  3. Key Fob Problems - HELP PLEASE

    I recently bought a Seat Leon MK1 2003 model. The key fob won't unlock or lock the doors. The key fob LED light is not working, I have replaced the battery but still no light shows. It still unlocks the doors manually but I want to get the key fob working. Can any of you guys help me sort...
  4. Martyn1989

    Flip Key

    Yes, I have searched, and I have read through a lot of incoherent information regarding flip keys over the last few weeks. So I thought I would start something fresh. Basically, I need a new key for my 2001 Seat Ibiza Chill car. This guide is a belter, and I have identified that I need the...
  5. basemanuk

    remote central locking key

    hi does anyone know how much i can get a replacment key for my 2001 LC! my bloody machanic has lost it and iv been having to use the spare key which involves me having to quickley turn on the ignition when i open the door or else the alarm goes off!!!!
  6. robcool

    Closing and Opening windows by key???

    Hey people My mate has got a A3 I think it's an 2003 model and I noticed one day that he can open and close the windows by holding relevant button down. Well tried it on my Seat 2004 to see if it could do the same and it doesn't however when I put the key into the door lock it does it via...
  7. Urgent Key Fob Issue - Only my boot unlocks :(

    Hey everyone, I changed the battery on my key fob (all was working well before but the range was a bit pants) got the right battery (CR2032) and put it in correctly, tried to do it as quickly as possible as I know a lot of modern keys have a time limit (approx 30 secs I would have thought)...
  8. Blipper / Key fob stopped working

    I have a 2001 Leon Cupra with a i presume "round" remote key fob. This morning it stopped working... They red LED light did not flash. So i just thought it would be a new battery. So bought a new one and still has not made a difference. I have checked the contacts inside are touching but still...
  9. key fobs

    Sorry people i know its been covered before loads of times but i need help, brought a leon 20vt last thursday and ive got nowhere wiv trying to get a new fob without going to seat and im not paying there crazy prices, im from stoke on trent and have tried in stoke best price i had was 80 for the...
  10. Leon Cupra Key Fob

    Hey Guys, How many batteries should a Phase 2 MK1 Leon Cupra have in the radio key fob? Mine came with one (CR2032) and seems to fit nicely, however the guide on the site indicates 2 batteries. there is a green thing under the battery, is that a contact sheet? Cheers, Mike
  11. Newer Key Problem!

    Right... I bought a flip key off ebay and have been looking for somewhere to cut the blank key, which is a pretty rare find so far. Yesterday i went to a Seat garage to ask if they can do it and if it will work with my car, apparently they order their keys in already cut to the specific car...
  12. Key problem!

    Basically i bought a flip key off ebay for my Ibiza Chill and i need to get the key cut to my original key. But because of the type of key there arent too many places that can cut it. Does anyone know of any places in the Harrogate area can do it or anywhere thats not too far away? Thanks
  13. Key fob/Imobiliser code been wiped???

    Here's the background of what happened; a mate of mine has a mk3 ibiza that has a de-locked door handle and his key fob ran out of battery so he had to get a new key fob and re-code it. To get this new key fob to work you have to have your non-fob key in the ignition and put the key fob into...
  14. Pacey

    cupra tdi back calipers - what size Allen key?

    hello boys and girls Need help please asap fitting new disks and pads all round fronts sre done i think but cant get the calipers off the back! WHAT SIZE ALLEN KEY DO I NEED???? thanks in advance Pacey
  15. Seat Ibiza 04 2.0sport new key

    I have purchased a flip key off ebay, I already have two keys, one with central locking and one without, I have read up and know if I take the transponder out of the key with no central locking and put that in my new flip key that it would start the engine. The thing is I need it cutting, the...
  16. can vag-com program flip key transponder chips

    all i would like to know is can vag-com program transponder chips to in flip keys ? if so how do i go about it ? cheers for any help andi
  17. Need a remote central locking key, help!

    Right, when i got my Ibiza Chill i was only given the spare key which doesnt have any of the remote buttons. I've heard you can use old Audi/VW keys etc.. Im after a flip key but not sure what one i have to look out for. Can anyone help with what frequency the key needs to be etc? Cheers :)
  18. remote key reciever / help needed

    hi, since i bought my 1.4 my remote key has not worked, central locking works fine, light comes on on the key when i press the buttons but nothing happens, i have searched on this forum hundreds of times and tried every re-coding procedure there is to try and it still doesnt work, i have...
  19. cheshire cat

    key fob batteries

    can't find it but did I once see somewhere that when replacing key fob batteries you were better using 2x3volt at half the thickness ie; 2x2016's instead of 2032 anyone with a better memory, that's most of you:shrug:
  20. cookie1978


    Ive just recently bought my 20vt toledo and when i bought it there was only 1 key. How would i go about getting a replacement key without going to the dealers n having my pants pulled down n shafted? Only concerned as the drivers door lock wont operate with the key but the boot does. Its a 03...
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