
  1. Lost half my car key!

    I've lost the metal half of my remote central locking key for my X-reg 2000 Cupra (and been quoted £280 by a dealer to get a replacement key (see pasting below)... Can I just buy a blank key off ebay, get the metal thread cut at Timpsons to my spare key and fit it to the half of the key that...
  2. wigz45

    Flip Key

    Was after a second flip key the remote locking, but seemed to have misplaced the plastic thing with the code on it? Seen a few people selling the keys on ebay, would i just buy one and take it to my dealer and then get the blade cut? bit of a noob! thanks
  3. Remote key Prgramming help

    My remote key packed up a while ago. I gotr a new battery and cleaned all the contacts and no joy. So tried re-programming it with as few guides on here and still no joy. I thought maybe the trasponder itself was screwed so i bought another key of ebay and tried to program that using the same...
  4. TJenkos

    Flip key

    Could anyone guide me as to what model flip key I need for my MK3 Cupra? The standard key says 'SIEMENS 433.92mhz'... I assume I just need to buy a blank key and chipset then have it programmed? How much is a programme going to cost roughly? Thanks
  5. Sorry, bit boring but need advice re key

    Okay so the silver keyring bar thing at the top of the key, has come away from the fob at one side, so no keyring can be attached to the fob, which is a bit of a pain!! Perhaps silly question, but as my car is still under Seat warranty, would the keyfob be covered?? Im thinking probably no...
  6. ChrisG

    Key fob assistance please

    Hi All My wife's mk1 Leon key fob has stopped working and on closer inspection one of the three chips on the PCB inside the fob has completely detached itself from the circuit board. We may have to get a new fob but Id like to have a go at getting it soldered back on, the problem I have is I...
  7. Easiest way of getting a second key

    hi people i know this has prob been asked before but i cannot find a definate answer. i only have one flip key for my LCR , what is the easiest and cheapest way of getting myself another one, which will actually work ! cheers chris
  8. myneek

    Flip key "new" transponder question

    Hi, I read the sticky on flip key and stating to remove the transponder from the spare and putting it in the new flip key. However If I buy a blank flip key with a new unprogrammed transponder as below can I program this myself? or does it require a dealer...
  9. Engine not stopping with key out ignition

    I've a Leon 2002 1.8T AUQ engine 45k miles. Engine doesn't cut off when key taken out (will switch off when put in reverse!!!). Engine runs fine. Trentons in Hull say ECU has corrosion, which they cleaned up. Appears to have fixed problem with engine not switching off. They say ECU...
  10. SEAT / VW key fob interchangeable?

    Does anyone know if VW key fobs are interchangeable with SEAT? If I buy a VW key fob HLO 1KO 959 753 G for my 2006 Leon, will I be able to reprogramme the transponder? The part number is exactly the same as my Leon fob Cheers!
  11. Shaunyboy

    key problem

    I noticed my big key fob with buttons used to immboizle the car and had to use the spare key, what would cause this and what would it take to get it working again.
  12. Replacement key fob

    Hi all, I am looking to buy a used key fob from ebay for my 2006 Leon TFSI. Part number HLO 1K0 959 753 N 434 mhz off a VW. The part number on my current key is HLO 1K0 959 753 G, so the only difference is the N and G. Will this matter? Also, I have read that the transponder is a one time...
  13. Key question

    Is it right that with the Ibiza 1.4 Sport you get one remote key & one plain old normal one? Sorry for a silly question but it's something i wanted to know :doh:
  14. Lost Radio Key

    Hi All, Just got my new LCR, but the radio code is missing, Rocky Rocastle is going to have a look at home for it. But if he cannot find anybody know how to get one, other than paying SEAT??? cheers
  15. Engine staying on after key removed!!

    I have an '09 plate Leon TSi, which has developed a strange, intermittent problem recently. When I "turn off" the engine and remove the key, the engine continues to run, with both the handbrake and seatbelt lights illuminated on the dash. The only way I can turn it off is by putting the key...
  16. Mk1 Leon remote locking not working after changing key fob battery

    Hi All, I am new to this forum but was hoping someone may be able to help me out. I have a 2001 Seat Leon TDi S & a while ago the battery went in the key remote. I bought a replacement battery & after a look on the internet for re-programming I seemed to get it working again (using either...
  17. jonjay

    Key locking problem

    Good evening fellow SCNers, The car no longer responds to car key lock button presses (my god this is hard to discribe lol). Now logic would say that the battery has run out however the little red led is flashing still on the key which is throwing me. I now lock the car manually and unlock...
  18. dodgy key!!! Please help

    This morning I tried to open my car and nothing is happening!!! it locks with using the button but will not unlock, I only have one key so im gettin a little worried also when i opened the door manually it stayed locked but the alarm went off and all the windows came down!!! dont really know...
  19. Key and Central locking problem!

    Hi, I've never had a working Fob for my car so i've always opened it using the key, over the last few days the key stopped returning to the centre when i locked/unlocked. Now the car will not unlock at all from the door, it will lock OK. This also means the alarm goes off if i try to get...
  20. Leon Key Issue

    My leon has lost the ability to open all the doors off the keyfob. It used to be that when you press the keyfob once it would open the drivers door, then a second keyfob button press would open all the other doors and the boot. Problem is that now no matter how often you press the button it...
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