Well after cracking on with the dremel to take of the coating on the mating face i've nearly finished all the wheels
Heres a finished one ready to go on complete with its new centre cap
Still got to do about 3 holes on the one wheel but thought id update this whilst having a cup of tea.
I took the spare out to put in the boot and had to just quickly offer it up to see what itll look like when its on
Just going to have to wait until the weather stop changing every 30 minutes so i can give it a wash and get them on, unfortunately i dont know when that'll be as ive got 2 weddings to go to the next 2 weekends so will have to see.
Managed to win myself some aero blades and arms on ebay nice and cheap too (handy with the ridiculous amount of rain we're getting and the existing ones are the originals the car was made with)