You won't regret it mate honestly! I thought the standard handling wasn't too bad tbh (even with a snapped spring) but new top mounts and coilovers on and it's a new car again! Loving it at the moment and it's back to the old getting loads of looks whilst driving haha I missed that for a couple of weeks!
Small update. Couple of bits arrived today, got my 1 meter of vacuum hose and a small sheet of dark smoke lamin-x. As soon as I got in I fitted the vacuum hose between the apr recirc valve and the t piece coming off the manifold as the standard hose was over stretched from the n249 bypass.
Also got to work on the fogs lights. So so easy to take out on the cupras. Even fitted them again in the dark! Anyway, couple of pictures of what I did:
One lens tinted, one standard
Both tinted:
Took me 15-20 minutes and about 5 mins taking them out and another 5 sticking them back in.
Noticed I had a sidelight bulb out aswell so when I fit the new h7r bulbs I will try fit led sidelights and my silvertech indicator bulbs. Just don't have a clue how I'm going to get down the passenger side though!