it looks good scott, i like itmy toys are still boxed up on the floor
Get them whopped on!
looking awesome mate
Cheers Scott, glad you like!
You should give it a go mate, it's quite straightforward! All the connections on the top are just jubilee clips. The turbo connection has one bolt holding it to the turbo on the standard tip, then it just pulls off. You'll need a jubilee clip to fit the Forge one.
Just take the airbox/cone filter out for easy accessPretty much all the attachments are different sizes so you can't really get it wrong putting them in the Forge TIP. The only two that are the same are the 2 small ones, and they're on opposite sides so you shouldnt have a problem really
Might have a bash this weekend. Just not sure how's best to attack it haha gonna get all new stainless clips for every bit on the tip as I hate them spring ones with a passion! Can get them mega cheap/free from work. The only problem I'm worrying about is getting the standard one off the turbo and te new one back on, looks difficult! The rest looks okay.
What's the connection right next to where it bolts onto the turbo aswell? Do I need another clip for that too? Guessing a hose just pushes onto it?
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