DaNnY_LaD's IHI'd Cupra ( End Of a Eara 08/11/2009)


Big Turbo Leon Cupra R
Jun 2, 2007
Right Me,Curzon & lauren did some Logs tonight ive gained 6g/s over a Tip and New filter And it defo Feels mucho better Too...

Now the Usal Logs Look spot on But the cfs are all over the place..Ive turned the boost down to 20psi and there still all over the place..So something isnt right and it isnt the Timing...

Before the Gt2x Rebuild I was Seeing 0.8 cfs across all cylinders...Well the Logs will show for them Selfs.
At the Limiter i was seeing 180.5g/s which is about right.

The Only Reason i can put the finger on the cfs is that i put £10 of Cheap 95 fuel in 2 days ago and Just filled up today with my usal Tescos 99...

Anyway heres the logs and Curzons Input


Apr 9, 2006
Right met up with Danny tonight and did some logs as he wanted it logged before getting it RR'd

He wanted me to put logs up of before he changed the turbo and did the new TIP and new filter and then ones from tonight

Heres a previous one we did

	Group A:	'020				Group B:	'002			
		Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization		RPM	Load	Inj. On Time	Mass Flow
	TIME					TIME				
MARKER	STAMP	 CF	 CF	 CF	 CF	STAMP	 /min	%	 ms	 g/s
	0.01	0	0	0	0	0.65	840	12.8	1.64	2.06
	15.35	0	0	0	0	14.74	1880	52.6	5.74	20.92
	16.49	0	0	0	0	15.9	2040	59.4	6.56	24.19
	17.62	0	0	0	0	17.04	2280	63.9	6.97	28.89
	18.84	0	0	0	0	18.18	2480	57.1	6.15	27.08
	20.09	0	0	0	0	19.45	2680	57.1	6.56	30.33
	21.45	0	0	0	0	20.76	2880	43.6	4.92	22.25
	22.62	0	0	0	0	22.05	3000	43.6	4.92	24.36
	23.71	0	0	0	0	23.16	3120	49.6	5.74	29.53
	24.88	3	0	0	0	24.26	3400	103.8	13.12	73.69
	26.18	3	3	0	3	25.52	4040	149.6	20.91	114.58
	27.46	3	3	3	3	26.85	4560	143.6	20.5	124.92
	28.74	3	3	3	3	28.05	5000	140.6	20.5	134.03
	29.87	0	0	0	0	29.3	5320	138.3	19.68	144.56

Wasn't a great log but it just shows the MAF reading and that there weren't many CF's

We did a few runs tonight and Danny turned the boost down abit but even with it on the lowest it will go on the MBC he was still getting CF's so he turned it up about 3 clicks i think

Heres what we got i still think the CF's are too high but he did say he has put some 95ron petrol in the other day so this could be causing the high CF's

	Group A:	'115				Group B:	'020			
		RPM	Load	Absolute Pres.	Absolute Pres.		Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization
	TIME					TIME				
MARKER	STAMP	 /min	%	 mbar	 mbar	STAMP	 CF	 CF	 CF	 CF
	0.47	3080	33.1	980	1020	0.01	0	0	0	0
	1.39	3240	69.9	980	1270	0.99	4.5	3.8	4.5	6.8
	2.28	3480	99.2	1940	1570	1.88	3.8	2.3	3	5.3
	3.08	3800	157.9	2210	2430	2.68	3.8	2.3	3	5.3
	3.98	4320	157.1	2380	2500	3.58	3.8	5.3	3	5.3
	4.99	4800	155.6	2330	2450	4.51	3	5.3	6	6.8
	5.88	5240	148.9	2290	2390	5.39	6	5.3	6	6.8
	6.68	5560	144.4	2240	2320	6.28	6	5.3	6	6.8
	7.48	5880	141.4	2200	2260	7.08	6	5.3	9	6.8
	8.28	6120	137.6	2200	2190	7.88	6	8.3	9	6
	9.29	6400	132.3	2200	2190	8.78	9	8.3	9	9
	10.28	6640	127.1	2210	2160	9.79	9	8.3	9	9
	11.29	6880	123.3	2200	2110	10.78	9	8.3	8.3	9
	12.28	7120	116.5	1220	2140	11.79	9	6.8	8.3	9
	13.21	7000	15	980	1250	12.78	0	0	0	0
	14.07	6520	6.8	980	1040	13.67	0	0	0	0

	Group A:	'118				Group B:	'002			
		RPM	Temperature	Load	Absolute Pres.		RPM	Load	Inj. On Time	Mass Flow
	TIME					TIME				
MARKER	STAMP	 /min	°C	%	 mbar	STAMP	 /min	%	 ms	 g/s
	0.4	2400	18	0	1010	0.01	2360	28.6	3.28	12.89
	1.2	2440	18	0	1010	0.8	2400	27.8	3.28	12.92
	2.09	2440	18	0	1000	1.6	2440	12	1.64	5.64
	3	2400	20	0	990	2.6	2400	8.3	0	4.08
	3.99	2440	20	32.5	1010	3.5	2360	21.1	2.87	10.64
	5	2640	20	25.9	1250	4.51	2520	62.4	7.79	32.44
	5.8	2800	19	24.3	1430	5.4	2720	71.4	8.61	39.64
	6.7	3080	18	16.1	1810	6.2	2920	92.5	11.07	55.25
	7.71	3480	20	1.2	2380	7.21	3240	123.3	15.99	82.72
	8.6	3920	21	1.2	2460	8.11	3680	154.1	21.32	111.44
	9.5	4360	21	1.2	2440	9	4080	151.1	21.32	116.56
	10.41	4760	23	1.2	2420	10.01	4600	156.4	22.96	136.08
	11.21	5120	24	1.2	2370	10.81	4920	151.9	22.14	141.08
	12.01	5440	26	1.2	2300	11.61	5280	146.6	21.73	146.89
	13	5840	27	1.2	2220	12.5	5640	142.9	21.32	154.08
	14.01	6160	30	12.2	2140	13.5	6000	137.6	20.91	157.44
	14.91	6440	30	60.4	2140	14.39	6280	133.1	20.09	159.64
	15.71	6680	32	77.3	2110	15.3	6560	127.8	19.27	160.5
	16.62	6840	33	95.3	2080	16.2	6760	123.3	18.45	159.39
	17.5	7080	33	93.7	2090	17.02	6960	119.5	18.04	159.44
	18.3	7000	31	0	1430	17.9	7040	40.6	3.28	11.94
	19.1	6680	29	0	1070	18.7	6840	6.8	0	7.53
	19.99	5120	28	0	1030	19.59	6000	6.8	0	8.08

	Group A:	'020				Group B:	'115			
		Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization		RPM	Load	Absolute Pres.	Absolute Pres.
	TIME					TIME				
MARKER	STAMP	 CF	 CF	 CF	 CF	STAMP	 /min	%	 mbar	 mbar
	0.49	0.8	0.8	0	0	0.01	2400	57.1	1220	1030
	1.5	3	5.3	1.5	1.5	0.99	2240	64.7	1290	1180
	2.39	3	5.3	0	1.5	2	2400	70.7	1300	1300
	3.29	2.3	4.5	3	0.8	2.89	2600	65.4	1230	1350
	4.09	1.5	3	2.3	0	3.69	2760	78.9	1390	1480
	5	0	1.5	0.8	0	4.49	2960	100	1610	1680
	5.99	3	3.8	0	3	5.5	3360	135.3	1880	2250
	6.91	3	3.8	3	6	6.39	3800	156.4	2190	2460
	7.9	6	6.8	6	6	7.4	4320	151.9	2370	2430
	8.89	6	6.8	6	6	8.39	4800	154.1	2320	2420
	9.69	6	6.8	6	6	9.29	5240	148.9	2290	2340
	10.49	5.3	6	6	5.3	10.09	5560	143.6	2230	2260
	11.29	5.3	6	5.3	5.3	10.89	5880	138.3	2200	2200
	12.09	5.3	6	5.3	5.3	11.69	6160	136.1	2180	2120
	12.98	5.3	6	5.3	8.3	12.49	6400	130.8	2180	2110
	13.9	5.3	6	5.3	8.3	13.5	6680	125.6	2200	2100
	14.89	4.5	5.3	4.5	8.3	14.41	6920	121.8	2200	2080
	15.78	0	0	0	0	15.29	7120	107.5	980	2270

So see what you think about these, the boost seems to be fine now though, it is meeting and holding well just the CF's that are the problem at the min
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