After I fitted the coilpacks I went and got some longer bolts for the map sensor incase I needed them. Then went to girlfriends and got cracking with the car. Started like this:
Bumper off:
Took the standard boost pipe off and the map sensor out. Needed to use the adapter for the map sensor, so good job I went and got some longer bolts! Needed to file out the adapter:
Then it fitted on properly:
Longer bolts:
Fitted in the new boost pipe:
New hose section on the intercooler:
Then I fitted the boost pipe on, plugged the sensor back in. Then refitted the forge boost hose from this pipe to the throttle body and tightened it all up. Forgot to get pictures of it all together d'oh!
Needed to take this bracket off, which helps fitting massively:
Didn't need to move the crashbar at all. The bit on the bumper that needs cutting to fit it back on needed quite allot off though! Ended up like this:
Not much of it left! Bumper sits perfect though so it's all good! Blew a boost hose off first outing but all seems fine now. Allot more responsive and picks up miles quicker in gear!
One set back though, mapping was supposed to be this Saturday but will now be the Saturday after. He's got all the numbers off my ecu so he's making a start then is going to do the rest in person the following Saturday. He mentioned that he's trying to decode launch control on these ecus too at the moment!

hopefully before mines getting done haha