White FR to Black Cupra - Cupra Now Sold :(


Sir Bob,a geordy legend..
Oct 15, 2007
Dont fit new coilpacks for the sake of it, just wait till the go to replace them..

I replaced my last one in a bus stop :lol:


1/4mile - 13.935 @ 100.54
Nov 9, 2006
Pipe looks shiny :D Mine should turn up in the morning so I shall attempt fitting sometime in the afternoon when I get up ;) hard life being a student lol.
May 6, 2009
Northallerton, N yorks
I'm so jealous :( lol I actually won't have any time between now and next Tuesday, fancy getting some pics as you do it as forges instructions arnt too good haha

Mic it's a boost pipe from the cooler to the throttle body hose. Gets rid of the horrible standard one which pancakes to get past a bumper mount. It freed up 7hp and 14 ftlb's torque on forges test car! Mint, is he happy with it? Joining up on here?


1/4mile - 13.935 @ 100.54
Nov 9, 2006
I'm so jealous :( lol I actually won't have any time between now and next Tuesday, fancy getting some pics as you do it as forges instructions arnt too good haha

Mic it's a boost pipe from the cooler to the throttle body hose. Gets rid of the horrible standard one which pancakes to get past a bumper mount. It freed up 7hp and 14 ftlb's torque on forges test car! Mint, is he happy with it? Joining up on here?

He's already on here, he's Kris@Forge lol.

So you mention instructions, have you got any? I don't and I'm struggling somewhat with the sensor fitting :( and I've lost a tool in my engine bay so I can't start my car either lol :cry:
May 6, 2009
Northallerton, N yorks
Im currently trying to fit mine not sure which part to cut though :(

Go on the media section on forge website and about halfway down there's instructions which tell you. I wanted to have a go tonight but said I'd go to my gf's! You been feting pictures too mate?

He's already on here, he's Kris@Forge lol.

So you mention instructions, have you got any? I don't and I'm struggling somewhat with the sensor fitting :( and I've lost a tool in my engine bay so I can't start my car either lol :cry:

I meant one of mine and mics mates that has just bought a cupra, not kris :p

Yeh there's instructions on their website, I did get any with the pipe in the post :(

Yeh I was trying to find pictures ofthat sensor in a pipe. I don't get what te crack is with that little extra plate you get in the bag? Let me know how you get on! What tool have you lost? Haha
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1/4mile - 13.935 @ 100.54
Nov 9, 2006
I meant one of mine and mics mates that has just bought a cupra, not kris :p

Yeh there's instructions on their website, I did get any with the pipe in the post :(

Yeh I was trying to find pictures ofthat sensor in a pipe. I don't get what te crack is with that little extra plate you get in the bag? Let me know how you get on! What tool have you lost? Haha

I lost a T30 Torx bit :cry: no idea where its gone, all I know is that it hasn't fallen out the bottom.

The extra plate in the bag is an adapter for your MAP sensor to fit into, as the boss on the pipe is for the larger type. I had to file out the adapter to get mine to fit as the O-ring wouldn't squash in at all. A bit of filing make its a nice tight fit. I don't know about you, but the bolts supplied aren't long enough to be used with the adapter plate... luckily I had some longer bolts of the correct thread type in the garage so I used them.

The plate that holds the standard pipe in place needs to be removed or it makes fitting the new pipe near impossible and scratches the hell out of it as you try to fit it.

Also, when you remove the standard pipe, you'll need to loosen off both sides of the slam panel, otherwise you can't remove it. It's such an awkward shape that it won't contort around the headlight etc.

I'll have a look for instructions now :) All I have left to do is fit the bumper and find the tool!
May 6, 2009
Northallerton, N yorks
Might have to get myself a file then haha dunno where I'm gonna find some longer bolts from either. Maybe it's something need to ask forge about.

In the instructions it says to remove the crash bar like, are you saying it only needs loosening off a tad?

Sounds like a gay job lol


1/4mile - 13.935 @ 100.54
Nov 9, 2006
Well I removed all the upper bolts, and loosened the lower ones right off. It's just as easy to take it right off to be honest so don't worry about it too much.

The bumper cutting is a bit of a pain, I cut off as much as the pic showed and it was nowhere near enough, so I ended up cutting off most of the bumper mount guide thingy. I could have re-aligned the pipe, but it was such a pig to fit in the first place that I just butchered the bumper instead. It all looks fine now everything is back together, will get pics up later, I'm off to play football now :D

Still need to find tool...
May 6, 2009
Northallerton, N yorks
Sounds good Rich, let me know how it feels with it on :)

How come the pipe itself was a pig to fit? I'm sure I'll understand when I try and do it. I'm gonna be happy if I can just manage to get the bumper off lol
it wasnt to bad atall just the sensor bolts were to short but i had some laying around thankfully,cutting the bit behind the bumper wasnt much fun either i took a rather large unneeded chunk of plastic off the back of the bumper,i havent seen the instructions yet.
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