todays progress:
as it stopped raining for 30 minutes today i thought i would attempt the leaky door fix now my stuff has arrived from ebay, i thought it would only be a 30 minute job but i took the door card off and was greated by this monstrosity
im sure its not standard to have that much soundproofing, its all inside the doors as well, the panel was also bodged back in place with what i can only think of as pollyfiller covered with silicon sealant
i found out that the speaker is an aftermarket alpine one that has been stuck on a plastic bag, then stuck on a adapter then stuck on the soundproofing then screwed in to the existing speaker holes
even the tweeter is bodged, im sure its not supposed to look like that, and the cables are all bodged as well
i have removed as much of the bloody pollyfiller and sealant as i could get at and have replaced it with butyl sealant strip, then i removed the speaker adapter and cleaned all the crap off that and removed some of the soundproofing it was sitting on and stuck it back on with butyl strip and screws.
i think the water was getting in through the soundproofing the speaker adapter was sitting on as half way through cleaning the crap off it started raining again (so it was a mad dash to get the gf's parents garage clear to get the car in there) and all around the bottom of the adapter was wet.
at the moment its all put pack together hopefully properly, but i have masking taped up the window tonight so it has a chance to seal properly, i will take it of tomorrow and it will hopefully be nice and dry on my door seal and carpet after tomorrows almost certain rain.