Hi guys,
I'm new to this forum posting stuff haha. I am really stumped about my motor. ( ill try cut long story short)
I've only had the car for a couple of weeks so I don't really know the history on this car but from what I do know is the previous owner hit a deer and it wiped out half the front bumper (drivers side) It doesn't appear to have damaged anything but I'm sceptical about the intercooler as it's not boosting as I'd expect.
The car was working relatively OK for a week and then last Friday I tried to start the car to head off to work in the morning and it wouldn't fire, plugged a code reader into it and came up saying P0322, googled it and says Cam/crankshaft position sensor, so I went for the crank sensor first as the rev needles weren't moving at all when trying to crank over. Changed that sensor then it fired into life, happy days.
Drove it down the road and then it felt like the car wanted to stall and stop dead in the road when hitting 3k rpm and the EPC light came up, then the rev needle was being very odd etc and reving high on idle so code read it again and it said the same code, just went out today and bought a Cam sensor and replaced that, fired into life and happy days again, let it warm up gave it some revs and then boom light back on and same code
I'm kinda at a loss now lol, I may be just being a bit blind to it and maybe missing something very small but it's starting to do my head in a little bit

Any help is much appreciated
I'm new to this forum posting stuff haha. I am really stumped about my motor. ( ill try cut long story short)
I've only had the car for a couple of weeks so I don't really know the history on this car but from what I do know is the previous owner hit a deer and it wiped out half the front bumper (drivers side) It doesn't appear to have damaged anything but I'm sceptical about the intercooler as it's not boosting as I'd expect.
The car was working relatively OK for a week and then last Friday I tried to start the car to head off to work in the morning and it wouldn't fire, plugged a code reader into it and came up saying P0322, googled it and says Cam/crankshaft position sensor, so I went for the crank sensor first as the rev needles weren't moving at all when trying to crank over. Changed that sensor then it fired into life, happy days.
Drove it down the road and then it felt like the car wanted to stall and stop dead in the road when hitting 3k rpm and the EPC light came up, then the rev needle was being very odd etc and reving high on idle so code read it again and it said the same code, just went out today and bought a Cam sensor and replaced that, fired into life and happy days again, let it warm up gave it some revs and then boom light back on and same code

I'm kinda at a loss now lol, I may be just being a bit blind to it and maybe missing something very small but it's starting to do my head in a little bit

Any help is much appreciated