My PartNo on the original SD card is: 6P0919866H
I managed to update from 0635 to 0820 with exciter's approach, i.e.:
1. Reformatted the SD card that had 0635 on it
2. Copied the freshly dowloaded 0820 version to the SD card
3. Replaced /maps/EEC/EEC_WLD/OVERALL.NDS on the SD CARD with that from 0635
4. edited the /maps/00/nds/dbinfo.txt so that one of the PartNumberX entries correctly has my own part number in it, that is I replaced PartNumber4 from PartNumber4="6P0919866R" to PartNumber4="6P0919866H"
5. Inserted the card into the card and voila: 0820 working.
Step #4 may be completely useless, I did it nevertheless, and did not test without it. YMMV.
The fact that exciter made it work without #4, is a strong argument to try without it.
I see somebody recently reposted this up again, part of Exciters 2017 workaround, page 31. Only steps 1-3 are required.
However step 4 is the one which I believe is the one than can be used to make it show 6P on the screen for any one using the VW whole of Europe file that doesnt like it saying 5F. Works fine without step 4.
I know someone reported they had edited it, it's just cosmetic, doesn't need it although will fluster anyone doing the Seat logic to determine whether it's a mib 1 or 2 from the Seat part number shown in their map upgrade test. Because VW rushed the file out as a fix for their zoning of Europe into 7 parts it doesn't have a Seat part number on it as the generic ones.
So PartNumber4 can be your old 6P code. SystemName your could always make "ECE1 2019/20" so as it correct their file naming convention they got wrong
Ends that riddle of how the poster changed the partner number it was all in the thread
Summarise all of Europe in one file 1115 for mib2 standard:
Pick a golf 2017, discover media:
or direct link to bundle 1 download file
Updated: : 10/1/18 (European 1/10/2018)
File format: : 7-Zip
Coverage: :
Albania*, Andorra, Austria, Belarus*, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina*, Bulgaria*, Croatia, Cyprus*, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia*, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Island, Italy, Kosovo*, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Macedonia (Former Republic of Yugoslavia)*, Moldova*, Monaco, Montenegro*, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania*, San Marino, Sweden, Switzerland, Serbia*, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Ukraine*, United Kingdom, Vatican City
* in parts
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