Obtaining the Skoda Lifetime Navigation FeC for the Mib2 High (Europe 08300008) to enable the upload of June 2021 map release 192 to the unit and may be beyond
For DIY method using Mib Tool two main options:
- Update to one of the Mib2 High firmware releases where a Mib Tool patch is available for FeCs
- Stay on Current firmware but update FeCs as above (currently 1447, 1409, 1376, 1338, 1219)
Elements of the second option are covered in the first. A firmware update can be more problematic than just a FeC update. The second approach is dependent on whether the patch has already been created by the M.I.B. team that supports Mib Tools this is determined when the back up is made on Mib Tools. If the patch has not already been created then an invitation to submit the backup and website is provided. The M.I.B. people can create a custom patch where you only AddFecs or a full patch. Existings patches can be found in the patches directory and have the run in name MHI2_ER_SEG11....
Firmware Update to 1447
(Notes so far gleaned from DEB forum and Angelixx see post 941 here. Considerable misdirection on the DEB site.
You need to check you have a valid route from current firmware to this release, staged may be required (see thread 01xx-> 06xx ->08xx -> 1447).
Take the links from the DEB board, you need to register. You need to run Google Translate or Chrome on a separate tab if you don't speak German to read the instructions.
Thema: In diesem Thema geht es um das richtige Vorgehen beim FW-Update, sowie Patchen der aktuellen SEAT MIB2 Navi Plus MHI2_ER_SEG11_P4709 MU1447 Firmware. 100% über SD Karte und alles (Patch, Kodierung, usw.) als Teil des FW Updates. AIO - Custom All-In-One FW Updates Du musst angemeldet...
Firmware link is shown after "FW update MHI2_ER_SEG11_P4709 MU1447" when registered under the German language tab.
See post 743 for 1409 software, you need this to supplement missing language files from 1447. SWDL incremental manual download is used to install the missing files.
You need to switch to skin 4 to avoid fiddling mid process. If the skin is not changed the unit may boot up with a blank screen then the
Obdeleven / VCDS
coding can be made then. Better to do it in advance
MIB Tool + Patch
There is a forum DEB thread devoted to that
Thema: Vorstellung von M.I.B. - More Incredible Bash Zusammenstellung skriptbasierter Tools, die DIREKT und NUR auf der MHI2 Hardware im Green Engineering Menu - GEM- und auch in der RCC Konsole laufen! D-Link USB zu Netzwerk-Adapter wird nicht mehr benötigt. Sprache/Language: Bitte beachtet...
The associated firmware download (MIB Tool) which is up-to-date is on the link, 7z under M.I.B. directory:
guest, guest
Option 1 - Firmware Update to 1447 and use of MIB Tool
Distilled stages
1. Fix screen first before processing for 1447
From DEB 1447 forum: "It has already been observed twice that a unit gets stuck in the boot screen immediately after the firmware update.
If this happens to you via VCDS / VCP / OBD11: change byte 17 to skin 04 (carbon skin) and restart the system."
Pre-empt, change long string of 5F module to Byte 17 to Skin 4, save and long reboot VCDS or OBDEleven (check)
VCDS method:
OBDEleven Method:
2. Take a copy of the 5F long string before starting for comparison at end to resolve any issues + photograph FeCs
3. Clear SVMs with OBDEleven / VCDS before we start
May not actually be required.
4. Check climate background
From DEB 1447 forum "That helped me a lot, Byte2 = 0x80, otherwise I had no background image in the climate, my original value was 0x03"
5. Install MIB Tool + Patch
GEM version should be above 4.1 for MIB Tool to install via SD.
Prepare SD card:
Extract all files of the M.I.B. to the root directory of a clean SD-Card (FAT32 formatted is requirement!!!)
NEW - GEM Method: use GEM
Insert the SD card into slot SD1 of your MHI2 unit.
Enter Engineering/Red Menu to start SW Update. Select UPDATE, select SD card, select "M.I.B. Launcher V1.0", START update.
Installtion of M.I.B. on your Unit will start. The unit will restart three time until update process is finished.
GEM will be activated as part of the installation.
SVM error has to be cleared via M.I.B. function in GEM after installation
Enter GEM on your unit and have FUN!
Select ==>>M.I.B.-More_Incredible_Bash<<==
See README.TXT file on the download for presentation on the SD
User video here of (similar

) installation... stops before clearing the SVM but shows installation:
Backup current firmware
At this point a branch exists as to whether you really want to update the firmware or continue with your existing firmware. A screen is returned from MIB Tool if the current firmware is not in the patch database on the SD card. The patches are held in the patch directory. You are invited to submit the backup you have made to the M.I.B. team if the firmware does not exist for patches in the patch directory (e.g. not seen before).
In this instance at this time the software 1338 was unknown to the team. Check log file for errors as it tells you.
Goto option 2 below if you are not changing the firmware release.
Fix SVM errors with MIB Tool Again
8. Install MHI2_ER_SEG11_P4709 MU1447 & top up language files if required from MHI2_ER_SEG11_P4708_MU1409 using SWDL manual download, start. Must copy across missing files from 1409 not in 1447 !.
9. Back up with MIB Tool
10. Install Patch from MIB Tool
IFS Root STAGE 2 Patch for Seat 1447 in MIB Tools patch directory MHI2_ER_SEG11_P4709_MU1447_PATCH
(If RoW navigation FeC is required edit txt in the patch with RoW FeC using notepad - see FeC list attached. Patch is setup for Europe)
11. Check TMC parameter 15 is still present (check before the update as well, should be no slash through TMC icon top left if a signal is being received), no bar across it. (Free service used in UK)
Hint. read this and make a note before you start on the process within your VCDS tool so you can put back the desired code if it is changed
12. Clear SVMs with MIB Tool
13. Take out for a drive to test TSR if TSR is configured in the car
Highly unlikely to be an issue
14. Update Maps (e.g. 192)
Option 2 - Stay on Current firmware but update FeCs Using Mib Tool Only
Follow points 5 and 6 above.
You only need to download Mib-Tool since you are retaining the firmware but you may need to obtain a patch file for Mib-Tool if the existing software is not recognized at the end of the backup - see message and check log file. Although dummy patch files can be generated yourself some skills is required.
@jpmedia generated the one I used by sending them a copy of the backup and they returned the file to be dropped into the
patches directory on the SD card of MIB Tool.
Patches already exist for 1219, 1338, 1376, 1409 and 1447 (as of 24/06/2021). An existing patch matching the SW needs to be flashed.
If a dummy patch is supplied by the team as a fix, go to addfec button direct in this menu.
The additional FeCs are populated from within the txt file in the patch. The 08300008 life long FeC code should be in that already. See FeC list attached.
Enter patch_ifs-root option and hit
Add new Fecs to FecContainer.fec. After reboot the unit, long press on / off button (20 second or so) to get a reboot so they take effect and check installed FeCs. The add FeC is shown below.
If the backup is recognized, the firmware hit flash patch image.
In both sub options check the Skoda FeC has been added. Reboot then hold for couple of seconds the menu button to find installed FeC list and check. Correctly enable navigation should find a selected route for more than 30 seconds without telling you the navigation database is not valid. If the wrong navigation FeC is being used on an installed map this error occurs. If OK can now update maps.
Option 3 1447 AIO (subsequent late entry to the listed edited in May 2022)
This option is firmware "1447" but adjusted for the issues covered in option 1 e.g.. missing language files, start up screen issue, plus all FeCs.
Success reported with this by users in April / May 2022. See thread posts. Some users updated directly to 1447AIO from 01xx.
The 1447AIO software:
guest, guest
- OBDEleven / VCDS programming tool to clear the initial SVM. Changing the skin and making corrections.
- Knowledge of infotainment updates on the mib2 high. Ideally, use a PC and 7 zip for unpacking. macOS can generate hidden file characters, use CleanMyDrive and Keka for the Unzip. Probably safer not to use a MAC. Use of SWDL.
- Recommended using a battery charger since interruption of the firmware update can make the unit unbootable. Possible to keep the engine running as an alternative if confident it will not stall.
- Study MIB Tools documentation
- See FeC list attached for alternative RoW navigation lifetime FeCs
- Additional FeCs can be added see addFecs.txt in patch, notepad editor. Default FeCs shown in green on FeC list.
Thanks to
@Chillout @MIB-Wiki @jpmedia @Rsjay and especially
@Angelixx. All risk is down to the individual in changing firmware / updating FeCs.
Edited from all comments and experience to 14/07/2021... these are taken on board. Ignore below to then.