SW update for MIB2 infotainment system?


Full Member
Staff member
1409 is not the latest. 1447 is. Drop me a PM if you want it. Don't pay anyone for software updates.

Nobody has ever said where the updates come from, do they spill out of ODIS or some other route. In the past people have tried to trade in updates on the thread and we know retrofitters sell them with instructions but where do they originate from ?.


Cupra 290 ST
Sep 5, 2016
Morning, I've went through this and other threads but can't find the update for mine, I've not seen many with the same details and they have no information to follow up on.
Chillout sent me a few but none have worked unfortunately.
I have MIiB2
Hardware H30,
Software 0351,

I think it goes 0359 then 0368?

Any help with this would be really appreciated.
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Cupra 290 ST
Sep 5, 2016
Managed to get an update from East Yorkshire Retro fits, took a couple of times to get it to load but ok now.

Does anyone know how to clear the fault code that it leaves behind, ive got OBD Eleven and it doesnt have Confirmation of Installation like VCDS


Full Member
Staff member
Managed to get an update from East Yorkshire Retro fits, took a couple of times to get it to load but ok now.

Does anyone know how to clear the fault code that it leaves behind, ive got OBD Eleven and it doesnt have Confirmation of Installation like VCDS

It's there but needs some labour. Often you have to keep chasing down the error repeating the process since they can stack up with each one cleared at a time so the recalc changes.

Feb 16, 2021
Hi guys, I just bought a used Seat Leon ST, and all i can say is the infotainment system seems pretty good! at least to my ears :cool:
It also has nav system and full link, however I was wondering if I could update the firmware to a more recent one (the car has more than 4 years).
I have seen some users updating it to 330 first and then to 369, however i cannot find the software package anywhere, can please someone help me?

Part No 5QA035846
Software 0245
HMI software H25.14.78_STD2Nav_EU

I am also looking to update the maps, however I still do not know if I have just to download them from the SEAT site and load them to an SD card.... it seems to good to be true.

Thanks if anyone can help out!


Full Member
Staff member
Hi guys, I just bought a used Seat Leon ST, and all i can say is the infotainment system seems pretty good! at least to my ears :cool:
It also has nav system and full link, however I was wondering if I could update the firmware to a more recent one (the car has more than 4 years).
I have seen some users updating it to 330 first and then to 369, however i cannot find the software package anywhere, can please someone help me?

Part No 5QA035846
Software 0245
HMI software H25.14.78_STD2Nav_EU

I am also looking to update the maps, however I still do not know if I have just to download them from the SEAT site and load them to an SD card.... it seems to good to be true.

Thanks if anyone can help out!

Let someone else answer your firmware question. On the maps you have standard navigation system. You must not follow the Seat map update site that's for if you have valid Mapcare which was never sold in the UK. However one guy on the navigation thread back in 2017 developed the "workaround" which side steps Mapcare. See the resource link I wrote

1520 is the current release. I give the link to that but I believe that the Seat Navigation site has that one on it but whether it's Skoda, VW or Seat all the same identical release so you go to the one that is the fastest, generally VW.

The important thing is not to delete your existing overall.nds file on the card, you will need that just to replace the one on the download. Retrofitters sell a £20 mod now that avoids copying that file out but you can save £20. Use the map card that came with the car and follow the link. How to make good accidentally deleting that file is also covered on the link. It was found going back in time was the universal fix to all screw ups with loosing the matching overall.nds file the car is paired to.


Active Member
Oct 8, 2020
M.I.B. update!

Can now be run completely from SD card, no D-Link needed anymore for MHI2 units.



M.I.B. is running on Harman MHI2(Q) units (MIB 2.x) only.

Ensure that a external power is connected to the car during any flash or programming process!
It is not recommended to flash with running engine!
Power failure during flasing/programming will brick your unit.
All you do and use at your own risk!

Prepare SD card:
Extract all files of the M.I.B. to the root directory of a clean SD-Card (FAT32/NTFS formatted)
Patched IFS-stage2 images have to be placed on the SD card in the folder /patches
Pre-patched (CP, FEC and EL) ifs-root-stage2 images can be found for all recent MHI2 FW versions here: https://bit.ly/3nPIHl8
You only have to copy the folder(s) you need for your car(s) - e.g. /patches/MHI2_ER_SKG13_P4526_MU1440_PATCH
They are already prepared in the right way, so that the tool can use them right away
In case you want to use your own patches (not recommended) - ask us first to help you:
For each SW-train a seperate folder is needed e.g. /patches/MHI2_ER_SKG13_P4526_MU1440_PATCH
The folder has to contain the patched ifs-root-stage2 image with the following naming syntax:
"MU-version"-ifs-root-part2-"image start address in hex within RCC"-"image length in hex" --> e.g. MU1440-ifs-part2-0x00ba0000-1C06F300.ifs
image length is on byte 0x20 position 04-07 in little Endian of the original ifs-root-stage2 image (e.g. fresh from FW update)

NEW - GEM Method: use GEM
Insert the SD card into slot SD1 of your MHI2 unit.
Go to SW Update, select UPDATE, select SD card, select "M.I.B. Launcher V1.0", START update.
Installtion of M.I.B. on your Unit will start. The unit will restart three time until update process is finished.
GEM will be activated as part of the installation.
SVM error has to be cleared via M.I.B. function in GEM after installation
Enter GEM on your unit and have FUN!
Select ==>>M.I.B.-More_Incredible_Bash<<==

"old" D-Link Method: Connect to MHI2 and start M.I.B.:
D-Link - e.g. DUB-E100 HW rev. D1 - USB-Ethernet adapter is required to connect to your MHI2 unit.
Use Putty/Kitty to connect via UART or Telnet (MIB IP: and login into RCC (recommended: port:123) or MMX (port:23).
Login and password for your units SW train has to be known: https://anonymousfiles.io/xzi8Nq2r/
Check your SW-train, a pre-patched ifs-root-stage2 has to be present within the folder /patches
Insert the SD card into slot SD1 of your MHI2 unit and login to the RCC shell:
# Mount SD card in slot SD1
mount -uw /net/mmx/fs/sda0/
# start M.I.B by typing

Default screen seize of Putty/Kitty is often too small to display the M.I.B. menu in full.
Increase the window seize manually.

You should see (a more colourful) menu with the following content:

__ __ ___ ___
| \/ | |_ _| | _ )
| |\/| | | | | _ \
|_| |_|ore|___|ncredible|___/ash - V2.5.1 "Lollipop Edition"


** 0 - Backup
Runs a full backup (RCC, MMX, EEPROM, ...) of your unit and places it into the folder /backup/"your hardware ID"

** 1 - VIM patch (199 km/h)
Writes custom Video In Motion (VIM) speed of 199 km/h (yes, too slow for German Autobahn) to your unit
Unit will automatically restart to save changes permanently

** 2 - VIM Original (6 km/h)
Writes factory default Video In Motion (VIM) speed to unit
Unit will automatically restart to save changes permanently

** 3 - IFS-ROOT-Stage2 flash patched image
Will create a backup if it was not already created before
applies patched IFS Stage 2 image - containing patched MIBRoot - to the unit
Copy FEC and EL List to Unit - like option 5
Unit will automatically restart to save changes permanently

** 4 - IFS-ROOT-Stage2 revert to Backup image
Applies original IFS Stage 2 image - containing original/stock MIBRoot - from your system backup to the unit
Unit will automatically restart to save changes permanently

** 5 - Copy FEC and EL List to Unit
Copies ExceptionList.txt and/or FecContainer.fec placed within
e.g. /patches/MHI2_ER_SKG13_P4526_MU1440_PATCH to the unit
if no FEC and/or EL is inside /patch directory, files from /backup folder will be used

** 6 - Developer Menu activation
Developer Menu will be enabled - no need for VCP/VCDS or OBD11 ;)
Unit will automatically restart to save changes permanently

** 7 - CarPlay & Android Auto activation
Coding adaption channels for CP & AA as well as USB with iPhone support
with this, all you need for Carplay is coded, you never need some other coding tools ;-)

** 8 - Ambient Light Buttons Original
When you see this, first take a look on https://www.glaskugelservice.de/codierung/ambientbeleuchtung
it is some special coding only for Skoda Octavia 5E, yet!

** 9 - Ambient Light Buttons patch (first, set to Original)
When you see this, first take a look on https://www.glaskugelservice.de/codierung/ambientbeleuchtung
it is some special coding only for Skoda Octavia 5E, yet!

** F - Fix SVM error
Fix SVM Fault on Unit

** G - Install M.I.B in GEM
Install M.I.B for use in GEM on Unit

** U - Mount USB writeable
makes USB devices writeable

** W - Mountpoints writeable
make some Mounts writeable on the unit

** O - Show OFFSET hashes
some Unit and flash informations, e.g. RCC Image address or image length

** R - Reboot Unit
restart the Unit

** C - cleanup Logs
delete all inside /log directory

** S - show Log (press Q for exit view)
show all our Logs from this Unit

** H - Help
this here...

** L - GPL License
please take a look and note our license


Patch Info:
All patches ifs-root-stage2 files in /patches/ (https://bit.ly/3nPIHl8) contain the following patches - all-in-one file:
CP - Component Protection removed
EL - ExceptionList.txt signature check removed (already prepared and part of each patch)
FEC - FECContainer.fec signature check removed
EL patch will re-enable the installation of MIB2Toolbox on latest FW version, as the removed signature check also applies to the POI upload process.

EL vs FEC:
It is recommended to use the EL patch over FEC.
ExceptionList.txt can be edited with any ASCII editor (Notepad++). Shorten the ExceptionList.txt to the FECs you need.
No need to change FECContainer.fec with WhatTheFec tool, therefore it will stay original on the unit.
In case of FW update - at dealer - no issues with illegal FECContainer and unusable unit.

Supporting Documents:
user: guest
pass: guest

mailto: [email protected]
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/joinchat/EHt4RRksHcMQk6Xi6tFaBw
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/YU3rjatWjT

Get in contact with us to get support and provide feedback about M.I.B.
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Reactions: Walone


Active Member
Nov 18, 2020
M.I.B. update!

Can now be run completely from SD card, no D-Link needed anymore for MHI2 units.

View attachment 22281 View attachment 22282
View attachment 22283

M.I.B. is running on Harman MHI2(Q) units (MIB 2.x) only.

Ensure that a external power is connected to the car during any flash or programming process!
It is not recommended to flash with running engine!
Power failure during flasing/programming will brick your unit.
All you do and use at your own risk!

Prepare SD card:
Extract all files of the M.I.B. to the root directory of a clean SD-Card (FAT32/NTFS formatted)
Patched IFS-stage2 images have to be placed on the SD card in the folder /patches
Pre-patched (CP, FEC and EL) ifs-root-stage2 images can be found for all recent MHI2 FW versions here: https://bit.ly/3nPIHl8
You only have to copy the folder(s) you need for your car(s) - e.g. /patches/MHI2_ER_SKG13_P4526_MU1440_PATCH
They are already prepared in the right way, so that the tool can use them right away
In case you want to use your own patches (not recommended) - ask us first to help you:
For each SW-train a seperate folder is needed e.g. /patches/MHI2_ER_SKG13_P4526_MU1440_PATCH
The folder has to contain the patched ifs-root-stage2 image with the following naming syntax:
"MU-version"-ifs-root-part2-"image start address in hex within RCC"-"image length in hex" --> e.g. MU1440-ifs-part2-0x00ba0000-1C06F300.ifs
image length is on byte 0x20 position 04-07 in little Endian of the original ifs-root-stage2 image (e.g. fresh from FW update)

NEW - GEM Method: use GEM
Insert the SD card into slot SD1 of your MHI2 unit.
Go to SW Update, select UPDATE, select SD card, select "M.I.B. Launcher V1.0", START update.
Installtion of M.I.B. on your Unit will start. The unit will restart three time until update process is finished.
GEM will be activated as part of the installation.
SVM error has to be cleared via M.I.B. function in GEM after installation
Enter GEM on your unit and have FUN!
Select ==>>M.I.B.-More_Incredible_Bash
"old" D-Link Method: Connect to MHI2 and start M.I.B.:
D-Link - e.g. DUB-E100 HW rev. D1 - USB-Ethernet adapter is required to connect to your MHI2 unit.
Use Putty/Kitty to connect via UART or Telnet (MIB IP: and login into RCC (recommended: port:123) or MMX (port:23).
Login and password for your units SW train has to be known: https://anonymousfiles.io/xzi8Nq2r/
Check your SW-train, a pre-patched ifs-root-stage2 has to be present within the folder /patches
Insert the SD card into slot SD1 of your MHI2 unit and login to the RCC shell:
# Mount SD card in slot SD1
mount -uw /net/mmx/fs/sda0/
# start M.I.B by typing

Default screen seize of Putty/Kitty is often too small to display the M.I.B. menu in full.
Increase the window seize manually.

You should see (a more colourful) menu with the following content:

__ __ ___ ___
| \/ | |_ _| | _ )
| |\/| | | | | _ \
|_| |_|ore|___|ncredible|___/ash - V2.5.1 "Lollipop Edition"


** 0 - Backup
Runs a full backup (RCC, MMX, EEPROM, ...) of your unit and places it into the folder /backup/"your hardware ID"

** 1 - VIM patch (199 km/h)
Writes custom Video In Motion (VIM) speed of 199 km/h (yes, too slow for German Autobahn) to your unit
Unit will automatically restart to save changes permanently

** 2 - VIM Original (6 km/h)
Writes factory default Video In Motion (VIM) speed to unit
Unit will automatically restart to save changes permanently

** 3 - IFS-ROOT-Stage2 flash patched image
Will create a backup if it was not already created before
applies patched IFS Stage 2 image - containing patched MIBRoot - to the unit
Copy FEC and EL List to Unit - like option 5
Unit will automatically restart to save changes permanently

** 4 - IFS-ROOT-Stage2 revert to Backup image
Applies original IFS Stage 2 image - containing original/stock MIBRoot - from your system backup to the unit
Unit will automatically restart to save changes permanently

** 5 - Copy FEC and EL List to Unit
Copies ExceptionList.txt and/or FecContainer.fec placed within
e.g. /patches/MHI2_ER_SKG13_P4526_MU1440_PATCH to the unit
if no FEC and/or EL is inside /patch directory, files from /backup folder will be used

** 6 - Developer Menu activation
Developer Menu will be enabled - no need for VCP/VCDS or OBD11 ;)
Unit will automatically restart to save changes permanently

** 7 - CarPlay & Android Auto activation
Coding adaption channels for CP & AA as well as USB with iPhone support
with this, all you need for Carplay is coded, you never need some other coding tools ;-)

** 8 - Ambient Light Buttons Original
When you see this, first take a look on https://www.glaskugelservice.de/codierung/ambientbeleuchtung
it is some special coding only for Skoda Octavia 5E, yet!

** 9 - Ambient Light Buttons patch (first, set to Original)
When you see this, first take a look on https://www.glaskugelservice.de/codierung/ambientbeleuchtung
it is some special coding only for Skoda Octavia 5E, yet!

** F - Fix SVM error
Fix SVM Fault on Unit

** G - Install M.I.B in GEM
Install M.I.B for use in GEM on Unit

** U - Mount USB writeable
makes USB devices writeable

** W - Mountpoints writeable
make some Mounts writeable on the unit

** O - Show OFFSET hashes
some Unit and flash informations, e.g. RCC Image address or image length

** R - Reboot Unit
restart the Unit

** C - cleanup Logs
delete all inside /log directory

** S - show Log (press Q for exit view)
show all our Logs from this Unit

** H - Help
this here...

** L - GPL License
please take a look and note our license


Patch Info:
All patches ifs-root-stage2 files in /patches/ (https://bit.ly/3nPIHl8) contain the following patches - all-in-one file:
CP - Component Protection removed
EL - ExceptionList.txt signature check removed (already prepared and part of each patch)
FEC - FECContainer.fec signature check removed
EL patch will re-enable the installation of MIB2Toolbox on latest FW version, as the removed signature check also applies to the POI upload process.

EL vs FEC:
It is recommended to use the EL patch over FEC.
ExceptionList.txt can be edited with any ASCII editor (Notepad++). Shorten the ExceptionList.txt to the FECs you need.
No need to change FECContainer.fec with WhatTheFec tool, therefore it will stay original on the unit.
In case of FW update - at dealer - no issues with illegal FECContainer and unusable unit.

Supporting Documents:
user: guest
pass: guest

mailto: [email protected]
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/joinchat/EHt4RRksHcMQk6Xi6tFaBw
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/YU3rjatWjT

Get in contact with us to get support and provide feedback about M.I.B.
This update what?

Enviado do meu Redmi Note 9 Pro através do Tapatalk
Mar 7, 2021
Sofia, Bulgaria
Please don't pay for updates...
I'll see if I can supply you guys with some free ones!
Hello @Chillout!, I am new to the forum and Seat community. My System information is : Device part number:: 5F0035864A, HW:040, SW0425, NAV database: 5F019866F 0036 ECE 2014, Media codec:N/A.

Could you give me advice is my Nav MIB-1 and is there a way to be updated?
Thanks in advance!
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Active Member
Aug 5, 2019
1409 is not the latest. 1447 is. Drop me a PM if you want it. Don't pay anyone for software updates.

Hi a question, If i'm on MHI2_ER_SEG11_P4517_MU1219 now and want to go to 1447, do i have to go to 1308 first and then to 1447?
Apr 11, 2021
Hi guys
I've been looking for an update for my MIB2 for a long time...
The device:
Part no. 7N5035680D
Train MST2_EU_SE_PQ_P0351T
SW 0351
SW H.28.28.76_STD2NavPQ_EU

Can someone help me?

Thanks in advance!


Active Member
Jan 14, 2021
The highest you can go is up to 0363 I can point you in the direction of a link and instructions.
Hi guys
I've been looking for an update for my MIB2 for a long time...
The device:
Part no. 7N5035680D
Train MST2_EU_SE_PQ_P0351T
SW 0351
SW H.28.28.76_STD2NavPQ_EU

Can someone help me?

Thanks in advance!
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Active Member
Jan 14, 2021
If anyone can help.
My unit is on 0363 at the moment and want to get it to 0515,
Can this be done without opening the unit up or is that the only way (bar sending it off to someone like East Yorkshire retrofits)
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Active Member
Nov 18, 2020
If anyone can help.
My unit is on 0363 at the moment and want to get it to 0515,
Can this be done without opening the unit up or is that the only way (bar sending it off to someone like East Yorkshire retrofits)
No. u have to Open

Enviado do meu Redmi Note 9 Pro através do Tapatalk
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Active Member
Mar 13, 2020

I've been looking into software updates, I've currently got 0351 (H30). Do I understand correctly that the easiest upgrade available would be 0368?
@arossi101 Did you upgrade your 0351 to 0368 and it left behind an error?


Active Member
Oct 13, 2016
Is there a new FW for this unit? Ty
And is it hard to patch FEC for lifetime navi maps?


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