SW update for MIB2 infotainment system?


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What benefit would you get from any updates? Can't help feeling that if it ain't broke, don't fix it TBH
They are fixes. In the past on the thread AA issues people were told to update. The early days they didn't get the bugs out. For mib2 standard, bug fixes are in each of the series releases, trains as they are called, so they stop adding if they don't have anything else to fix. For mib2 standard there was basically a new train per year with fixes in that train. 4 being the train being talked about. Mibsolution website run by enthusiasts shows that 479 and 480. There will be a difference but pass on it. Whoever runs that database decided to cover both bases.

I've left our Arona at what it came with. 513 or something since there are no issues and we don't use AA.


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Can you safely add camera locations to the MIB2 maps (0910)
Another subject. Mib2 has the user POI VAG import which is part of its design. There are commercial POI files which are ready prepared in the VAG DB format. Then there are knock off ones. There are no UK published official camera poi locations for the UK. They split into fixed and mobile. The mobile ones move about definition so they are likely places. These are published by some police forces out of fairness but ofcourse handheld police or community project based ones aren't. PocketGpsworld ones are crowd sourced. It would be breaking copyright for people to distribute those.

They can be got into the VAG format. Poinspector is one program that reads these files and writes them out in the VAG format for import. They go in like a software update. Sit inside the memory of the unit.




Once Poinspector is set with a proforma easy enough to use it. The Spanish Seat forum generates their Spanish Vag database cameras on it since the police publish locations. I'd say gpsworld have the most detailed of the crowd sourced ones but the database they have has fixed and mobile ones muddled together these days. Your safest bet is TSR warnings if you want to keep within speed.


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Apr 20, 2015
Leyland, Lancashire
Another subject. Mib2 has the user POI VAG import which is part of its design. There are commercial POI files which are ready prepared in the VAG DB format. Then there are knock off ones. There are no UK published official camera poi locations for the UK. They split into fixed and mobile. The mobile ones move about definition so they are likely places. These are published by some police forces out of fairness but ofcourse handheld police or community project based ones aren't. PocketGpsworld ones are crowd sourced. It would be breaking copyright for people to distribute those.

They can be got into the VAG format. Poinspector is one program that reads these files and writes them out in the VAG format for import. They go in like a software update. Sit inside the memory of the unit.




Once Poinspector is set with a proforma easy enough to use it. The Spanish Seat forum generates their Spanish Vag database cameras on it since the police publish locations. I'd say gpsworld have the most detailed of the crowd sourced ones but the database they have has fixed and mobile ones muddled together these days. Your safest bet is TSR warnings if you want to keep within speed.
Thanks, sadly haven't got TSR on mine
Feb 28, 2023
Pleasse Help with an update

MY2018 Leon 5f SC FR




Can I jump to 0516T?
I want to retrofit my car to a cockpit and want the update regarding multicolour (when you pick an ambient color, all the infotainment and cockpit changes as well).

P.S.: can someone help me with the performance monitor as well?

I really appreciate any help you can provide.


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You are not suppose to jump trains which is what that it is. 4 to 5 is a train change. It's suppose to freeze your unit up eg. Brick it. Other people that have had a modified trains have been told to go back to the old train. East Yorkshire Retrofit a board sponsor here offers an on the bench train updates or they did. See their web site but since you are in Israel tricky I guess. Units which refuse to boot up after they have been messed up have to be taken a part, pins shorted out etc. You find instructions on the net for that. You do see modified trains posted up (not here) but given they can end in trouble, not recommended.

The performance monitor is a FeC change. Pass on that on a mib2 standard. I guess it's in the area of the mib2 standard toolkit not the mib2 high one which does that. Mib2 standard toolkit like the high one has to match the software. Again seems little experience on that one on Seats round here. Mib2 high is more amenable to firmware changes that the mib2 standard and FeC updates.
Feb 28, 2023
You are not suppose to jump trains which is what that it is. 4 to 5 is a train change. It's suppose to freeze your unit up eg. Brick it. Other people that have had a modified trains have been told to go back to the old train. East Yorkshire Retrofit a board sponsor here offers an on the bench train updates or they did. See their web site but since you are in Israel tricky I guess. Units which refuse to boot up after they have been messed up have to be taken a part, pins shorted out etc. You find instructions on the net for that. You do see modified trains posted up (not here) but given they can end in trouble, not recommended.

The performance monitor is a FeC change. Pass on that on a mib2 standard. I guess it's in the area of the mib2 standard toolkit not the mib2 high one which does that. Mib2 standard toolkit like the high one has to match the software. Again seems little experience on that one on Seats round here. Mib2 high is more amenable to firmware changes that the mib2 standard and FeC updates.
Thanks for the quick response.
I've tried to look at the toolkit for the monitor performance.
even talked with Eask Yorkshire but can't do it remotely.
so I can jump to 0480T?


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I believe on the updates you keep your existing FeCs so if you don't have the performance monitor now you won't have it with 480T. How the mib2 high works, it will be the same. If you find the mib2 standard toolkit that works with say 480T that might be a way of doing the FeC. You need to check which 4 series software that toolkit work with if that's the route. You can upgrade and downgrade within a train but not across. Well that's an idea.


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This is the project but there has never been much talk about it here

Whether it will do what you ask. You need to research it. I see there is a preamble as well. You might be alright on that.

"NOTE: SD installation method is NOT possible on units with part numbers 5C0035684F (aka variant 17222) and 5F003587*/5QA035874* (aka variants 47213, 47214, 47215, 47216)"

Probably a high risk activity if you haven't got someone with some hands on knowledge.

This is supposed to be used with a patched unit:

Handing over to the experts... seems the mib2 high toolkit has the goodies built in but the mib2 standard toolbox you go out to do an additional procedure with that website.


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Sep 11, 2015
Paris (french)
hi everyone
just to keep you informed, I have just updated
version MST2_EU_SE_ZR_PO0359T, "359T" to "369".
everything is ok, it took 10 minutes, the recognition of my smartphone seems faster and everything works perfectly
thank you all
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Can you explain to me within train? I need to update what is between 0462 until 0480?
The train is "4" so you can go directly to 480. You can't go legitimately to another train although there are hacked ones about. My understanding the memory is divided into banks so once you try to go off train it sticks in the update. That is when the unit needs to be opened up. Put on a bench and pins shorted. You find that documented on the net.
Oct 18, 2023
Bonjour, je suis nouveau.
J’essaie de mettre à jour mon autoradio et je comprend pas grand chose même en lisant les postes ..

j’hésite suis en 0245 mais on me dis que la dernière maj c’est la 0253 pourtant sur le site min solution je peux faire la 0516 .. bref

qu’est-ce que ça apporte de plus qui a la 0253 et pourrais filmer tous les menu pour voir la différence avec la mienne et éventuellement la 0516 ?
Merci d’avance
J’ai une Seat Léon 5F de 2016 (21/12/15)


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Hello, I'm new.
I'm trying to update my car radio and I don't understand much even after reading the posts..

I'm hesitant, I'm in 0245 but I'm told that the last update is 0253, however on the site min solution I can do 0516.. in short

What more does it add to someone who has the 0253 and could film all the menus to see the difference with mine and possibly the 0516?
Thanks in advance
I have a Seat Léon 5F from 2016 (12/21/15)

We like questions in English but I did Google translate.

Mib2 standard operates on "trains" you are on the 2 train. 0245 is 2, 0516 is 5. You can't change trains in the mib2 standard so you take the top release of the 2 train. 0253 you mention is higher than yours so that's an update. Don't attempt to load 0516 in.

Basically the history of the mib2 standard was that they had a year train basically each year. Bug fixes were made historically to each train as they were identified. Bug fixes to the train. Updates across trains are not provided. If you do attempt the update across trains rather than within it may freeze up the unit. Processes exist where you take the unit, open it up, power it up, short two pins or something and it puts it back in boot mode. Covered on the net. People do publish modified firmware which jumps trains but that's at your own risk. You might end up having to do the rescue mode.
Oct 18, 2023

Hello, I'm new.
I'm trying to update my car radio and I don't understand much even after reading the posts..

I'm hesitant, I'm in 0245 but I'm told that the last update is 0253, however on the site min solution I can do 0516.. in short

What more does it add to someone who has the 0253 and could film all the menus to see the difference with mine and possibly the 0516?
Thanks in advance
I have a Seat Léon 5F from 2016 (12/21/15)

We like questions in English but I did Google translate.

Mib2 standard operates on "trains" you are on the 2 train. 0245 is 2, 0516 is 5. You can't change trains in the mib2 standard so you take the top release of the 2 train. 0253 you mention is higher than yours so that's an update. Don't attempt to load 0516 in.

Basically the history of the mib2 standard was that they had a year train basically each year. Bug fixes were made historically to each train as they were identified. Bug fixes to the train. Updates across trains are not provided. If you do attempt the update across trains rather than within it may freeze up the unit. Processes exist where you take the unit, open it up, power it up, short two pins or something and it puts it back in boot mode. Covered on the net. People do publish modified firmware which jumps trains but that's at your own risk. You might end up having to do the rescue mode.
Sorry I’am French guys , thank’s you for your explain.
So What is the difference between 0245 and 0253 ?


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What those updates do never gets published. Probably an internal system document at the time that dealers look at or just do. The updates come off their internal systems. The updates are only suppose to be done within the dealer network but are gathered up by enthusiasts and given away free for anyone who wants to do DIY or sold by others for a token amount.

It would be fair to say most of the updates sorted out Android Auto so where there were issues it was always recommended to update. Basically if you aren't having an issue probably wise not to update. You can downgrade within train if you have a copy of the existing firmware ie. Find it on a website.
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